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Theresa May's time is up

I was gonna start of thread documenting the public appearances of Katrina May since the election but realised that it is virtually impossible to find any evidence that she actually leaves #10 of the HoP and enters meatspace. Does she really exist I have to ask.....
Her innsmouth look now so pronounced she can no longer appear in publick
is she still here? i still think she's gonner bail as soon as shes done the necessary end of term housekeeping (queens speech, G20, dirty deal with DUP/UDA).
According to Sky News, Andrew Mitchell is sharpening knives and calling for May to go, perhaps on behalf of his good friend David Davis.

Ex-Tory chief whip plays down PM 'dead in water' remarks

What a sterling character to have in your corner.
they know the game. You're only as good as your last election showing and if there is blood in the water...

I think the will leave off till brexit gets underway despite murmerings
Corbyn will surely call this what it is. Presumably it isn't Corbyn she's appealing to though - rather the MPs on the Labour right who demanded cross party input on Brexit etc after the election.
Yeah upon reflection definitely let her sink. Any possible accusations of wrecking Bexit are likely to come from the right wing press anyway who would always be looking out for an opportunity to stick the knife in.
Presumably an attempt to call Labour's bluff, as Corbyn has been laying on the 'we're standing by, ready to help' sarcasm quite thick in recent speeches. I can't see it working out any worse for him than for May, however it turns out, at this stage.
Yeah upon reflection definitely let her sink. Any possible accusations of wrecking Bexit are likely to come from the right wing press anyway who would always be looking out for an opportunity to stick the knife in.
She was fucked from the beginning, though she has done a fine job of digging an already-deep hole even deeper.

Whatever kind of Brexit happens in the real world, it will fall short of the expectations of the swivel eyed loons, for whom nothing less than pulling up the anchors and sailing off to the middle of the Atlantic will be sufficient. The whole thing's doomed, politically at least, and it makes perfect sense to tie her to the wheel of the sinking ship and let her go down with it.
He hasn't been offering to help has he? He's been offering to take over.

Well I know, but it's been couched in the language of 'in the national interest' more than 'give me the job instead', and I can see some Tory strategists (and after all they've recently got shot of presumably the best ones they had, who were woeful) imagining there was a way to snatch that mantle and somehow maintain both power and the moral high ground.
The political mood-music seems to have shifted since the febrile atmosphere of May / June.

The relative balance of election media coverage has gone. Grenfell is headed for the long grass. We are in silly-season territory and new Brexit lies will be cooked up. We must keep our heads. This thing is far from won.

Just as before the snap-election was called, our government remains squarely in the hands of psychos, bigots, zealots and the inately corrupt.

They sense a return to business as usual.

The media atmosphere is such that they seriously think they can tout that dreadful Mogg person as a credible senior politician.
This conservative/fascist alliance is counting on 5 more years. May's rubbishness is, if anything, a distraction. Like Trump and the Republicans we should pin the failures of a leader on the whole rotten lot, lest they get away with it.
They have to call this out for what it is, a weak and incompetent leader playing silly buggers to hold on to power.

For some years the tories have been running various social democraticish ideas up the flagpole for the right wing press and fucktards like the BBC to say "look - they're on the side of the workers, Labour are screwed LOL."

Then they take the flag down for "journalists" to fall for the same stunt again a few months later.
Plenty of sea/nautical references in this thread, and elsewhere, when referring to May. I particularly like this cartoon from The Standard (I think)
I don't think he is really - the letter above is just some nutcase writing into the Telegraph. There's a comedy petition some sarcastic leftwingers have been pushing too (dunno if that's the kind of fate I'd like to tempt myself, after the whole tories for corbyn thing...) - but beyond headbangers and pisstakers he's not in serious contention.
He seems surprisingly popular with the right-wingers on Reddit, for whatever that's worth. They see him as a genuine leader in waiting.
Is there any way this could backfire at the next election if Labour are made to look like they're putting party before country? I'd like to think the electorate would see through that accusation, but then again...
At the minute, Theresa Shackleton has got her rebellious crew to Elephant island and has selected 5 trusted members of her crew to row a thousand miles to South Georgia. As Tess Shackleton pulls away from the shore, the lanbound crew watch and flick massed "V"s at their captain as her leaky boat sinks beneath the icy inhospitaible waters of the ocean. He last word were " nothing has changed...NOTHING HAS CHANGED"
Labour would be absolutely mad, bonkers, mental to touch that with a 10-ft bargepole. It's a trap, to dump the blame on Labour for the impending Brexit disaster

Don't think it's even than sophisticated. She doesn't have the numbers to get her not-so-great repeal bill through, and she can't survive a commons defeat, so she's trying to flog parliamentary time in return for support.

I notice on FB that JC has been hyperlinking the official Conservative page in his recent posts, hence there are massive influxes of thick, angry Tories screaming "red Marxist!" and "how about costing your policies, you odious man!" into the ether.

Corbyn seems to have discovered a growing taste for trolling in recent weeks.
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