Detty Pig
Sounds a lot like the Pomodoro technique:my working from home is work intense for twenty minutes, then do something else like eat, watch 4 youtube videos, have a vape in the garden, then another 20 minutes of intense work, etc etc.
I can't break out of that sort of pattern. it's just the way my brain is made. i can imagine MANY of my colleagues though do the whole log on at nine, keep plugging all the way through until 5.
I've accepted that this is just how I work and the work is done and done well so not bothered.
do others have this sort of cycle when wfh? work, then foot of the pedal, the work, foot of the pedal, etc?
Pomodoro Technique - Wikipedia
I am also like this. Do some work then need a bit of faffing as a treat.