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The Trump presidency

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It's not really Kim he needs to worry about. It's Xi.
And not just Xi. The South Koreans have an ambivalent attitude towards the North. Within the status quo they have become a very wealthy country. Unification could wreck that, and my understanding of South Koreans is that they do not generally see the North as their brothers and sisters awaiting reunification in quite the same way as perhaps West Germans did towards East Germany. North Korean refugees in Seoul face a fair bit of discrimination.
Not Iran? I dunno, I think he has options.

Might be. He'll pick somewhere and soon. He has an embarrassment of options available to fuck up.

(My money is still on North Korea because all either leader has to do is zig when they should have zagged.)
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While speaking last week on the Last Days radio program “Understanding the Times with Jan Markell,” former GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann linked political advocacy on the left with the rise of the Antichrist.

Bachmann said that Donald Trump’s opponents, much like the people who built the Tower of Babel, are rebelling against God to bring about “the creation of a manmade, one-world system. And scripture tells us that in the End Times, that is what Antichrist will be, he will be a part of a one-world system.”

“There are people who reject Judeo-Christian truth and instead want to insert and usurp control of all of our lives with a global, economic and political government,” she said.

Michele Bachmann: The Left Is Helping The Antichrist Come To Power | Right Wing Watch
Gore beat Bush in the popular vote. Obama also lost the popular vote to Romney. Clinton picked up most of those votes in California which is thriving.

These are the key numbers:
The only area of danger there is he's losing men. Republican disapproval has stayed in the low teens. Bush had to screw up massively to lose Republicans despite a foolish war it's really only the US housing crash that tanked his ratings and that was in his last two years when he also risked an unpopular try at immigration reform.

Trump's pretty obviously an identity candidate elected mainly by people who loath the Federal government. He'll get fuck all done, be incredibly divisive, blame Obama for everything and that will work well enough. Republicans reelected an highly obstructive do nothing Congress that hobbled Obama. A useless President is just more of the same.

Trump could be a no hoper if he actually got to implement his crackpot agenda on things like healthcare and trade as that could really bugger up a lot of his voters lives rather quickly but it seems these are dead ducks. He needs to get his originalist/corporatist nominee Supreme Court and jam through an elite tax cut or he'll start losing Republicans. Even the hapless Trump can get that done.

There is in fact not much wrong with the economy in most of America he was left by Obama. I've noticed Republicans are now talking much more positively about it and credit Trump with what are still the downstream effects of Obama policies. There's no quick fix for the low output areas that voted heavily for Trump. His voters probably won't blame Trump for not changing much at least not till his second term. Trump may even be able to pump up the speculative bubble that's forming by deregulating. The suckers who bought his voodoo economics pitch mostly won't admit to themselves they've been duped until its too late.

As for the Americans that didn't vote that may be the Trump card. In the second run he'll already have shaped the American human terrain into angry warring camps of identity politics. The botched Muslim Ban proved really popular. Expect more of that shit publicly immiserating out groups. The level of hate direct towards treacherous liberals and a nefarious deep state conspiracy will amplify. I'd predict he'll play on identity issues even more strongly in order to bring out more enraged unlikely voters. They'll be lower middle class white folks rallying to their beloved reality TV President. That's the kind of Deeply Southern Strategy Bannon will be planning.

Well, I've said that those Trump voters who regret their choice will figure out how not to vote for him or his ilk next chance they get. I don't think they will need wooing, coaxing or pandering to. Plenty will stick with him and the party because they agree with all or most of the current policies, or aren't overly bothered by the ones they don't agree with.

Republicans don't want increased voter turnout because they know far more of those who didn't vote probably won't vote GOP - hence the gerrymandering to retain Republican majorities, the voter suppression tactics that target those they think will most likely vote Democrat (e.g. the poorest people who cant get to the polls with shorter opening hours if they're doing shift work or can't afford to travel to polls that are far away, and of course people of colour.) Fighting their efforts to rig another election while mobilising non voters is the best hope.
There's a lot those "low output" areas could do instead of pursuing dying industries. They have consistently voted for people who have their priorities out of order. People like Sam Brownback of Kansas who gutted education to give billionaires tax cuts, in the hope that it'll "trickle down." They have voted against everything that would help them in the long run, such as education and infrastructure, in favor of living in a past that is already gone. You can manage change, or be managed by it. You certainly can't forestall it.
The Lord helps those who help themselves. :)

Of course Trump and his ilk interpret that as meaning "help themselves to others' money."
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Devin Nunes steps aside from House intelligence committee's Russia inquiry

Nunes has apparently recused himself from the House investigation because of "leftwing activists".
Only from leading up this investigation. He'll still be "around."

The guy who's replacing him though, Christ, he seems to be formed of pure stupid, and is a firm Trump loyalist. :facepalm:

Conaway, who is now charged with investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election, compared Russian cyber attacks on Democrats to Mexican entertainers energizing Democratic voters. He told the Dallas Morning News in January:

"Harry Reid and the Democrats brought in Mexican soap opera stars, singers and entertainers who had immense influence in those communities into Las Vegas, to entertain, get out the vote and so forth. Those are foreign actors, foreign people, influencing the vote in Nevada. You don’t hear the Democrats screaming and saying one word about that."

Asked if this was really the same as Russian email hacking of private information to support one candidate, Conaway said, “Sure it is, it’s foreign influence. If we’re worried about foreign influence, let’s have the whole story.” He pointed to the Democratic electoral success in Nevada in 2016, saying the Mexican singers who campaigned there “are monster in the Hispanic community.”

“He knows there’s a big difference between Vicente Fernandez performing at a Hillary Clinton event and Vladimir Putin ordering interference with our elections,” fellow Intelligence Committee member Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) said in response. “The intelligence community has indicated that Vladimir Putin essentially ordered cyberwarfare, and nothing else compares to that.”
Meanwhile here's the guy who's

fixing the middle east,

renovating the federal government

solving the opiod epidemic,

and whatever else Donald decided this week.


Honestly, Kevlar over a blazer? Fucks sake Jared.
Meanwhile here's the guy who's

fixing the middle east,

renovating the federal government

solving the opiod epidemic,

and whatever else Donald decided this week.

View attachment 103748

Honestly, Kevlar over a blazer? Fucks sake Jared.

shame he and the missus don't go all Kardashian and give us a peep behind the luxury designer lace curtain.
^ reminds me of the photo of Princess Di wearing land mine protection - and casual sandals.

This Syria thing puts pro-war Clintonites and Never Trumpers in an odd position, doesn't it?
Hasn't it just, according to the latest news, BBC reckons we might wake up to a full blown US escalation in Syria!
.What was it TTT said about "why can't we use nuclear weapons?"
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Hasn't it just, according to the latest news, BBC reckons we might wake up to a full blown US escalation in Syria!
.What was it TTT said about "why can't we use nuclear weapons?"
And #NeverHillary because as President, she would take the US to war in Syria . . . uh, wait a minute. :hmm:
And #NeverHillary because as President, she would take the US to war in Syria . . . uh, wait a minute. :hmm:

Yes, she would have. At least with Trump there's been more of a delay while he comes to terms with actually succeeding at becoming POTUS, and there's still a strong chance the wheels will come off his political war machine, which is still being calibrated. Clinton already had a couple coups and military interventions under her belt by the time she ran for POTUS. Trump's still finding his way in how to war-crime, give him time- he'll catch up to where Clinton would be soon enough.
Meanwhile here's the guy who's

fixing the middle east,

renovating the federal government

solving the opiod epidemic,

and whatever else Donald decided this week.

View attachment 103748

Honestly, Kevlar over a blazer? Fucks sake Jared.

You missed the Palestinian problem, or will he solve it as part of solving the general ME problem?
Hey Kush me bonnie lad, Russias looking like they are going to make some bother over in the Baltics (Ivinia knows they are) and North Korea is causing problems, see if you can find some west Korean billionaires and invite them over for some golf, these squinty eyed fellas love golf bigly, sort this out while I have a few rounds of golf, oh aye there's a chinese bloke arriving later, could you keep him entertained? Any problems get him to tweet me, ta.
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Yes, she would have. At least with Trump there's been more of a delay while he comes to terms with actually succeeding at becoming POTUS, and there's still a strong chance the wheels will come off his political war machine, which is still being calibrated. Clinton already had a couple coups and military interventions under her belt by the time she ran for POTUS. Trump's still finding his way in how to war-crime, give him time- he'll catch up to where Clinton would be soon enough.
As much as I have me doubts about HC , she would know enough to carefully ascertain the right moves in any escalation, the thought of TTT of ordering a nuclear strike just because Fox News might regard it as a good idea, just at the same time TTT realises there is no bog paper in the presidential lavvy..........:D
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Yes, she would have. At least with Trump there's been more of a delay while he comes to terms with actually succeeding at becoming POTUS, and there's still a strong chance the wheels will come off his political war machine, which is still being calibrated. Clinton already had a couple coups and military interventions under her belt by the time she ran for POTUS. Trump's still finding his way in how to war-crime, give him time- he'll catch up to where Clinton would be soon enough.
So stoking the racism, xenophobia and Islamaphobia, mass deportations, top security briefings in his busy club dining room, possibly irreparable destruction of infrastructure, fruitless raid on Yemen, rampant nepotism, creaming millions from tax payers for his and his cronies personal gain were worth it to delay armed conflict by a couple months. Sure. :rolleyes:

Since you seem so sure exactly what Clinton would have done, can I get a look in your crystal ball for the lottery numbers please?
As much as I have me doubts about HC , she would know enough to carefully ascertain the right moves in any escalation, the thought of TTT of ordering a nuclear strike just because Fox News might regard it as a good idea, just at the same time TTT realises there is no bog paper in the presidential lavvy..........:D
I want to laugh, but it could be almost exactly like that. There is nothing and no one there to stop him ordering a nuclear strike wherever and whenever he takes a fancy.

My cat now is like

Cross posted from the Syria thread.

motherfucker just had a hard on to start launching missiles.

Where the fuck are Casually Red, maomao et all, who warned us Hilary was going to start world war 3 in the middle east.
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