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The Wire comes to BBC2 (Spoiler free, please)

There are whole sites dedicated to Wire characters-footballer lookalikes. Marlo-Young is the best, but from memory others include McNulty and Michael Ballack, and Snoop and Michael Mancienne.

Man you'd be shit at guess who.
Finished the entire 5 series run a week or so, have to say while very watchable in places it wasn't anywhere near as amazing as people made out.
It's on Funny Or Die. What do you think?

I don't know what a funny or die is and it has them all in it! Also it would defo be something I'd go to see, it'd be fuckin brilliant!

But I take it that means it is a piss take. :(

Thanks though, honestly couldn't tell, seems like a great idea to me :)
This would be awesome, i think, although it would fly in the face of David Simon's own ideas about the show.

The Wire was shot in 16:9 format, and the 4:3 framing was a deliberate choice by Simon. There was apparently discussion after the third season about switching to widescreen format, but they decided to stick with what they were already doing. If they wanted to release a widescreen version, though, they have the material, and it would be a matter of cost.

You can find a discussion about it here. Relevant section:
The Wire is shot entirely with Panavision cameras. David Insley let us know that, "These later episodes of the show are shot Super 35, 3-perf, and that saves a lot of money because that means we're shooting about three quarters of the film we used to. But we're only using the 4 x 3 part, so we're losing the edges of the 16x 9, but it's less than we were using when it was 4-perf, so (the image is) somewhere between a Super 16 image and a standard 35 (mm) image."


The Wire for each of its five seasons has been produced in good old fashioned 4 x 3 standard definition. DP Dave Insley recalled, "The reason the show has stayed 4x3 is because David Simon thinks that 4x3 feels more like real life and real television and not like a movie. The show's never been HD, even 4x3 HD and that (SD) is how it is on the DVDs. There is no 16x9 version anywhere." As a viewer with an HD set I will point out that like much of SD television that makes its way to HD channels, it appears that HBO utilizes state-of-the-art line doubling technology. It may still be standard definition, but line doubled it looks considerably better on a high definition set than it would on a standard definition set.

Insley explained, "When the show started 2001 / 2002 they framed it for 16 x 9 as a way of future-proofing. Then a couple of seasons ago, right before Season 4 began shooting, there was a big discussion about it and after much discussion -- David, Nina, Joe Chappelle, the Producers, the DPs -- and we discussed what should be the style of the show. David made the decision that we would stay with 4x3. The DPs pretty much defined the look to be what it is now. And it's been consistent for the past two seasons."
3-perf on Super 35 is a 16:9 framing. 4-perf is 4:3 framing using more of the film. But, as the above notes, even when shooting 4-perf, they were framing as 16:9 (i.e., leaving off top and bottom).

It seems to me that they should easily be able to get a full HD (1920x1080) digitization from that film. At the very least, they could get excellent 720p.
You can find a discussion about it here.

Excellent article

Relevant section:3-perf on Super 35 is a 16:9 framing. 4-perf is 4:3 framing using more of the film. But, as the above notes, even when shooting 4-perf, they were framing as 16:9 (i.e., leaving off top and bottom).

[pedant hat]no it's not you can shoot 16:9 on either 3perf or 4perf, The 4:3 v 16:9 option is during the telecine process. For example I worked on a feature where we shot 3 and 4 perf, nominally the 4 perf stuff was for VFX purposes (it was going to scanned) and the larger frame size gives them more information. [/pedant]

It seems to me that they should easily be able to get a full HD (1920x1080) digitization from that film. At the very least, they could get excellent 720p.

Super 35mm is approximately 6k (k is irrelevant when thinking of film) It'd be easy to get a full HD resolution ver of the wire. Everything will need to be rescanned and remastered. The question is of raking and framing, basically shot composition.
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