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Titanic tourist sub missing

"Dive expert David Mearns told the BBC the president of the Explorers Club - which is connected to the diving and rescue community - says the debris includes "a landing frame and a rear cover from the submersible"

IT'S STILL TRUE !!#*&&^!
On Sky he said the rear cover wasn’t essential, it was there ‘because it looked cool’. So that’s nice. None of what you need but flourishes to pamper someone's vanity a bit more. I’m deeply sorry it sounds as if the four passengers didn’t have the chance to take it up with the arsehole who designed it once it failed.

Apparently the French diver onboard had been involved in the Air France investigation - so despite what’s been said, not even all of the four older men were just egotistical super-rich boys playing with toys. I really feel for the surviving parent of Suleman - her son was just a kid starting out at the beginning of his adult life.
So, a catastrophic implosion of the pressure hull is looking to be the likely failure mode for this complete hash of a submersible craft. The rear cover might have been attached with gaffer tape and dreams, but that landing frame looks like it could have been more firmly attached. If I were to make a bet, I'd say that it was the front viewing porthole that went first. That shit's most likely to fail if it's only one-third as strong as it needs to be.

Turns out that manned excursions to environments extremely hostile to human life are massively expensive and laden with redundancies for some pretty damn good reasons. NASA has learnt these lessons well, which is why their manned space program moves as slow as it does. Safety is not optional if you want to come back alive.
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On Sky he said the rear cover wasn’t essential, it was there ‘because it looked cool’. So that’s nice. None of what you need but flourishes to pamper someone's vanity a bit more. I’m deeply sorry it sounds as if the four passengers didn’t have the chance to take it up with the arsehole who designed it once it failed.

Apparently the French diver onboard had been involved in the Air France investigation - so despite what’s been said, not even all of the four older men were just egotistical super-rich boys playing with toys. I really feel for the surviving parent of Suleman - her son was just a kid starting out at the beginning of his adult life.

I bet it looks really fucking cool 4000m down at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean
I’ve been pondering the notion that the intense efforts were in anticipation of some kind of reward from the grateful survivors - no, no, that’s just crazy talk….
What would happen to a human body in an implosion at that depth?

Mythbusters put a pig in a deep sea diving suit and compressed it to 135psi, and this happened:

The people in the submersible would have been subjected to more than 20 times that pressure, and almost instantaneously.
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