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The Wire comes to BBC2 (Spoiler free, please)

Not a specific one, but when I told my brother I'd started watching it (he'd seen them previously) I began enthusing about who my favourite characters were and how I was really growing to like some of them (especially the street kids), despite their faults. Without pause for though, he duly warned me not to 'get too attached to anyone, because...' before I could interrupt him. But he'd already said too much. Fucker!
Somebody on here posted about Stringer's death, I believe I may have been a tad pissed off and called them a 'rotting piece of cunt juice'.

I stand by it.
So what's McNulty doing a year on - on the boat, left the department, where's he working, is he still with Beadie, is he drinking again, is he up on the wire even?
So what's McNulty doing a year on - on the boat, left the department, where's he working, is he still with Beadie, is he drinking again, is he up on the wire even?

A year on from the end of the series?

I got the impression he'd left the force even before that final shot of the series (and I'm guessing he's still with Beadie, for now)
Someone on here said Bubbs was gonna clean up seasons before he did - i'm still pissed off about

yeah, he was gonna. Then Keema got shot, she couldn't help him out getting a place etc and McNulty got him back out snitchin and getting high to get info to find out who did it etc
My worst was when I was youtubing the hardware store scene with Snoop (1st scene) I stumbled accross the scene where Mike shot Snoop.

I did go on the HBO site with characters during watching season 1 but clicked out of it when I realised what i was doing..
yeah, he was gonna. Then Keema got shot, she couldn't help him out getting a place etc and McNulty got him back out snitchin and getting high to get info to find out who did it etc

Nah - it explicity sdaid he was fully into rehab and that singer bloke was his sponsor and that
Someone on here said Bubbs was gonna clean up seasons before he did - i'm still pissed off about

I would've put money on him snuffin' it (thought for a while he was full-blown aids) before the curtain fell... but despite everything, he was the one character that came good in the end. All though, they made it clear the battle wasn't over for him and probably never would be. True dat.
I would've put money on him snuffin' it (thought for a while he was full-blown aids) before the curtain fell... but despite everything, he was the one character that came good in the end. All though, they made it clear the battle wasn't over for him and probably never would be. True dat.

I'm all for non-conclusional endings, cos in the words of Avril Lavigne "Life's like that" but i felt unsatisfied that the bloke who was constantly beating up and robbing Bubbs did not get it in some horrible way.
I would've put money on him snuffin' it (thought for a while he was full-blown aids) before the curtain fell... but despite everything, he was the one character that came good in the end.

I thought from Season 2 - once it ws obvious that we weren't going to be just following one drug gang thru the whole thing - that it would only be either Bubbs or Omar that made it al lthe way thru. My money was on Omar tho.
I'm still pissed that someone revealed that Marlo was MacNaulty's father and that Kima ends up strangling Prop Joe on the pleasure barge over the pit of Sarlaac.
I'm all for non-conclusional endings, cos in the words of Avril Lavigne "Life's like that" but i felt unsatisfied that the bloke who was constantly beating up and robbing Bubbs did not get it in some horrible way.

:D I too found solace in the poetry of Avril Lavigne, she eases the pain. And her mental image has assisted easing me towards a fairly satisfying climax on one or two occasions, in stark contrast to the way The Wire ended.
I've just watched the first three seasons over the last month or so.

I have developed an urge to shout "got 'dem WMDs" and "Red tops" when i am out on the street.
imagine being so notorious and feared that people shout warnings to each other as you whistle down the street. You can't buy that.

There are whole sites dedicated to Wire characters-footballer lookalikes. Marlo-Young is the best, but from memory others include McNulty and Michael Ballack, and Snoop and Michael Mancienne.

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