Do you want any red pepper seeds in case they're crappy F1s or something? (Am assuming you mean you're saving seeds from supermarket peppers, sorry if I've misunderstood) I bought a small pack of seeds then got more from local blind seed swap so I have plenty...Have a couple of red peppers I'll try to plant the seeds of. Hottest items I go for though.
Broad beans are fine but I’d have put the peas a little closer together tbh . Beds look in excellent fettleJust planted out the broad beans and early peas.
View attachment 257725Last year's were too close together, so I've given them a bit more room this time, and at the moment they look like they are a bit too spaced out.
Time will tell...View attachment 257726
Did you force that rhubarb? I'm currently using a wheelbarrow as an impromptu forcer and am hoping to get some rhubarb in another week or so.
PSB is sprouting away in the garden, still eating last year's chard from the allotment and leeks are about ready to pull up. Carrots are germinating well, especially for old leftover seeds. Planted twenty strawberries today.
Was chatting to my allotment neighbour and she isn't risking putting much in the ground yet but already has courgettes at potting-on size
Yes (under one of those council recycling boxes ) but already pulled the forced stems, stuff that's coming through now wasn't forced. Other crowns I didn't force aren't far behind, would've had some today but I dug them up and moved them less than a month ago. Chucked some manure on both clumps then and been giving them a good water weekly since which I think has helped.Did you force that rhubarb? I'm currently using a wheelbarrow as an impromptu forcer and am hoping to get some rhubarb in another week or so.
Thank you. I'm going to have a go at this!My daughter sows these - she uses a mix of saladings (things like purslane, landcress, mustards), peas, broccoli and spring greens, polycress, spinach, beetroot, sorrel. All perfectly ordinary seeds, bought as cheaply as possible because you can get through quite a lot of seeds. I think she tries to get Kings 'allotment size' packs of some of them. Don't buy spendy starter kits - any old seed, in ordinary seed trays will do. She sows the seed in little rows, just like a field in miniature, and harvests with scissors. She doesn't get enough to eat plates of just microgreens, but cuts a handful, along with parsley, and plops it on top of a waldorf salad or such. Her whole kitchen windowsill has 3 seed trays. She often leaves them until the seeds have just gone beyond the first leaf stage, because quite a few will regrow if greens are harvested sparingly (a few leaves from each plant. She started off doing sprouts in glass bottles (mung beans and such) and added mini-greens last summer (during the long, long summer of homework boredom).