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Tiverton and Honiton by-election

A few high profile cabinet resignations ought to do it. I can’t see him lasting much longer to be honest. However, you never know with this shower of shite.
Thing is, the cabinet is such a bunch of talentless non-entities that most of them wouldn’t rock the boat by resigning as nobody else would give them a job. That’s a deliberate strategy by Johnson, keep them dependent on his patronage. Also nobody he elevates has the skills or public appeal to take over his job. The party is short on options to replace him. He’s going to be there shitting in the bed for a while longer.
A few high profile cabinet resignations ought to do it. I can’t see him lasting much longer to be honest. However, you never know with this shower of shite.

That would certainly help, but the way he's effectively surrounded himself with those dependent on him rather than being cabinet members because their actual merit means that ministerial resignations are less likely than if any of the cabinet had some independence.

Still may happen eventually, but I wouldn't to try and predict who might be the first to resign.

As Dogsauce has already pointed out
That would certainly help, but the way he's effectively surrounded himself with those dependent on him rather than being cabinet members because their actual merit means that ministerial resignations are less likely than if any of the cabinet had some independence.


Many of this cabinet of total mediocrities will never be ministers or mps again after this government, so they are pretty unlikely to take him down.

Many of this cabinet of total mediocrities will never be ministers or mps again after this government, so they are pretty unlikely to take him down.
Every time Johnson has been in trouble, he has a mini re-shuffle to (a) give a few headlines, and (b) to reward those who've showed blind loyalty by going on GMB to defend the indefensible.

No cabinet member will go on a point of principle, by this point I think we've safely established they don't have any. But any who get wind the next reshuffle sees them out of the inner circle? Petty vindictiveness is a character trait which has been rewarded in this government.
doing a sad little dance still :(
If he could grow more Dorries and Fabricants in a vat he’d just populate the cabinet with these replicants and nobody else. Tbh it would be quite funny to watch them interacting with each other.
If he could grow more Dorries and Fabricants in a vat he’d just populate the cabinet with these replicants and nobody else. Tbh it would be quite funny to watch them interacting with each other.
dorries and fabricant were grown in vats. but as they emerged from the gloop (this is a technical term for artificial primordial soup) the horror they engendered in their creator made him sick with terror and in a fit of remorseful anger he destroyed the apparatus and plans. sadly dorries and fabricant had by this time escaped from the laboratory.
If he could grow more Dorries and Fabricants in a vat he’d just populate the cabinet with these replicants and nobody else. Tbh it would be quite funny to watch them interacting with each other.

I think its increasingly obvious that he ends up doing that, and then created some kind of temporal anomaly looping back sixty years.

The best evidence of this is when you consider what the child of Dorries and Fabricant clones would look like, were they to overly interact - pale-faced, ridiculous light coloured hair, doughy, utterly amoral, fond of hearing their own voice and with a partiality for coffeemate and similar powdered substances.
Mps in fear of losing their seats are the most likely want Johnson out. There is no convention that his replacement would have to call a ge. The new pm would almost certainly wait until they had to before calling an election (late 2024).
As for a confidence vote, no tory MP is going to vote no confidence and trigger a general election (and presumably be ejected from the party) . A no confidence vote would Only suceed if they lost their majority in Parliament. That's what happened to callaghan in 1979.
Boris has got that Eton instilled sense of entitlement that means he will carry on.

Too many Tory MPs are likely to lose their seats in a GE at the moment to try to get rid of him at the moment.

I don't know the rules, but if Labour can call a no confidence vote, the tories have a big enough majority to win the vote. There are too many tory MPs for whom this is the only job they are ever going to get where they can make £80k a year plus expenses. Like Johnson, they will cling on.

Those more established tories in "safe" seats that have been around a long time may be getting worried though.
As oppose to whatever minor public school instilled sense of entitlement that led Corbyn and May feel they were entitled to carry on.
Corbyn was supported by the membership but up against a majority of right wing/Blairite MPs.
Yes, exactly he was even less popular with his parliamentary party than Johnson is with his. At least Johnson scraped a victory in that parliamentary vote of confidenceæ in 2016 Corbyn lost a similar vote 172 to 40, but still stayed on as leader for another 3 years. That is the way British parliamentary politics seems to work at the moment.

Labour MPs pass no-confidence motion in Jeremy Corbyn
I think it might have been

View attachment 328949
Figure 1. Membership of UK political parties, 2002 to 2018. ['000's]

Ah, you might well be right there then, I hadn’t seen those figures.

Although a number of labour-supporting non-members became card-carrying specifically to vote against Momentum entryism in local parties*, so I guess we’ll never actually know.

* source - personal experience of friends and family.
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