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Theresa May's time is up

Why we will remember Theresa May as one of the worst prime ministers in British history



Good riddance to racialist rubbish.
Most unemployed people aren't so relaxed, particualrly now that the welfare state is in tatters thanks to *checks notes* Theresa May's government.
Most unemployed people don't have six figure pensions and a salary of 72k for being an MP whilst living rent free in state owned accommodation
Guardian politics blog currently saying she will step down when new leader has confidence of the House of Commons, 2021 seems a bit optimistic
More importantly, looks like they'll call the recess before the newly elected tory leader can face Parliament for that confidence to be verified.
Fucking funny, innit? :D

Theresa May will resign as Tory leader tomorrow but won’t step down as Prime Minister until she is certain the person replacing her will “command the confidence of the House”. This could prove especially tricky if a divisive, hardline Brexiteer like Boris Johnson or Dominic Raab wins the Tory leadership race. A controversial winner could fail to secure the support of soft Brexit or Remainer Tory MPs, or the DUP.

Theresa May could DELAY RESIGNATION if Boris Johnson or Dominic Raab elected Tory leader
The DUP are perfectly capable of undermining her replacement just for the LOL's so securing their support is going to be tricky for whoever gets the job but yes it is funny to watch.
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