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Tommy Robinson, the court case and (guffaw) 'free speech'

Apparently he didn't turn up at court because he was ‘suffering from a number of mental health issues which he says are attributable to harassment by various individuals’.
What were these beastly swine doing, refusing to answer the door to him and his coked up 'camera assistants' when they went independent journalisting in the wee small hours? The rotters!
Isn’t it like a gang signal thing based on the anti-fascist three arrows?

I’m not really keen on that subcultural stuff, but whatever.
Confusingly, I thought of three fingers as being a KKK thing, although I now can't find much confirmation of this beyond urbandictionary:

Although I suppose there's probably not that many Klan in Bristol?
Oh dear.

Tommy is facing contempt of court proceedings for not turning up at court to be questioned about his finances. Although contempt of court has a quaint ring to it, a judge can send you to prison for it. And when you get out, you still have to do whatever you didn't do in the first place.

Apparently he didn't turn up at court because he was ‘suffering from a number of mental health issues which he says are attributable to harassment by various individuals’.

The judge has set a date for the contempt hearing saying that ‘were he to fail to attend again, that would be an aggravating feature’. :D
Don't you just love how these hard as nails cunts, who are only too happy to play the Big Man, suddenly turn into quivering little snowflakes the minute it suits them to...?
Don't you just love how these hard as nails cunts, who are only too happy to play the Big Man, suddenly turn into quivering little snowflakes the minute it suits them to...?

After he was ordered to pay Syrian refugee Jamal Hijazi £100k for libel, Tommy's plan was presumably to hide his assets, declare himself bankrupt, wait the year for that to pass and then return to his life of comfort.

Advocacy group Hope not Hate has been helping Jamal and poking Tommy with a legal stick.

The contempt hearing is in August. Tommy may find out that fucking around with High Court judges is a bad idea.
After he was ordered to pay Syrian refugee Jamal Hijazi £100k for libel, Tommy's plan was presumably to hide his assets, declare himself bankrupt, wait the year for that to pass and then return to his life of comfort.

Advocacy group Hope not Hate has been helping Jamal and poking Tommy with a legal stick.

The contempt hearing is in August. Tommy may find out that fucking around with High Court judges is a bad idea.
I think he has so far proven himself to be far too stupid to learn anything about fucking around with the courts. I can see that twat doing time pretty soon...
I think he has so far proven himself to be far too stupid to learn anything about fucking around with the courts. I can see that twat doing time pretty soon...

more so him hiding in the pedo wing whilst proclaiming it to make sure he is protected from other inmates

must remind him of the english defense league
Does he still have many acolytes? He seems a lot less visible and you don’t hear people banging on about him quite as much, would it be optimistic to think of him as yesterdays news? The grifting moved on from racist shite to anti-lockdown stuff and I don’t think he made himself a figurehead of that movement.
One of the local Tory candidates in Plymouth in May - Sonia Hosking - had this on her FB page.....

2022-05-22 (25).png
The local Tory party was made aware of this. But nothing was done. It is still on her page.

Apparently more evidence that such a character and his Islamophobia is considered acceptable in the Tory party of today. Certainly in Plymouth.
You sound surprised?
Surprised? No. But shocked that they don't see this as a potential problem re adverse publicity. And that the local media who have also been informed by numerous people seem uninterested too.
Last year the same candidate stood as an Independent. Back then I was still in the Labour party and informed the local party about the above. They urged me not to go public with it but to leave it with them to deal with more effectively. They then did and said nothing.

It seems no one cares. Too eager to keep the racist vote on board.
One of the local Tory candidates in Plymouth in May - Sonia Hosking - had this on her FB page.....

View attachment 326658
The local Tory party was made aware of this. But nothing was done. It is still on her page.

Apparently more evidence that such a character and his Islamophobia is considered acceptable in the Tory party of today. Certainly in Plymouth.
Yes, massive facepalm. Getting into argument of sorts with fash on Twitter who think that Robinson is a 'renegade freedom fighter' for turning up and filming outside court where Asian men are being tried in a grooming case.

My understanding is that he is arrested for Breach of peace because he has form for potential or actual contempt of court if allowed to continue his bullshit.

The fash and fash apologists (mostly from US) see this as 'the government' 'covering up' the case, whereas presumably it's not really anything to do with the government, and it's not about 'protecting' the men accused but preventing the case getting thrown out on a technicality because the prosecution has been compromised by Robinson's bullshit. Ie, Robinson could get guilty people let off if allowed to film and post up incendiary crap about the case. Am I understanding it correctly?


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I wonder what his supporters think about him using their donations for self enrichment. Maybe they simply don’t care as long as he publicly represents their views. Which makes him the victim again here so more money.

That's the world we're in now. Here and the US. Depressing
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