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The Wire comes to BBC2 (Spoiler free, please)

Randy, btw - cheese's son.

Only worked that out on this viewing. apparently it's never directly alluded to (they both share a surname) but it's part of DS's story web.
Talking of him, has anyone else ever googled Randy's step mother and looked at the .co.uk site of that name?

I suggest you don't do it from work.
Hercs a cunt.

I wanted to have that as a Tag but ...............

Nah he's a complex character. Without Herc Marlo would never have fallen.

Gingerman said:
Cocky lazy mouthy little sod Namond landed on his feet,lovely sweet gentle Dukie landed in the shit

It breaks my heart for the scene where Carver is punching his steering wheel because he can't take Dukie, he knows what Dukie is going to go through.
Sad thing is that Randy's home life was pretty stable if a little strict,went from being a smart switched on kid to being a resentfull aggressive young guy all because of Herc
Nah he's a complex character. Without Herc Marlo would never have fallen.
Or another version: Without Levy manipulating Herc (telling him he had his phone number), Marlo wouldn't now be a multi-million dollar property developer.

Or another version: Without McNulty creating his serial killer and Templeton picking up on it, there would be no wiretap.

Or another version: Without the good Senator telling Lester about the Grand Jury leak there would be nothing with which to barter with Levy about, and Marlo would be free to continue as before

Sad thing is that Randy's home life was pretty stable if a little strict,went from being a smart switched on kid to being a resentfull aggressive young guy all because of Herc

And it's because of Herc lazy fucked up idiocy, Sherrod would still be alive.

But I love the bald retard like he was my fucked up son.

Det. Shakima 'Kima' Greggs: Herc, What the fuck did you do exactly?

Sgt. Thomas 'Herc' Hauk: I lost a surveillance camera that I took without my Lieutenant's permission and the evidence that I had found, I it attributed to a made up informant.

Det. William 'Bunk' Moreland: Son, They gonna beat on your White ass like it was a Rented Mule.
I thought he just went for a walk for old times sake.

How many walks do you go on that ends with you killing some corner hopper? I think Marlo leaves the party and takes a corner, because thats all he knows.
I thought he just went for a walk for old times sake.

Its 'sposed to be an ambiguous ending for the charecter - Despite never finding out his ultimate fate, we see Marlo getting everything that Stringer wanted, not valuing it. He can't face the "real world", as all he ever wanted was power on the street. When he can't have that, he basically has nothing. Although he does not get locked up, it is hard to see being out of "the game" (even with loads of money) as a victory for him...
How many walks do you go on that ends with you killing some corner hopper? I think Marlo leaves the party and takes a corner, because thats all he knows.

Yould be surprised :D.

I didnt think the corner thing was intentional on his part, i though he just left the party & went for a walk around his old area. Maybe youre right though.
Its 'sposed to be an ambiguous ending for the charecter - Despite never finding out his ultimate fate, we see Marlo getting everything that Stringer wanted, not valuing it. He can't face the "real world", as all he ever wanted was power on the street. When he can't have that, he basically has nothing. Although he does not get locked up, it is hard to see being out of "the game" (even with loads of money) as a victory for him...

Yeah but remember what Rhona warns Levy with, the case against Marlo is left open and it's made clear that if they catch a scent that Marlo is still in the game, they'll bring the hammer down.

Marlo is like the perfect animal of the corners. He's brilliant and ruthless and it's all he knows. The only way he's going to leave the game is prison or as a corpse. He's like Avon's terrifying heir.
Its 'sposed to be an ambiguous ending for the charecter - Despite never finding out his ultimate fate, we see Marlo getting everything that Stringer wanted, not valuing it. He can't face the "real world", as all he ever wanted was power on the street. When he can't have that, he basically has nothing. Although he does not get locked up, it is hard to see being out of "the game" (even with loads of money) as a victory for him...

About this: I read somewhere - I think in an interview / blog with David Simon - that if you think about it, Stringer's entire career was about trying to drag himself and Barksdale into that room with Baltimore's big movers and shakers - and they both died in the process. Whereas Marlo, through being a ruthless little bastard, gets that opportunity and has no real interest in it - though whether from unease or contempt it's hard to say. Odd echoes again of the doomed Bad Kids' Dinner Out from series 4 (based on a real incident from Ed Burns' time int he schools) - where Bunny takes Namond etc out to 'celebrate' some minor academic achievement to a posh restaurant and they're totally ill at ease and like fish out of water.
Marlo knows the game though; on the street he plays, in Levy's world he's played: King or punk, it seems that clear.

Stringer is no comparison; Stinger had esteem issues and class-related aspirations. He was weak, and arrogant and crass, imo.
I got the impression that Marlo knew that the business men were punks just like he was but Stringer didn't see this due to the esteem and them/us issues.
I didn't get how he knew about Cheese's role in Prop Joe's death...?

Slim never trusted Cheese anyway, and both he and Prop Joe discussed Cheese selling Butchie out (although Prop Joe knew he couldn't 'make a move against kin' straight away).

Then, once Joe is killed (and Slim will have been told by Fat Face Rick that Omar didn't do it), it's logical to assume it was Marlo.

Then Marlo dishes out the prime East-side business to Cheese, a promotion far above what he would normally expect.

Finally, Cheese goes off on his rant about how his loyalty changes depending on who is on top, Slim didn't really need to hear any more.
Does anyone else blame The Greek for Prop Joe's demise? He basically gave Marlo the green-light to move things on a generation or two.
I blame prop joe for prop joes death. Showing Marlo how to clean money and get shonky ID etc? signed his own death warrant.

Marlo wasn't exactly giving the Greek a choice. Prop was getting dropped from the minute he tried to civilise Marlo
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