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Tommy Robinson, the court case and (guffaw) 'free speech'

ok i'll bite.Personally don't care one way or the other really how long he sits in prison, perhaps him getting out sooner would help reduce the martyr narrative. But I but do feel some fear when i read about Bannon perhaps considering him as a figurehead for this new project of his.
At the time I assumed the sentence was judged so that, with good behaviour, he would be out after the related September trial his breach of reporting restrictions would potentially have predjudiced.
Are you seriously saying that you haven't been expecting them to though? :rolleyes: I certainly have given the tripe they have been posting and I imagine that is what Ralph Llama was picking up on too.
I haven't tbh, didn't get that impression. Think this Rsf is probably more of a Bannon type (Islam versus 'the judeo-christian West' etc). In any case think its stupid what ralph said, had nothing to do with anything that's been said and don't think totally baseless accusations of antisemitism are going to help anybody especially now.
I haven't tbh, didn't get that impression. Think this Rsf is probably more of a Bannon type (Islam versus 'the judeo-christian West' etc). In any case think its stupid what ralph said, had nothing to do with anything that's been said and don't think totally baseless accusations of antisemitism are going to help anybody especially now.

But that isn't what happened. What RL posted was akin to posting 'yeah, yeah, what next the protocols of Zion?' That isn't an accusation of antisemitism, it's more dismissing their drivel and alikening it to conspiraloonery.
Indeed that is what I was presuming, possibly wrongly, so I`ll take it back.

Sorry for presuming you are on the cusp of right wing extremism RSF, if you want to continue your debate, please do, and i`m sure you will find stimulating responses that are not just rude assumptions like mine. :)
Indeed that is what I was presuming, possibly wrongly, so I`ll take it back.

Sorry for presuming you are on the cusp of right wing extremism RSF, if you want to continue your debate, please do, and i`m sure you will find stimulating responses that are not just rude assumptions like mine. :)
Not from me he won't, treat them with the contempt they deserve.
Once more on the strange alliance. This is from the fall out over the Justice for Our Boys campaign.
This video shows what happens to middle class Tory boys in UKIP the morning after the night before they ended up in bed with what seemed to be a good thing.

Luke Alexander btw is the chap who organised the Cambridge Free TR flop, also a member of Ann Marie Waters For Britain group .
James/Jimmy/Jamie Goddard is originally from Liecester ( once claimed he wanted to 'sort out' Riza Khan who was an Asian member of Liecester Citys Baby Squad) based in London has links with the Pendragons and was around Britain First. Absolute windbag who is scared of his own shadow according to someone who was at Longslade Community College with him. Glen Saffer was around Norwich EDL and is a boxing coach.

No surprises there then, his appeal was overseen by the most senior judge in England and Wales so I expected a sensible judgement but I don’t yet know the details.

Tommy Robinson has clearly been persecuted by the state for his political action and highlighted issues that parts of the establishment would rather have swept under the carpet. Had these issues not been swept under the carpet I don’t believe he would be the figure he is today.

His fraud conviction was for lending a family member money for a mortgage deposit (you’re not supported to borrow a deposit) in a case where the bank and nobody else lost any money. I’m sure millions of people must have done things like this. Yet only he seems to have been prosecuted for it. After the mortgage case his early release from jail conditions were that he wasn’t allowed to associate with people from the EDL. What has that got to do with mortgage fraud? Well I would guess that if your are in prison for mortgage fraud and your bail conditions are that you must not associate with the EDL then perhaps you weren’t really in prison for mortgage fraud. That’s a political prosecution and a political prisoner in my book.

His assault charge I agree with. He joined the BNP not realising that they were so racist (how this wouldn’t have been obvious to anyone I don’t know but the events that followed seem to suggest he really was politically that naive at the time), then left the BNP and expelled BNP members from the EDL and ended up assaulting far right infiltraters at an EDL demo. I agree that just because someone is a NAZI doesn’t mean you can just go around assaulting them. After tommy left the EDL and went to work for Quilliam the far right appear to have successfully taken over the EDL. The early EDL wasn’t organised fascism.

His first contempt of court was for a 45 second selfie video on the steps of a court. Will be interesting to read the facts about this one...
No surprises there then, his appeal was overseen by the most senior judge in England and Wales so I expected a sensible judgement but I don’t yet know the details.

Tommy Robinson has clearly been persecuted by the state for his political action and highlighted issues that parts of the establishment would rather have swept under the carpet. Had these issues not been swept under the carpet I don’t believe he would be the figure he is today.

His fraud conviction was for lending a family member money for a mortgage deposit (you’re not supported to borrow a deposit) in a case where the bank and nobody else lost any money. I’m sure millions of people must have done things like this. Yet only he seems to have been prosecuted for it. After the mortgage case his early release from jail conditions were that he wasn’t allowed to associate with people from the EDL. What has that got to do with mortgage fraud? Well I would guess that if your are in prison for mortgage fraud and your bail conditions are that you must not associate with the EDL then perhaps you weren’t really in prison for mortgage fraud. That’s a political prosecution and a political prisoner in my book.

His assault charge I agree with. He joined the BNP not realising that they were so racist (how this wouldn’t have been obvious to anyone I don’t know but the events that followed seem to suggest he really was politically that naive at the time), then left the BNP and expelled BNP members from the EDL and ended up assaulting far right infiltraters at an EDL demo. I agree that just because someone is a NAZI doesn’t mean you can just go around assaulting them. After tommy left the EDL and went to work for Quilliam the far right appear to have successfully taken over the EDL. The early EDL wasn’t organised fascism.

His first contempt of court was for a 45 second selfie video on the steps of a court. Will be interesting to read the facts about this one...
here it is!!
how was he "persecuted by the state for his political action" and what was that "political action"? for starters
His first contempt was for:

The appellant attended Canterbury Crown Court on 8 May 2017 during the trial of four defendants for rape. The jury had been sent out for deliberation. The appellant carried out filming with a commentaryon the steps of and inside the court building, although he did not film in the courtroom itself. He had intended to film the defendants but the trial judge had been made aware of his activities and had divertedthe defendants through another exit. Notices throughout the court building made itclear that filming or taking photographs at court was an offence and might amount tocontempt of court. The appellant had also been told to stop filming by security staffand warned that if he continued he might be committing an offence or be in contemptof court. He was arrested on 10 May 2017 and brought before Canterbury CrownCourt. Proceedings were adjourned until 22 May 2017 when the judge explained thathis filming could have the effect of substantially derailing the trial. The appellant wasrepresented by leading and junior counsel andapologised to the court. The judgeconsidered that the seriousness of the contempt called for committal and committedthe appellant to three months’ imprisonment suspended for 18 months.

Your lies are getting more and more obvious.
His ADMITTED mortgage fraud

Ex-EDL leader jailed for £160k fraud

Judge Andrew Bright QC described him as the "instigator, if not the architect" of some of the frauds.

Passing sentence, the judge told him: "This was an operation which was fraudulent from the outset and involved a significant amount of forward planning."

He described Robinson as a "fixer" who had introduced others to fraudulent mortgage broker Deborah Rothschild.

"I am satisfied you took part in a thoroughly dishonest course of conduct," he told him.
No surprises there then, his appeal was overseen by the most senior judge in England and Wales so I expected a sensible judgement but I don’t yet know the details.

Tommy Robinson has clearly been persecuted by the state for his political action and highlighted issues that parts of the establishment would rather have swept under the carpet. Had these issues not been swept under the carpet I don’t believe he would be the figure he is today.

His fraud conviction was for lending a family member money for a mortgage deposit (you’re not supported to borrow a deposit) in a case where the bank and nobody else lost any money. I’m sure millions of people must have done things like this. Yet only he seems to have been prosecuted for it. After the mortgage case his early release from jail conditions were that he wasn’t allowed to associate with people from the EDL. What has that got to do with mortgage fraud? Well I would guess that if your are in prison for mortgage fraud and your bail conditions are that you must not associate with the EDL then perhaps you weren’t really in prison for mortgage fraud. That’s a political prosecution and a political prisoner in my book.

His assault charge I agree with. He joined the BNP not realising that they were so racist (how this wouldn’t have been obvious to anyone I don’t know but the events that followed seem to suggest he really was politically that naive at the time), then left the BNP and expelled BNP members from the EDL and ended up assaulting far right infiltraters at an EDL demo. I agree that just because someone is a NAZI doesn’t mean you can just go around assaulting them. After tommy left the EDL and went to work for Quilliam the far right appear to have successfully taken over the EDL. The early EDL wasn’t organised fascism.

His first contempt of court was for a 45 second selfie video on the steps of a court. Will be interesting to read the facts about this one...
how does having a trial = "establishment would rather have swept under the carpet"?
And he's been let out on a technicality because from the judgement...

(Edited on the basis that it might be contempt of court...)
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His fraud conviction was for lending a family member money for a mortgage deposit (you’re not supported to borrow a deposit) in a case where the bank and nobody else lost any money. I’m sure millions of people must have done things like this. Yet only he seems to have been prosecuted for it. After the mortgage case his early release from jail conditions were that he wasn’t allowed to associate with people from the EDL. What has that got to do with mortgage fraud? Well I would guess that if your are in prison for mortgage fraud and your bail conditions are that you must not associate with the EDL then perhaps you weren’t really in prison for mortgage fraud. That’s a political prosecution and a political prisoner in my book.

er - no he wasn't. He was convicted for mortgage fraud because he lent people deposits and then introduced them to a bent mortgage broker, who managed to obtain them mortgages with fake pay slips.
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