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Tommy Robinson, the court case and (guffaw) 'free speech'

PS. How do you feel about the fact Tommy might be out of prison soon?
ok i'll bite.Personally don't care one way or the other really how long he sits in prison, perhaps him getting out sooner would help reduce the martyr narrative. But I but do feel some fear when i read about Bannon perhaps considering him as a figurehead for this new project of his.
PS. How do you feel about the fact Tommy might be out of prison soon?
It'll be a disaster of epic proportions for all right-thinking people everywhere.
Or maybe it won't matter much one way or the other outside a small bunchof his arse lickers like you. We can get back to ignoring him and he can get back to working on his next trick to get in the papers.
No, Mircea Eliade.

Come on, i thought you were a proper intellectual?
I’m not an intellectual, I didn’t say I was smart, I said (and based this on the near constant stream of abuse I received here) that most of the posters on this site were morons who were incapable of engaging in rational debate without resorting to insults and that successful political leaders had noticed that this tends to happen when ones opponents had run out of rational arguments.

I also said that the far left are a deeply unpleasant bunch of totalitarian ideologues who are every bit as loathesome and intolerant as the far right that they claim to despise and yet have so much in common with. I also said I’m not going to put much effort into posting and I will mainly just be gloating whenever I’m around from now on. So bye for today I guess :)
I’m not an intellectual, I didn’t say I was smart, I said (and based this on the near constant stream of abuse I received here) that most of the posters on this site were morons who were incapable of engaging in rational debate without resorting to insults and that successful political leaders had noticed that this tends to happen when ones opponents had run out of rational arguments.

I also said that the far left are a deeply unpleasant bunch of totalitarian ideologues who are every bit as loathesome and intolerant as the far right that they claim to despise and yet have so much in common with. I also said I’m not going to put much effort into posting and I will mainly just be gloating whenever I’m around from now on. So bye for today I guess :)
What abuse where?
Locked up for speaking the truth?
Ner, he was locked up because he's a silly cunt that broke the law in an attempt to make an especially idiotic political point.
I also said that the far left are a deeply unpleasant bunch of totalitarian ideologues who are every bit as loathesome and intolerant as the far right that they claim to despise and yet have so much in common with. I also said I’m not going to put much effort into posting and I will mainly just be gloating whenever I’m around from now on. So bye for today I guess :)

What are your feelings re: Anita Sarkeesian?
I’m not an intellectual, I didn’t say I was smart, I said (and based this on the near constant stream of abuse I received here) that most of the posters on this site were morons who were incapable of engaging in rational debate without resorting to insults and that successful political leaders had noticed that this tends to happen when ones opponents had run out of rational arguments.

I also said that the far left are a deeply unpleasant bunch of totalitarian ideologues who are every bit as loathesome and intolerant as the far right that they claim to despise and yet have so much in common with. I also said I’m not going to put much effort into posting and I will mainly just be gloating whenever I’m around from now on. So bye for today I guess :)
Your mum is a moron who's incapable of engaging in rational debate without resorting to insults.
I also said that the far left are a deeply unpleasant bunch of totalitarian ideologues who are every bit as loathesome and intolerant as the far right that they claim to despise and yet have so much in common with. I also said I’m not going to put much effort into posting and I will mainly just be gloating whenever I’m around from now on. So bye for today I guess :)

Gloating why? All you've done so far is rail against an imaginary enemy, and aside from regurgitating somebody else's arguments (gleaned from a book which is nothing more than one of probably thousands purporting to explain our times and their place in history, and all of them saying different things), basically fail to answer anything put to you.

And you need to drop the obsession with totalitarianism. It never really existed in the literal sense in the first place, and isn't coming back in any form.
Most cultures have believed/acknowledged that there is a rhythmic or seasonal nature to history. The Romans even had a term for it. Christianity changed that mind set though because in Christian theology time is a linear concept with a beginning and leading to an ‘end of days’ for everyone, after which there is heaven and hell as a fixed eternal state. So the church used to see time as a journey towards a fixed end state. Communism and other utopian ideas that think they can control society enough to implement and keep a near utopia also tend to see things more linearly. They don’t imagine that there will ever be a break down or forty turning after their glorious revolutions. Other countries are in different parts of the cycle and it will manifest differently if the country is not democratic and ruled by just a few people. Are you actually interested in a discussion though? Or just another lefty bigot incapable of reason or debate?

Communist Jews ...24 Protocols of Zion ? .... Shit troll .
For someone who claims to have been on the left rsf appears totally ignorant, like most right wing commentators, of the diversity of thought on the left in general and more specifically round here. To the new right/alt right we are all actual or closet “Stalinists”, despite the fact that actual current Stalinists have a lot more in common with the far right than most of the diverse left of centre posters on here.
The journalistic “looney left”/“overgrown students” trope is just tiresome drivel. Ten minutes looking at actual debates on other topics on here would show the diversity of views, betraying the image of intolerant leftist groupthink. On the other hand the left are expected to recognise a veritable rainbow of opinion on the right with no responsibility taken for any actions of one part by any other.
Most of us on here would be equally likely to end up in prison, dead or in exile were a fascist or Stalinist regime, or even an “emergency powers” authoritarian capitalist regime to be in place in Britain.
If rsf is not a troll, he/she should get a clue about the real views and activities of left currents represented on here before dismissing most of us with daft RW media labels.
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