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The Windsors, worth every penny


🇪🇸 my spirit is crying for leaving
I've long believed that the royal family is a drain on the British economy with very little to commend it. When I used to go to Andrew's house the thing that I used to think, more than anything, was what a waste. I have some time for him because he did stay in the Falklands when he could have just bottled it, other than that I can't see any value, apart from a basic human value that we all have, to him.

My elder sister was a friend of Anne. I have some time for her because she genuinely does things that we don't normally hear about. For these I applaud her as I would any other person in this position. And ime there's a lot of less privileged people who do proportionately more.

The others, Chuck and Ted seem to have no value at all. I can't see why "we" as tax payers, and I still pay some tax in the UK, have to finance them.

Recently I joined republic.org in the UK whose remit is to have the Windsors, as head of state and general spongers, made more accountable, and to have them "reduced to the ranks" as normal humans, like we all are.

I have just read the republic leaflet on the value of the royals, and would welcome some critique of it from both pro and anti royalists. Although, this being U75, I guess I'm more likely to get mainly anti comments.
Proclaim one of them king of the moon , and send them there to reign over it . Then I can look up at it and laugh every night . Or stick them on that mars thing .
Being eaten by a crazed Dutchman once the food runs out sounds good .
I don't think much about them if I am honest, one of the royals had an honorary position in my Dad's part of the army which she carried out very well, she seemed significant to them in their ceremonies.

Given they are born to it, don't put themselves forward for it, their gilded cage comes with expectations, offered the choice between their life and mine, I would chose mine.
So the fun answer is always the one where they are shot in a cellar. And there's also some entertainment to be had in working out how to get an acceptable head of state without letting the electorate (another group of people who would benefit from the Romanov treatment) vote in Joanna Lumley or Stephen Fry - my favourite solution involves an upper house which anyone eligible for jury service might be forced to serve in for a year as a junior peer, and which then elects the five-year term head of state and two-year term senior peers from among its ranks.

But there are some good things which could be done in the short term. Asset forfeiture would be one, and of course civil list payments could be slashed massively. And it would be just about doable for a government to mandate a plebiscite in the event of the monarch's death, whereby people can either acclaim the new monarch or withhold their approval. Charlie would presumably walk it, but it would only take a few generations for this vote to be established as a precondition for legitimacy.
I don't think much about them if I am honest, one of the royals had an honorary position in my Dad's part of the army which she carried out very well, she seemed significant to them in their ceremonies.

Given they are born to it, don't put themselves forward for it, their gilded cage comes with expectations, offered the choice between their life and mine, I would chose mine.

thats the problem, its not really theirs is it. Its ours. Not the money we give them eery year, obviously thats ours. But the land, the jewels, the private fortunes. All thieved

Thing is it was nicked back in the day that if you turned up with a sword and a bunch of blokes and said this land is mine now it was yours and they kept it so short of a revolution it is theirs by any legal right.
Getting rid of the royals would probably cost a lot of money and not do anything for the average bloke in the street. Cutting the list to the minimum
and getting a new national anthem would be nice though.
would he? Surely dashing Prince, with his young family and beautiful wife, he who rescues people in a helicopter and has a face that sold a thousand franklin mint plates would be the popular choice

I'm imagining a ballot paper which simply says "I acclaim/do not acclaim Charles Henry Lizardfeatures Mountbatten-Windsor as my king". Not one with multiple candidates.
Windsors! I thought their name was Wettin!
Well until WW1 anyway.
We did the deed in 1649 and the Tories re installed them. Since then clever politicians have duped the population into embracing reform rather than revolution. Like sheep the people fall for the bless em they do such a hard job fable.
We have what the people think they want and the machinery is ticking over and maintaining the illusion!
Are you a duke, a marquess, an earl... a mere baron? How did you and your sister get to hobnob with Windsors?
My sister through charitable work, and I through my job. And I have a minor title too, from when the family was in Germany pre WW2. I'm well posh.
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