Unfortunately in my attempt to see The Mirror and its fraudulent cohorts keel-hauled, I have to
de facto defend Skidmark.
With respect, Wilf, you're posting utter shit. The usually sensible
andysays is doing himself no favours by allying himself to this particular branch of tabloid-led moronity.
So you two have decided that Skidmark, after being hit-up by Alex Wickham, was clearly exploiting his position as an MP to get fucked.
Are you fucking mad?
Honestly, this is part of the ludicrous position than The Mirror are going to hang their hats on.
There is no evidence whatsoever that Skidders offered, or thought that he was expected to provide favours here.
What is far more likely is that this vain, multi-millionaire, politician, up-his-own-arse-so-far-he's-in-a-circle, thought that this hot young lady fancied him.
There is no implicit abuse of power here.