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The Trump presidency

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On HuffPo As SEALs Fought For Their Lives, Trump’s Account Sent And Deleted A TV Tweet
I really fail to see why a President should be expected to sit through a SF raid attempting to grab some AQAP HVT in Yemen. It's not D-Day or even the hit on Bin Laden. You'd think this would be delegated by busy people running the country with them only being on stand by if some critical decision point is needed.
I think the beef is that he ordered the attack against advice from intelligence and military leaders and showed no interest as it turned into disaster. The administration spun it as some great victory and he got his media op turning up at the dead SEALs funeral with his daughter.
On NPR Deported With A Valid U.S. Visa, Jordanian Says Message Is 'You're Not Welcome'
CBP officers took his jacket, his belt, his phone and his shoelaces, he says, and put him in a cold cell with a steel door and open toilet, along with five other people.

"I sat there and introduced myself to my cellmates. Most of them were engineers or something," Abu Romman says.

There were five mattresses on the floor for six people. Abu Romman says everyone crammed into the cell had advanced degrees, including an Indian engineer working for an American company.

Refugee and immigrants' rights organizations have gone to court over the issue of other travelers who were earlier denied entry to the U.S. after the ban. The case argues that the travelers were coerced by border officials into agreeing to be deported. This is similar to Abu Romman's account of his experience at O'Hare, though he is not represented in the case.

As of Friday afternoon, CBP had yet to comment in response to NPR requests about Abu Romman's experience.

Abu Romman had visited the United States once before, when he was in the sixth grade, and has wonderful memories of that trip.

"They were so welcoming – 'Come to us. See our beautiful land,'" he says. "Now they're telling you not to come, please. 'You're not welcome.'"

He's been told by the U.S. embassy in Jordan he can apply again for a visa, but probably shouldn't do it right way. Abu Romman says he probably will, but it's been a painful lesson. He seems genuinely puzzled by the assumption by border officers that he might try to stay in the U.S.

"I'm a lot safer in Jordan," he says. "You hear about people being robbed and killed [in the U.S.] all the time. My relatives say sometimes even in gas stations, there are bullet-proof windows between people working there and the customer. You never have to worry about that here."
Young graduate from a friendly Kingship with an interest in flying lessons. Well somebody was probably thinking of 9-11 and thought he looked a bit off.

You do wonder about any tiny gains in security versus the cumulative anger treating foreigners who might have been well deposed to your country shabbily stores up.

Interesting point in this snip: US often rather more scary than Jordan.
On Reuters Trump proposal for terrorist listing of Iran Revolutionary Guard in limbo: sources
A proposal the Trump administration is considering to designate Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization has stalled over warnings from defense and intelligence officials that the move could backfire, according to officials familiar with the matter.

"If you do that, there is no way to escalate, and you would foreclose any possibility of talking to the Iranians about anything," one of the officials said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Momentum behind a possible presidential order has slowed amid an internal debate that has included concerns it could undermine the fight against Islamic State, draw opposition from key allies, torpedo any U.S.-Iran diplomatic prospects, and complicate enforcement of the Iran nuclear deal, U.S. and European sources said.

The proposal - part of a broader effort to make good on President Donald Trump's vow to take a tougher line against Iran - would, if implemented, take the unprecedented step of blacklisting the entire IRGC as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization."

That would go far beyond the targeted sanctions already imposed on individuals and entities linked to the IRGC, Iran's most powerful security force, which also controls large swathes of the Iranian economy and wields great political influence.

The proposal has been in the works for weeks, and was originally expected to be rolled out this month. But while the idea remains under consideration, it is unclear when – or even if – an announcement might be forthcoming, according to the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
How does that work when you are trying to cosy up to the Russians who are working hand in glove with the IRGC in Syria? Not to mention wanting to prosecute a war against IS in Iraq where the IRGC could rapidly make it a very hostile environment for the US military.

When the Bush administration toyed with doing this it was seen as a preliminary move to open war with Iran and was blocked by Congress.
Fuck you. I live in an area devastated by the decline of heavy industry and while I voted for Brexit I would never vote for the likes of Trump and his cronies, that they are racist bellends goes without saying but the fact they have the nerve to stand there in their mansions and gilded towers crying crocodile tears on behalf of the dispossessed and unemployed is sickening beyond belief.

Christ, the irony! (Irony of the year award, please, for this poster)

After voting brexit did you notice at all the constant demonization of brexit voters, of yourself as a knuckle dragging thick racist, too stupid to be trusted with a vote? Did you notice that you were accused of being a stupid racist, over and over? And here you are doing exactly that to trump voters, when both results have serious similarities in that working class people are fed up and have protested and are not racists. You claim to live near declining industry. Do you know who voted for trump in americas rust belt?

Someone described trump voters as the enemy a few pages back, showing a total lack of understanding of what has and is happening in the USA and all over.

But don't just hear it from me. Check out Michael Moore's brilliant first point Here:

5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win
Michael Moore said:

From Green Bay to Pittsburgh, this, my friends, is the middle of England – broken, depressed, struggling, the smokestacks strewn across the countryside with the carcass of what we use to call the Middle Class. Angry, embittered working (and nonworking) people who were lied to by the trickle-down of Reagan and abandoned by Democrats who still try to talk a good line but are really just looking forward to rub one out with a lobbyist from Goldman Sachs...

Donald Trump, has arrived to clean house! You don’t have to agree with him! You don’t even have to like him! He is your personal Molotov cocktail to throw right into the center of the bastards who did this to you! SEND A MESSAGE! TRUMP IS YOUR MESSENGER!
On NPR Deported With A Valid U.S. Visa, Jordanian Says Message Is 'You're Not Welcome'
Young graduate from a friendly Kingship with an interest in flying lessons. Well somebody was probably thinking of 9-11 and thought he looked a bit off.

You do wonder about any tiny gains in security versus the cumulative anger treating foreigners who might have been well deposed to your country shabbily stores up.

Interesting point in this snip: US often rather more scary than Jordan.
Well, not that they'll pay any attention, but:

Homeland Security report disputes threat from banned nations
On The Hill Report: New national security adviser breaks with Trump on 'radical Islamic terrorism'
President Trump’s new national security adviser doesn't find the term "radical Islamic terrorism" helpful, the New York Times reported on Friday, while the president has insisted on using such language.

Individuals who attended Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster's first National Security Council meeting on Thursday told the Times that the newly appointed adviser thinks the term is not beneficial because terrorists are “un-Islamic.”
The Awkward Squad has landed fully loaded with over a decade of conventional GWOT wisdom.

The basic problem here is not that the likes of IS are not Muslims, if of a peculiar kind, but that all the most useful allies against them are. Some fictions are useful in warfare.

Which is why Bannon-esque Crusades that play well down at the Country Club prayer circle run into very practical difficulties very quickly. What does the US military do if Iraqis decide the US is at war with their entire faith as IS and QA says it is? Trump's daft posturing has already caused friction with US forces in the siege of Mosul. Enough Iraqis already believe IS is a creation of the Great Satan designed to torment them as it is.
Side note - used to be a fan of Michael Moore in the 90's, but my enthusiasm for him dropped considerably when he stupidly backed Ralph Nader for President in 2000. Definitely diverted enough votes from Gore to result in George W Bush and all the shit that followed. Never going to forget or forgive that.
On The Hill Report: New national security adviser breaks with Trump on 'radical Islamic terrorism'
The Awkward Squad has landed fully loaded with over a decade of conventional GWOT wisdom.

The basic problem here is not that the likes of IS are not Muslims, if of a peculiar kind, but that all the most useful allies against them are. Some fictions are useful in warfare.

Which is why Bannon-esque Crusades that play well down at the Country Club prayer circle run into very practical difficulties very quickly. What does the US military do if Iraqis decide the US is at war with their entire faith as IS and QA says it is? Trump's daft posturing has already caused friction with US forces in the siege of Mosul. Enough Iraqis already believe IS is a creation of the Great Satan designed to torment them as it is.
Any odds yet on how long McMasters will last?
Side note - used to be a fan of Michael Moore in the 90's, but my enthusiasm for him dropped considerably when he stupidly backed Ralph Nader for President in 2000. Definitely diverted enough votes from Gore to result in George W Bush and all the shit that followed. Never going to forget or forgive that.
heaven forfend candidates from third parties stand. what sort of democracy is it where only two people are allowed to vie for president?
It is doubtful that trump will alleviate the pressures of life for those people, which includes hispanic and black voters, and their dispair may then turn to hatred in the future.
It includes relatively few latino voters (Clinton did almost as well as Obama among that demographic, which includes a chunk of r/w Florida Cubans who are historically very republican) and very very few black voters. Fewer than one in twenty black women voted for Trump.
Christ, the irony! (Irony of the year award, please, for this poster)

After voting brexit did you notice at all the constant demonization of brexit voters, of yourself as a knuckle dragging thick racist, too stupid to be trusted with a vote? Did you notice that you were accused of being a stupid racist, over and over? And here you are doing exactly that to trump voters, when both results have serious similarities in that working class people are fed up and have protested and are not racists. You claim to live near declining industry. Do you know who voted for trump in americas rust belt?

Someone described trump voters as the enemy a few pages back, showing a total lack of understanding of what has and is happening in the USA and all over.

But don't just hear it from me. Check out Michael Moore's brilliant first point Here:

5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win

Aye, but the point your missing, is that it wasn't mainly those from the rust belt who voted for Trump, but largely comfortably off people with racist/abortion/ and other alt right positions.
Whereas most voting for Brexit were the genuinely dispossessed and unemployed.
heaven forfend candidates from third parties stand. what sort of democracy is it where only two people are allowed to vie for president?
It may be shit, but the reality is that since well before I landed on Earth and now, America has had a two party system. Any third party candidate with significant support will draw votes from one party or other, whether they're running for dog catcher or president. That matters less at local and even state level. At national level, it can tip the balance dramatically. In 2000, although the Supreme Court called it, had there not been so may votes for Nader, GWB would not have won. Gore wouldn't have cast aside Clinton's security measures like Bush did. Quite possibly, 9/11 would have been foiled, but if not, I suspect the aftermath would have been handled very differently.

I'm thinking of pragmatic outcomes here.
On The Hill Report: New national security adviser breaks with Trump on 'radical Islamic terrorism'
The Awkward Squad has landed fully loaded with over a decade of conventional GWOT wisdom.

The basic problem here is not that the likes of IS are not Muslims, if of a peculiar kind, but that all the most useful allies against them are. Some fictions are useful in warfare.

Which is why Bannon-esque Crusades that play well down at the Country Club prayer circle run into very practical difficulties very quickly. What does the US military do if Iraqis decide the US is at war with their entire faith as IS and QA says it is? Trump's daft posturing has already caused friction with US forces in the siege of Mosul. Enough Iraqis already believe IS is a creation of the Great Satan designed to torment them as it is.
Did McMasters get to pick his own team?
Aye, but the point your missing, is that it wasn't mainly those from the rust belt who voted for Trump, but largely comfortably off people with racist/abortion/ and other alt right positions.
Whereas most voting for Brexit were the genuinely dispossessed and unemployed.
True, although I seem to recall Brexit wise, there was also an urban/rural division, and working class people of colour were more likely to vote remain than white were.

You are spot on in the statement about Trump voters. Many were and remain candid that they backed him for his stance on abortion (or at least that Clinton's pro-choice stance stopped them voting for her), immigration, islamaphobia or law and order (dog whistle for racism.) Others will be more coy and say it was because he'd bring back jobs or was outside the political elite, but I suspect they share the views of the others, but just don't want to sound as bigoted.

The left really needs to drop the crap about reaching out to disaffected white working class men, because you will find those who backed Trump embrace fundamentalist Christianity, Islamaphobia, white supremacy, homophobia and misogyny. Those white, working class folk who don't didn't vote for Trump don't embody those far right values, and are already active in trying to get his orange ass out of the White House.

Reaching the people who didn't vote or who were prevented through voter suppression is what needs to happen.
heaven forfend candidates from third parties stand. what sort of democracy is it where only two people are allowed to vie for president?
Exactly, let us not forget Ross Perot handed the Clintons the keys to Whitehouse.

The odd thing here is a major party candidate was pretty much the stuff of an insurgent independent run like Perot's vanity project. In Trump we had a RINO, bullshit spouting, grab bag of conspiracy theories, over boiled Reaganism, evident psychological defects and moral failings that would disqualify most people from being left in charge of a sweetie shop. That he won the nomination and a fair chance of being President just based on partisan sentiment you have to blame on the awful judgement of Republican Primary voters not folks protest voting often overly confident the completely unqualified Trump hadn't a hope in Hell. And, Lord help us, these GOP stalwarts aren't some poor critters who felt their jobs were stolen by Mexicans but relatively well off, older, active citizens.
It may be shit, but the reality is that since well before I landed on Earth and now, America has had a two party system. Any third party candidate with significant support will draw votes from one party or other, whether they're running for dog catcher or president. That matters less at local and even state level. At national level, it can tip the balance dramatically. In 2000, although the Supreme Court called it, had there not been so may votes for Nader, GWB would not have won. Gore wouldn't have cast aside Clinton's security measures like Bush did. Quite possibly, 9/11 would have been foiled, but if not, I suspect the aftermath would have been handled very differently.

I'm thinking of pragmatic outcomes here.
ie keeping the same shit system in place. Which fucks the people you claim to be supporting.
It may be shit, but the reality is that since well before I landed on Earth and now, America has had a two party system. Any third party candidate with significant support will draw votes from one party or other, whether they're running for dog catcher or president. That matters less at local and even state level. At national level, it can tip the balance dramatically. In 2000, although the Supreme Court called it, had there not been so may votes for Nader, GWB would not have won. Gore wouldn't have cast aside Clinton's security measures like Bush did. Quite possibly, 9/11 would have been foiled, but if not, I suspect the aftermath would have been handled very differently.

I'm thinking of pragmatic outcomes here.
approximately 50% of the *eligible* electorate do not vote in presidential elections. the votes are out there.
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Exactly, let us not forget Ross Perot handed the Clintons the keys to Whitehouse.

The odd thing here is a major party candidate was pretty much the stuff of an insurgent independent run like Perot's vanity project. In Trump we had a RINO, bullshit spouting, grab bag of conspiracy theories, over boiled Reaganism, evident psychological defects and moral failings that would disqualify most people from being left in charge of a sweetie shop. That he won the nomination and a fair chance of being President just based on partisan sentiment you have to blame on the awful judgement of Republican Primary voters not folks protest voting often overly confident the completely unqualified Trump hadn't a hope in Hell. And, Lord help us, these GOP stalwarts aren't some poor critters who felt their jobs were stolen by Mexicans but relatively well off, older, active citizens.
Lest we forget the horror show that was the GOP candidate line-up. Republican voters were left with a choice of 'what flavour of unhinged evil do you want elected to the presidency?'. They chose Orange flavour...
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Lest we forget the horror show that was the GOP candidate line-up. Republican voters were left with a choice of 'what flavour of unhinged evil do you want elected to the presidency?'. They chose Orange flavour...
Not really fair Trump and Carson stood out as incapable and undisciplined. Of the late field any of the governors were qualified. Rubio was going to bomb Iran but it's pretty likely Trump will as well. Cruz had some pretty crazy policies and antagonised the establishment but he did look able enough. Truth is they went for the worst of things: the entertaining one.
It includes relatively few latino voters (Clinton did almost as well as Obama among that demographic, which includes a chunk of r/w Florida Cubans who are historically very republican) and very very few black voters. Fewer than one in twenty black women voted for Trump.

No, Cuban Americans voted for Trump in higher percentages than non-Hispanic white voters.

Trump did better with black and Hispanic voters than Romney, and just as well with Hispanic voters as McCain.

Another interesting demographic that Trump did a lot better with than expected in Florida was Haitian voters, many of whom were absolutely furious about the Clinton's role in the 'reconstruction' of Haiti following the earthquake there. Aware of the potential to pick up votes on this issue, Trump specifically visited Haitians in Florida, take a look at the video below.

True, although I seem to recall Brexit wise, there was also an urban/rural division, and working class people of colour were more likely to vote remain than white were.

You are spot on in the statement about Trump voters. Many were and remain candid that they backed him for his stance on abortion (or at least that Clinton's pro-choice stance stopped them voting for her), immigration, islamaphobia or law and order (dog whistle for racism.) Others will be more coy and say it was because he'd bring back jobs or was outside the political elite, but I suspect they share the views of the others, but just don't want to sound as bigoted.

The left really needs to drop the crap about reaching out to disaffected white working class men, because you will find those who backed Trump embrace fundamentalist Christianity, Islamaphobia, white supremacy, homophobia and misogyny. Those white, working class folk who don't didn't vote for Trump don't embody those far right values, and are already active in trying to get his orange ass out of the White House.

Reaching the people who didn't vote or who were prevented through voter suppression is what needs to happen.
And guns, never underestimate the NRA.
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