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Tim Pool. Investigative journalism in Sweden after Trump allegations on immigration problems

Rudkowski would be a completely credible attendee by the way, it's not at all hard to find him with several of the others on that list.
Thanks. Seems that he covered Ferguson from 10 oktober

He is listed in the panel at the conference for the 30 september and there is a post on his Twitter but only a link with news
Could be posted from anywhere, including Tehran

Found an image on instagram dated 29 september where he is on a plane

The fact that they didn´t go public on the web, livestreaming, Twitter etc doesn´t have to be proof of them not beeing in Tehran though. It is not that kind of event that you would go bosting about attending...
For a guy that keep on posting almost everyday on Twitter and Facebook it is strangely quiet these dates from mr Pool. He is not posting anything that proves that he wasn´t in Tehran, at least what I found up til now.
It is weird. The woman who wrote that blog that's one of the sources actually reports her bafflement at why he would be there. And it seems odd to me, too - the panels he's listed as contributing too are quite technical things that I don't think he's had any involvement with.

But it's not coming from junk, made-up sources. The website of the conference seems to have been removed/updated to the next iteration, but his name is listed on the official running order.

Conference Itinerary

His onetime pal, Luke Rudkowski, (Luke Rudkowski - RationalWiki) is reported as attending by CFCA - Iranian conference promoting antisemitism

But I can't find anything (again, I'll add the proviso that I'm not a full-time, professional Googler on this topic, or particularly expert at finding stuff that might be deleted or hidden) post the conference to actually prove he was there.

There is, as Pickman's model notes about a million pages back (this discussion seems to score very highly for Tim Pool Google results!), the fact that he wasn't tweeting definitively from any other location at the time of the conference. Same with Luke Rudkowski. In itself that seems odd - their whole brand is all about visibility, if they were alright with going there you'd expect them to be alright with talking about it. (I have no way of searching for deleted tweets.)

Invited but did not attend seems plausible - there was also a nearly concurrent film festival on the same theme.

I suppose if you're forensically minded you might point out that "never been to Tehran" and "was not on panel at this conference" is not entirely synonymous in these days of Skype, particularly for two people who made their reputations by livestreaming.

Pool, incidentally, says that his politics are "centre left"...

Tim Pool is also listed in the CFCA link
And he's been hanging round with Sputnik/Russia Today/Zero Hedge of late too....

His friend Cassandra Fairbanks has gone viral beeing in the White House doing the "secret White Power sign" and her past as a Bernie supporter turning proTrump is dug up

(follow the entire thread from the Twitter post)

yes. I find it very strange that he is all over the web if he didn´t attend. And the way he answered on the subject on Twitter was also wierd

first he says he wasn´t invited, then he says he was invited, then he says he was going to do a doc on the event for VICE, and then he was in New Zealand....

Sorry, beeing a bit lazy here, is Rudkowski or Pool listed here, and in that case where about in the text?


One of the larger “9/11 Truth” groups is We Are Change (WAC), with many chapters internationally. Today the main group is connected to various conspiracy theory and patriot milieus. However, one of its splinter factions, WAC NYC, has members who are alternately connected to the Libertarian Party, while others are members in a group that is part of an international crypto-fascist network. All of them were involved the Zuccotti Park occupation.


Luke Rudkowski says he founded WAC in 2006. He is a prolific videographer who has made a name for himself partly through a series of paparazzi-style surprise interviews with figures like Michael Moore, Ben Bernanke, Henry Kissinger, and Jacob Rothschild. Rudkowski’s organization promotes a host of conspiracy theories, from 9/11 to the Bilderbergs to the Federal Reserve. For example, one left-wing anarchist group claims that Rudkowski falsely accused one of its members of being the perpetrator of the June 2012 mass murder in Aurora, Colorado. Rudkowski did extensive video coverage from Zuccotti Park, and Icke conducted two interviews with him. Rudkowski also drew praise for his work at Occupy from Stewart Rhodes, national leader of the Oath Keepers. Rudkowski later made a video interviewing Rhodes, who plugged his program to organize armed neighborhood groups.18

- See more at: 20 on the Right in Occupy | Political Research Associates
He was in New Zealand filming for Vice in October 2013... (though perhaps Vice are always filming in New Zealand...) :

In October 2013, VICE News was invited to visit the infamous tech mogul and creator of Megaupload, Kim Dotcom, at his palatial property in New Zealand. Even though Kim is under house arrest—since he's at the center of history's largest copyright case—he's still able to visit a recording studio in Auckland. So check out this brand new documentary we made at Kim's mega-mansion and in the studio where our host, Tim Pool,
He was in New Zealand filming for Vice in October 2013... (though perhaps Vice are always filming in New Zealand...) :

In October 2013, VICE News was invited to visit the infamous tech mogul and creator of Megaupload, Kim Dotcom, at his palatial property in New Zealand. Even though Kim is under house arrest—since he's at the center of history's largest copyright case—he's still able to visit a recording studio in Auckland. So check out this brand new documentary we made at Kim's mega-mansion and in the studio where our host, Tim Pool,

Well one year before the New Horizon in Tehran then in 2014.
He was in New Zealand filming for Vice in October 2013... (though perhaps Vice are always filming in New Zealand...) :

In October 2013, VICE News was invited to visit the infamous tech mogul and creator of Megaupload, Kim Dotcom, at his palatial property in New Zealand. Even though Kim is under house arrest—since he's at the center of history's largest copyright case—he's still able to visit a recording studio in Auckland. So check out this brand new documentary we made at Kim's mega-mansion and in the studio where our host, Tim Pool,

also he started to work for Fusion 8 september 2014. he wasn´t even working for VICE at the time for the Conference in Tehran
Well, I thought the easiest thing to do would be to ask someone, so I used the contact form on Caleb Maupin's website. He's a journalist who was supposedly on the panel with Tim Pool, and he says:

So there you go!

Why the organisers should put his name on the agenda is a bit of a mystery, and, to me, the "invited to film but did not go" is the most plausible explanation. Rudkowski has intereviewed some of the attendees and it's credible that he might be invited to record it with TP as a tag along?
Yes it´s a mystery. And it´s also a mystery that Tim Pool did´t contact all the websites where he is at, to ask them to correct the information. He is on Buzzfeed, Memri and CFCA among others. And "invited to film" is not the same thing as sitting as a panelist.
And that is if Caleb Maupin is telling the truth. Maybe Tim Pool contacted him now as the shit hit the fan...:hmm:
Yes it´s a mystery. And it´s also a mystery that Tim Pool did´t contact all the websites where he is at, to ask them to correct the information. He is on Buzzfeed, Memri and CFCA among others. And "invited to film" is not the same thing as sitting as a panelist.
And that is if Caleb Maupin is telling the truth. Maybe Tim Pool contacted him now as the shit hit the fan...:hmm:

Well, yes, I suppose he could be lying, I did a bit of googling on him and he doesn't seem to be an associate of TP, but please contact anyone else on those panels, I think they'll probably all be quite reachable.

It's quite possible he didn't know about it. . . If he can prove to their satisfaction he should get it corrected because it's not a great thing to have going around.

This "invited to film" is just my best guess - I haven't seen anything from TP in this area or that suggests he would be a likely attender; Luke Rudkowski, I think, is a different matter. But, again, that's only a best guess. Rudkowski interviewed another attender a few weeks before the conference, it's possible he said he would attend and that he'd bring his pal along, and maybe that message got passed along. Do we know much about the organisers? Can they be trusted to not jump up an attenders list with people from relatively mainstream US media (I'm thinking of Vice here) that would be a bit of a coup for them to get there?

I did wonder if there might be another Tim Pool, but I'm buggered if I can find one. . .
I think it is the right Tim Pool judging by his own answer to the question.
Not only is he listed as a panelist, he is listed in two conversations as well
30th of septembre. If Tim Pool didn´t attend, it didn´t leave many others left for the conversation.

I can´t find his buddy Luke Rudkowski though anywhere in the list?
Which one of the other attenders did Rudkowski interview a few weeks before the conf?

We don´t know much about the organisers, but for some reason they put Tim Pool on the list, not only in one event, but in three of them.
Seems a bit odd just to add random american journalist just to give some importance to conference.

The "invited to film" was Tim Pools own words about the subject, not having an answer though why he was among the panelist and in the conversations.
He couldn´t participate as a panelist AND do a documentary at the same time. Maybe he bailed out, but I don´t think that doing a doc was the main purpose for his participation.

I sent an email to Medea Benjamin, lets see if she gives me an answer : )

conversation 7a.png conversation 12.png
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Mmm. Interesting deletion! I have absolutely zero hacking skills. . .

Luke Rudkowski was only listed on CFCA - Iranian conference promoting antisemitism I didn't see him on the actual conference schedule I saw.

I slightly walk back my claim that Caleb Maupin is no associate of TP now having read that he was an Occupy Wall Street activist, which is where TP first came to light, so it's not impossible or indeed unlikely that they might have met in that time period. Maybe you should drop emails to the other people on panels with him?

Rudkowski has interviewed Gareth Porter. He interviewed Wayne Madsen just a few weeks before the conference:

But, the more I search on this the more I realise what a small world this is - David Icke, Russia Today, Press TV etcetc - so they do all seem to talk to each other fairly regularly. . . Just saying don't overinterpret that.
How's your Farsi?

I reckon it might all come down to this guy:

Hamed Ghashghavi

He seems to be a translator, host, conference organiser... and played a part in the conference.

"As the secretary of International Affairs of the 2nd New Horizon Conference that has been cancelled by the Rouhani Government, Hamed Ghashghavi has invited the following anti-Zionist, anti-Imperialist and anti-Capitalist personalities to visit Iran:

Congressman Jim McDermott, Prof. William O. Beeman, Prof. Webster Tarpley, Prof. Aleksandr Dugin, Dr. Rev. Stephen Sizer, Prof. Anthony James Hall, , Prof. John Mueller, Prof. Henry Veltmeyer, Prof. Peter Scholl-Latour, Dr. Hesham Tillawi, Dr. Peter Lavelle, Dr. Coleen Rowley, Dr. Daniele Ganser, Dr. Rev. Randy Short, G. Edward Griffin, William Blum, Ray McGovern, Fmr. Gov. Gary Johnson, Col. Ann Wright, Brady Kiesling, Danny Schechter, Alain Soral, Susan Lindauer, David Barsamian, Wayne Madsen, Leo Wanta, Medea Benjamin, Cindy Sheehan, Christopher Bollyn, Carol Brouillet, Gordon Duff, Grant F. Smith, Alison Weir, Judge John V. Whitbeck, Judge James P. Gray, Tim Pool, Luke Rudkowski, Robert Naiman, Cyrus McGoldrick, Mark Dankof, Mark Glenn, Peter Eyre, Gwynne Dyer, Chris Bambery, Kémi Séba, Jean-Michel Vernochet, Michel Collon, Gilles Munier, Christoph R. Hörstel, Rainer Rupp, Jürgen Cain Külbel, Giulietto Chiesa, Pepe Escobar, Baraka Blue, Phillip Tourney."

So, looks like "invited but did not attend" or even "claimed to be invited" is the most credible explanation for all this...?
Mmm. Interesting deletion! I have absolutely zero hacking skills. . .

Luke Rudkowski was only listed on CFCA - Iranian conference promoting antisemitism I didn't see him on the actual conference schedule I saw.

I slightly walk back my claim that Caleb Maupin is no associate of TP now having read that he was an Occupy Wall Street activist, which is where TP first came to light, so it's not impossible or indeed unlikely that they might have met in that time period. Maybe you should drop emails to the other people on panels with him?

Rudkowski has interviewed Gareth Porter. He interviewed Wayne Madsen just a few weeks before the conference:

But, the more I search on this the more I realise what a small world this is - David Icke, Russia Today, Press TV etcetc - so they do all seem to talk to each other fairly regularly. . . Just saying don't overinterpret that.

When I first found the tweet (in the afternoon) and clicked on the youtubelink it said that the video was "private" and only for invited. I cannot find out if it´s still private or deleted?

There is a strange coincidence on the subject that Tim Pool interviewed anti–Semitic politicians in Rinkeby "De Fria", not mentioning them being politicians and pretending they were just "locals" (that just "happened" to be Trumpsupporters..)
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How's your Farsi?

I reckon it might all come down to this guy:

Hamed Ghashghavi

He seems to be a translator, host, conference organiser... and played a part in the conference.

"As the secretary of International Affairs of the 2nd New Horizon Conference that has been cancelled by the Rouhani Government, Hamed Ghashghavi has invited the following anti-Zionist, anti-Imperialist and anti-Capitalist personalities to visit Iran:

Congressman Jim McDermott, Prof. William O. Beeman, Prof. Webster Tarpley, Prof. Aleksandr Dugin, Dr. Rev. Stephen Sizer, Prof. Anthony James Hall, , Prof. John Mueller, Prof. Henry Veltmeyer, Prof. Peter Scholl-Latour, Dr. Hesham Tillawi, Dr. Peter Lavelle, Dr. Coleen Rowley, Dr. Daniele Ganser, Dr. Rev. Randy Short, G. Edward Griffin, William Blum, Ray McGovern, Fmr. Gov. Gary Johnson, Col. Ann Wright, Brady Kiesling, Danny Schechter, Alain Soral, Susan Lindauer, David Barsamian, Wayne Madsen, Leo Wanta, Medea Benjamin, Cindy Sheehan, Christopher Bollyn, Carol Brouillet, Gordon Duff, Grant F. Smith, Alison Weir, Judge John V. Whitbeck, Judge James P. Gray, Tim Pool, Luke Rudkowski, Robert Naiman, Cyrus McGoldrick, Mark Dankof, Mark Glenn, Peter Eyre, Gwynne Dyer, Chris Bambery, Kémi Séba, Jean-Michel Vernochet, Michel Collon, Gilles Munier, Christoph R. Hörstel, Rainer Rupp, Jürgen Cain Külbel, Giulietto Chiesa, Pepe Escobar, Baraka Blue, Phillip Tourney."

So, looks like "invited but did not attend" or even "claimed to be invited" is the most credible explanation for all this...?

My Farsi is not that good unfortunately

The conference was cancelled 2013 and was held before that every year since 2005
New Iran government scraps anti-Israeli Conference

Still think he was invited and not that they "claimed to invite him".
Maybe he bailed out with short notice or he attended but that is not something he is willing to share with the rest of the world.

Found very few tweets from any of the participants from the period of time for the conference. Bad internet/censorship? Will keep on searching
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Well I wrote a long post about this that got lost. . .

There you go. . .

Short version. I think the Iranian chap is the source of all this. . . But good luck with your search. I see TP is off to France now.
Well I wrote a long post about this that got lost. . .

There you go. . .

Short version. I think the Iranian chap is the source of all this. . . But good luck with your search. I see TP is off to France now.

Everywhere there is some alt-rights/fascists/nazis in action you will find Tim Pool...
bragging about how neutral he is, not beeing on one side nor the other.
Beeing the beam of light in the darkness of the bias fake news...
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wearing his wankers stab proof vest for no reason...

And the beanie is his tinfoil hat.

If there was any doubt he is still hanging around with his buddy Luke Rudkowski.
Here is his latest video from France with Luke Rudkowski and Marcus Dipaola. Both working for WeAreChange

short version: queuing in airport, more queuing in airport, trying to buy SIM card, three buddies hanging in the hotel lobby trying to explain the french election and beeing impressed with the carisma of Marine Le Pen

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