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Time for Blair


Hypothetical Wanker
Says Adonis.

Meanwhile Twitter gives the obvious replies that no doubt some of you are itching to post :D

I mean it's not going to happen, is it?

Is it?

Be fucking funny though.
Any talk of the (im)possibility of Blair returning to lead the LP or whatever, is a waste of time IMO.

It's not going to happern, Adonis is talking utter shit, and such chatter distracts from keeping an eye out for other Blairites hovering in the wings :hmm:
That's it though they've no seeming political sales pitch, middling toadies. Corbyn was a brief rally (for a bit) in the party's decline, sticking with Starmer will see them spiral downwards. Or rather, that is what we are watching.
not sure what would give me more heartburt a pint of harp or tony blair re-entering politics

fuck me rather have Gordon
not sure what would give me more heartburt a pint of harp or tony blair re-entering politics

fuck me rather have Gordon
Gordon Brown is what was once known as an elder statesman. Media go to him for his considered opinion & although his views on independence don't always go down well he has retired with respect & without making a cunt of himself or lining his pockets.
aside from being the main face of remain in the first indyref

would still be better rentering politics than blair
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