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Tory politician exposed as IRA "traitor"


in a personal capacity
This is fascinating. The Tory cabinet member for education on Croydon Council has resigned after her past was exposed by an anti cuts campaigner. Cllr Gatland, born Maria McGuire, was an IRA actvist who ran guns and had an affair with the IRA leader and then left, having been "sentenced to death" by the terror organisation.

The most interesting thing for me is her assessment of IRA strategy -
After the IRA's failed secret talks with William Whitelaw, then the Home Secretary, in London in the early 1980s she described the “poverty of thought” in the Belfast leadership. “All along they believed - as I had - that by terrorising the civilian population you increased their desire for peace and blackmailed the British Government into negotiating,” she said. Gerry Adams was one of the leaders at the time who sided with the “hawks”.

Would those of you more familiar with them agree with that assessment?
Sounds very like New Labours foreign policy?

plus que change . . .

You're forgetting something aren't you?

When our supposed lords and masters do things like devastate foreign countries (Iraq and Afghanistan), run guns to rival factions and hire out mercenaries in civil wars (Sierra Leone and the Sandline affair), step back from defending democratically elected governments from Fascist military uprisings (Spain 1936-1939) and collude with Loyalist death squads in Northern Ireland to murder Paddy Finucane among others, it's all perfectly legal and above board.

And if FP's idea of politicians being placed above the law with immunity were to be carried out then hey, those pesky little things like openness, accountability and basic human decency will become even less important to the denizens of the Westminster snakepit than they are now.
She reckons it was de lefties dat blew de whistle...

Some people would certainly dismiss Mcguire as a fantasist, though one cannot deny that she was involved with the republican movement for a year or so. Her idealism can be summed up by her attraction to the 'rugged heroes' of the leadership at that time. She was never what could be called an active service volunteer but appears to have coasted along with some big players in Dublin. The operation that was to bring her notoriety was in typical fashion for those times a farce.

Dave O'Connell,(Daithi OConnail) the Provisional I.R.A.'s political-military swing man, took Maria along as interpreter on an arms-buying trip to Europe. Their mission began as Irish low comedy and ended in fiasco. In Amsterdam their cover was blown, their planeload of Czech bazookas, rocket launchers and hand grenades was impounded, and Maria and Dave lammed out just ahead of the cops. She returned to Dublin a celebrity—too much so for the taste of Sean MacStiofain, the transplanted Englishman who was then the Provisional I.R.A.'s chief of staff. Maria McGuire hated the dour, puritanical MacStiofain and certainly attempted to undermine him also. Bowyer-Bell reckoned she was selected for the ballsed operation due to her 'flower child past due date' image.
Ruaria O'Bradaigh in his autobiography is also scathing of the role she may have played in the movement.

It is most surprising that someone had not made the link with her and Ireland before. As well as her book she is cited in a number of 'authoritive' accounts by Martin Dillon and Bowyer Bell amongst others. For fecks sake I had even heard of her, but not under her married name Gatland (in 1976).

One must bear in mind that in this period the Dublin leadership held sway in the IRAs military phillosophy and there were tensions between it and the eventual leadership in Belfast. Allegedly she cut herself loose after bloody Friday.A dark day on 21 July, 1972, which killed nine people including two soldiers, and injured 130 civilians. That year 479 people died due to the 'troubles', the largest casuality loss in the long war. Some commentators have alluded that the Fridays actions were in respose to Bloody Sunday in Derry 6 months earlier. 1300 bombing campaigns blew all around the six counties that year. Allegedly Adams was very active in that year.

These were hard times for nationalists with oppressive measures brought in shortly after Bloody Friday.

McGuire skipped away when the going got tough. Liberation movements are often attractive entities for 'educated dreamers' who cant hack the real implications of the ugliness of war. A lot of her suppositions of what occured during her time was 'hear say' as such. She wrote 'To Take Arms: My Year with the IRA' in 1972 which Time Magazine called a 'kiss and tell'

Bottom line there will have to be a lot of questions answered. How the feck didnt the Tories know nothing of her past? and why has it came out now?

As far as im concerned she is a muppet and deserves the fallout that may ensue...

Maria Gatland: career profile
Her Croydon Council webpage
This is fascinating. The Tory cabinet member for education on Croydon Council has resigned after her past was exposed by an anti cuts campaigner. Cllr Gatland, born Maria McGuire, was an IRA actvist who ran guns and had an affair with the IRA leader and then left, having been "sentenced to death" by the terror organisation.

The most interesting thing for me is her assessment of IRA strategy -

Would those of you more familiar with them agree with that assessment?

I would summise that there wasnt a concerted campaign against civilians. The aim was to cause maximum disruption to economic targets and the Northern statelet, which led to attacks on the so called 'mainland' which brought the dirty struggle home to the British Ruling class. The chickens as it were coming home to roost garnered more reaction than any bomb in the 6 counties ever could.
Dem damn pesky lefties

Cllr Gatland's confession has apparently come as a complete surprise to the ruling Conservatives leadership who are admitting to not having a clue about her background until this morning.
Cryptic clues to Cllr Gatland's past were given at Monday's council meeting by Dr Peter Latham, one of the leaders of the trade union backed, Save Our Schools campaign.
Following up a written question on academies answered by Cllr Gatland, Dr Latham referred to her as Cllr McGuire.
Apologising quickly and suggesting he was a bit mixed up he said he was a devotee of Irish history and had been reading a book about a year with the provisional IRA which "you Cllr Gatland might have heard about as your are Irish."

She said it never really occurred to mention her background when she got involved with the Conservative party.
Cllr Gatland said: "It was 30 years earlier and I did not see it was relevant to my life.
"I wanted to put something back into the community and I think I have done that since I was elected to the council."
She realised as soon as Dr Peter Latham made references to her book - written under the name of Maria McGuire - at Monday's council meeting that she had to reveal her past to council leader, Mike Fisher.
She said she did not know why the issue had arisen now but was not surprised if left wingers were trying to discredit her and what she was doing.
That must have been a truly terifying experience in such a small area, etc,

Btw, surely, what this wonan did thirty years ago, is now irrelevant when people like McGuiness are in the Assembly, etc. The 'war is over', is it not?
Btw, surely, what this wonan did thirty years ago, is now irrelevant when people like McGuiness are in the Assembly, etc. The 'war is over', is it not?


Fair enough, leaving the IRA at a time when they were becoming more millitant is certainly understandable but to go on to join a bunch of Unionist-loving fuckwits like the Tories is quite perplexing. :hmm:
Fair enough, leaving the IRA at a time when they were becoming more millitant is certainly understandable but to go on to join a bunch of Unionist-loving fuckwits like the Tories is quite perplexing.

That's Northern Irish politics for you ;).

Joining the 'Conservative and Unionist Party' must have been due to her admiration of their 'rugged heroes' in their leadership..

The man responsible for bringing Maria Gatland's political career crashing down said he would have never mentioned her terrorist links if she had agreed to a public vote over the Ashburton schools merger. "I would have kept quiet if Gatland had agreed to schools vote"

UNIONISTS are calling for an explanation and an apology after it emerged she worked with the IRA during the 1970s. DUP MP Gregory Campbell called on Ms Gatland to "explain how she came to make the transition from an extreme left-wing" viewpoint which supported a "murder campaign" to becoming a member of the Conservative Party.

as you may tell im lovin this story
Ole Gregory was on the Stephen Nolan show this morning, actually agreed with some of the stuff he was saying for like the first time ever. :D
Well it was actually due to another Unionist who was even more bitter, backward and quite possibly clutching a copy of the King James version of the Bible while he made a spiel about the DUP sitting in government with Sinn Fein/IRA and Gregory refuted him which was pretty cool I thought considering Gregory is a class A twat imo.
Ole Gregory was on the Stephen Nolan show this morning, actually agreed with some of the stuff he was saying for like the first time ever. :D

his Prozac must be really kickin eh!!!
Had a few chuckles listening esp the 'loyal opposition' on 'sodomy'!

caller " Ive one word for that man, brass neck"
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