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Tory Long term plan for the NHS

I dont have a HSJ subscription so I cant actually read the story in full, but I think the headline and intro are sufficient anyway.

A communications “playbook” for the government’s NHS building programme tells trusts that major refurbishments and new wings/units which are part of the scheme “must always be referred to as a new hospital”.

Broken record. The vermin have systematically starved the NHS of cash for years with a view to privatising all or significant chunks of it, selling parts off at knock-down prices to their mates. The comparison with other systems here is misleading as the vermin favour the US model and in any case have you got links to back up your claims?
Broken record. The vermin have systematically starved the NHS of cash for years with a view to privatising all or significant chunks of it, selling parts off at knock-down prices to their mates. The comparison with other systems here is misleading as the vermin favour the US model and in any case have you got links to back up your claims?

Nonsense, you’ve no evidence the government favour the US model, it’s a bogeyman comparison that harms any actual debate on improving the NHS.
Nonsense, you’ve no evidence the government favour the US model, it’s a bogeyman comparison that harms any actual debate on improving the NHS.
There is the evidence that Javid has connections with JP Morgan who are invested in US healthcare providers and this article would seems to suggest that the aforementioned providers have their eyes on the prize:

any links to back up the claim to you made above?

Europe and Asia are full of insurance-based healthcare systems which have superior health outcomes to the NHS.
There is the evidence that Javid has connections with JP Morgan who are invested in US healthcare providers and this article would seems to suggest that the aforementioned providers have their eyes on the prize:

any links to back up the claim to you made above?

Are you serious? :D If Javid having worked for a bank is evidence that the government prefer the US model to say, Israel or Spain’s model, then Corbyn having met an anti-Semite is evidence that his Labour government would have expelled the Jews.

There’s loads of published comparisons between different health systems, I’m not going to Google them all for you.
Are you serious? :D If Javid having worked for a bank is evidence that the government prefer the US model to say, Israel or Spain’s model, then Corbyn having met an anti-Semite is evidence that his Labour government would have expelled the Jews.

There’s loads of published comparisons between different health systems, I’m not going to Google them all for you.
No comment on the linked article then? As for Javid only a fool would think there is no link between his erstwhile employers and plans to privatise chunks of the NHS. Instances of the revolving door of appointments as 'consultants' leading to lobbying efforts on behalf of the companies involved are commonplace, and Javid is after all a Randist. It's up to you to provide the evidence for your claim regarding insurance based healthcare systems or STFU. :)
No comment on the linked article then? As for Javid only a fool would think there is no link between his erstwhile employers and plans to privatise chunks of the NHS. Instances of the revolving door of appointments as 'consultants' leading to lobbying efforts on behalf of the companies involved are commonplace, and Javid is after all a Randist. It's up to you to provide the evidence for your claim regarding insurance based healthcare systems or STFU. :)
He's taking the platinumsage
Nonsense, you’ve no evidence the government favour the US model, it’s a bogeyman comparison that harms any actual debate on improving the NHS.

They wrote a book.

Direct Democracy: An Agenda For A New Model Party

They wrote a book.

Direct Democracy: An Agenda For A New Model Party

The master criminal always makes one fatal error and theirs was publishing the plan in a book
McKinsey, that bastion of neoliberal evil, helped the Tories with their long-term plan for destroying the NHS way back in the 70s. I don't think their strategy has really changed much in the intervening period, and Lansley dealt much of the killer blow. Still seems to be about replicating the worst aspects of US healthmisery and finding ways to enslave the hardworking masses to the benefit of a few.
here we go....Javid was just in the US a couple of weeks back talking to health companies out there...and now:

From the Times

...so I would guess "identify" parts of the NHS as "failing" and use that as the excuse to privatise

note use of "outside sponsors"

I blame Blair
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here we go....Javid was just in the US a couple of weeks back talking to health companies out there...and now:

From the Times
View attachment 306457

...so I would guess "identify" parts of the NHS as "failing" and use that as the excuse to privatise

note use of "outside sponsors"

I blame Blair

Just heard that on the radio as well. Wonder if it'll be an extension of Foundation Trusts in reality, give some hospitals complete 'freedom'?
They wrote a book.

Direct Democracy: An Agenda For A New Model Party

missed this :mad:
here we go....Javid was just in the US a couple of weeks back talking to health companies out there...and now:

From the Times
View attachment 306457

...so I would guess "identify" parts of the NHS as "failing" and use that as the excuse to privatise

note use of "outside sponsors"

I blame Blair

The parts that are usually perceived to be 'failing' are generally services that can't be privatized because none would be willing to take them on - for example emergency care (A&E), which will always be horribly loss-making (though, having said that, they did find a way to badly privatize ambulance services some years back). Rather, the idea is to cherry-pick things that can be profitable - usually services that are self-limiting, efficient and work well, such as for specific (often elective) procedures like cataracts, hips, implants or other minimally invasive non-complex operations. So they need to make up a narrative to explain why those services need to be outsourced. Atm that narrative is being structured around the need for an integrated care model (a good thing, in theory), but based on the US system, which is probably the most inefficient, bureaucratic and expensive model in the world.

'Radical Plan' - aka shit it up with some more top-down reorganization of the Lansley variety, outsource and privatize a few more bits, and then tell everyone that we can't possibly afford to care for everyone equally what with us all living longer and whatnot, and so only a few rich should have decent care. The rest of you scum can fight over a few rancid crumbs.
I think there’s an ideological element to this (it’s mainly about carving up a huge entity for profits obviously) but the problem with the NHS (as far as the Tories are concerned) is it’s an example of public ownership of a sector which conspicuously works. Can’t have that.
I think there’s an ideological element to this (it’s mainly about carving up a huge entity for profits obviously) but the problem with the NHS (as far as the Tories are concerned) is it’s an example of public ownership of a sector which conspicuously works. Can’t have that.
its interesting this though isnt it - imagine wanting to dismantle the NHS - imagine actually thinking it - imagine actually wanting to sell it to some cunts in the USA - imagine shagging the flag one minute and thinking some rich cunts in the US deserve more money from this national institution for good - yes its ideological but its more than that, its pathological - these people are sick in the head - i actually find it hard to comprehend
its interesting this though isnt it - imagine wanting to dismantle the NHS - imagine actually thinking it - imagine actually wanting to sell it to some cunts in the USA - imagine shagging the flag one minute and thinking some rich cunts in the US deserve more money from this national institution for good - yes its ideological but its more than that, its pathological - these people are sick in the head - i actually find it hard to comprehend

Helps if you're an empathy-free zone whose only real interest is maximizing your own personal bank account balance and be damned anyone or anything else.
its interesting this though isnt it - imagine wanting to dismantle the NHS - imagine actually thinking it - imagine actually wanting to sell it to some cunts in the USA - imagine shagging the flag one minute and thinking some rich cunts in the US deserve more money from this national institution for good - yes its ideological but its more than that, its pathological - these people are sick in the head - i actually find it hard to comprehend
I’ve been saying this for years (on these boards actually). I’ve studied and worked in two professions. Accountancy and psychiatry (nurse). So i get the ‘business’ mind set. Is it hard for a normal nice person to contemplate breaking up the world’s best (outcomes vs price) health organization for profit? Yes. But these are not normal people. I think there are a lot of psychopaths amongst them. Little or no empathy. Give Dr Robert Hare’s books a read (expert on psychopathy). Particularly Snakes In Suits (about psychopaths in the work place). It’s quite the eye opener realizing how prevalent the condition is in general society. Not all psychopaths get convicted of crimes.
I’ve been saying this for years (on these boards actually). I’ve studied and worked in two professions. Accountancy and psychiatry (nurse). So i get the ‘business’ mind set. Is it hard for a normal nice person to contemplate breaking up the world’s best (outcomes vs price) health organization for profit? Yes. But these are not normal people. I think there are a lot of psychopaths amongst them. Little or no empathy. Give Dr Robert Hare’s books a read (expert on psychopathy). Particularly Snakes In Suits (about psychopaths in the work place). It’s quite the eye opener realizing how prevalent the condition is in general society. Not all psychopaths get convicted of crimes.
i dont know much about this but i gather there used to be a stronger marxist-psychoanalytical strand in left politics - it would be good if there was more of it. wtf is wrong with these people is an important question and profit motive isnt a conclusive enough answer for me
. Give Dr Robert Hare’s books a read (expert on psychopathy). Particularly Snakes In Suits (about psychopaths in the work place). It’s quite the eye opener realizing how prevalent the condition is in general society. Not all psychopaths get convicted of crimes.

"The authors describe a "five phase model" of how a typical workplace psychopath climbs to and maintains power: entry, assessment, manipulation, confrontation, and ascension. In the entry stage, the psychopath will use highly developed social skills and charm to obtain employment in an organisation. At this stage it will be difficult to spot anything which is indicative of psychopathic behaviour, and as a new employee you might perceive the psychopath to be helpful and even benevolent. Once on to the assessment stage, the psychopath will weigh you up according to your usefulness, and you could be recognised as either a pawn (who has some informal influence and will be easily manipulated) or a patron (who has formal power and will be used by the psychopath to protect against attacks).

Manipulation involves the psychopath creating a scenario of “psychopathic fiction” where positive information about themselves and negative disinformation about others will be created, where your role as a part of a network of pawns or patrons will be utilised and you will be groomed into accepting the psychopath's agenda. Once on to the confrontation stage, the psychopath will use techniques of character assassination to maintain their agenda, and you will be either discarded as a pawn or used as a patron. Finally, in the ascension stage, the role of the subject as a patron in the psychopath’s quest for power will be discarded, and the psychopath will take for himself/herself a position of power and prestige from anyone who once supported them."

....sounds like so many people who get to the top in 'democratic' party politics

"The authors describe a "five phase model" of how a typical workplace psychopath climbs to and maintains power: entry, assessment, manipulation, confrontation, and ascension. In the entry stage, the psychopath will use highly developed social skills and charm to obtain employment in an organisation. At this stage it will be difficult to spot anything which is indicative of psychopathic behaviour, and as a new employee you might perceive the psychopath to be helpful and even benevolent. Once on to the assessment stage, the psychopath will weigh you up according to your usefulness, and you could be recognised as either a pawn (who has some informal influence and will be easily manipulated) or a patron (who has formal power and will be used by the psychopath to protect against attacks).

Manipulation involves the psychopath creating a scenario of “psychopathic fiction” where positive information about themselves and negative disinformation about others will be created, where your role as a part of a network of pawns or patrons will be utilised and you will be groomed into accepting the psychopath's agenda. Once on to the confrontation stage, the psychopath will use techniques of character assassination to maintain their agenda, and you will be either discarded as a pawn or used as a patron. Finally, in the ascension stage, the role of the subject as a patron in the psychopath’s quest for power will be discarded, and the psychopath will take for himself/herself a position of power and prestige from anyone who once supported them."

....sounds like so many people who get to the top in 'democratic' party politics
Isn’t it? Try ‘Without Conscience’ By Dr Hare. Broader look at the condition. I actually deal with a lot of people at work who have the axis 2 diagnosis (’anti-social personality disorder’ these days). Have a look at Dr Hare’s psychopathy diagnostic check list and the apply it to the cunt in number 10. You’ll be…not surprised.
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