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The Trump presidency

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Meanwhile, in Stamford, Connecticut:



thats an interesting story (the response by the family not to remove the hateful graffiti)... worth a click for those who didnt
Ha ha, that's so full of shit. You think that's all Kendzior is about? Sure pal.
It isn't all she's about, no. But it is what she's about, and the lack of rigour there does mean I'm going to be pretty careful about anything else she writes.
It isn't all she's about, no. But it is what she's about, and the lack of rigour there does mean I'm going to be pretty careful about anything else she writes.
Did you read her actual explanation of the use of the ancient Lyndon Larouche newsletter to show that there was "talk" about Trump connections with Russia at that time, alongside other evidence, never suggesting it was "proof" of this? And, what's the deal with flatly refusing to countenance there could be any interest from the Russian leadership in the US Elections?

Have found her far more robust with "receipts" than many other independent journos. Like it or not, most of her predictions about a Trump presidency are sadly coming true. Think she gets dissed by some who don't want to believe how shitty things could get and by some because they see her as just a jumped up midwest mummy blogger, because they see the face and location before the content. If she was a bearded Bostonian lefty lad, she'd be the toast of Urbanz.

I still like her takedown of the Brietbart guy and commentary on the feebleness of mainstream media.

I can't imagine why anyone in a red state would care about the Oscars. Most of the movies haven't played in the flyover state I live in. How can you have a basis for watching something that considers your market so irrelevant? We only get Oscar nominated movies about two weeks after the awards, when they figure they can make a buck from the free publicity.
While it may be true that many people may not be interested, it doesn't seem true that most of the movies haven't played in your state. Seems that 6 of the 9 best picture nominees are playing currently in the state (not sure how close to Lincoln) and I am sure the other 3 would have played there too. At least 3 of the 9 are currently playing in Lincoln per Fandango.

Movies Playing in Lincoln, NE - What's Playing in Theatres

Was a bit surprised to read your claim and as I've never been there, was curious as to whether it was true.
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Addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday, National Rifle Association top executive Wayne LaPierre decried opponents of President Donald Trump as the “violent left” and accused them of seeking to destroy the United States.

The NRA leader’s message to CPAC echoed a fiery video posted by the NRA on Tuesday. In the one-minute ad, LaPierre urges the NRA’s millions of members to mobilize against “the forces who conspired” to keep Trump out of office, and who are now working to undermine his legitimacy. Trump, LaPierre said, “has no more powerful ally than the NRA.” The video was accompanied by the Twitter hashtag #counterresistence .

In the president’s Friday speech, he explicitly acknowledged the close relationship between the NRA and his administration, signaling once again that he will embrace the gun group in a manner far more overt than past Republican presidents.

“We will protect our Second Amendment,” he said, before singling out and praising LaPierre and Cox. “They are great people. They love our country.”

The NRA are really making hay. Hoping to make a license to conceal carry in one state valid in all other states. :mad:
what's the deal with flatly refusing to countenance there could be any interest from the Russian leadership in the US Elections?

Come on, CRI: you didn't just arrive here yesterday.

For certain posters, that flat refusal to countenance the idea, is an Official Position; to be repeated as loudly and as often as possible. :D
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So Darrell Issa just came out and said Sessions must recuse himself and appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Trump's links to Russia.

If Trump can't hold on to guys like him, he's in trouble.
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On WaPo No, Sweden isn’t hiding an immigrant crime problem. This is the real story.

Very transparent reporting of government collected stats based on freedom of information legislation dating back to 18th century. Most crime stats flat. Very broad definition of sexual assault added in 05. There's never been any collection of perp ethnicity stats. I believe that's the same in a number of countries as legally justice is meant to be blind to such things. Evidence of rapey immigrants is therefore going to be anecdotal.

Of course that does not mean it does not happen. Common sense would suggest an influx of young men from abroad will contain a proportion of criminals including SOs. The bigger problem is Swedes are not breeding so they have to import young labour at a high rate like many other European countries. Integration of immigrants does look rather poor in Sweden. Screening for terrorist problems also appears lax.

Funny really given Trump's self declared grabby TV celeb methods of courting. If he really was Swedish, as the mendacious Trumps used to claim they were, he might be part of that sexual assault uptick.
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Did you read her actual explanation of the use of the ancient Lyndon Larouche newsletter to show that there was "talk" about Trump connections with Russia at that time, alongside other evidence, never suggesting it was "proof" of this? And, what's the deal with flatly refusing to countenance there could be any interest from the Russian leadership in the US Elections?

Have found her far more robust with "receipts" than many other independent journos. Like it or not, most of her predictions about a Trump presidency are sadly coming true. Think she gets dissed by some who don't want to believe how shitty things could get and by some because they see her as just a jumped up midwest mummy blogger, because they see the face and location before the content. If she was a bearded Bostonian lefty lad, she'd be the toast of Urbanz.

I still like her takedown of the Brietbart guy and commentary on the feebleness of mainstream media.

Has there ever been a more dishonest poster on this forum?
I don't expect a reply but I thought that I'd just take a piecemeal look at what has just been vomited in my direction because the multi-layered aspect of it has taken me aback a bit.

Did you read her actual explanation of the use of the ancient Lyndon Larouche newsletter to show that there was "talk" about Trump connections with Russia at that time, alongside other evidence, never suggesting it was "proof" of this?

OK, this is the text which most closely approximates a reasonable point, I hadn't read her justification though I did know it was used in conjunction with other sources. Having looked over the original tweet thread, it doesn't seem to me that there has been any acknowledgement of exactly why the source is not necessarily good. That is to say, it came from an anti-Semitic cult which traffics in conspiracy theory, something that Kendzior here is doing. Let's remind ourselves of the Kendzior thesis - Trump was recruited by the now no longer existing Soviet Union as a Manchurian candidate to undermine US democracy, the current administration is the product of this nefarious Soviet scheme.

OK, now let's get to the bulk of the post.

And, what's the deal with flatly refusing to countenance there could be any interest from the Russian leadership in the US Elections?

Haven't seen a single post saying this. This is a lie.

Have found her far more robust with "receipts" than many other independent journos.


Like it or not, most of her predictions about a Trump presidency are sadly coming true.

Which predictions? Her initial prediction was that she was happy that Trump won the Republican nomination because he would be so easily beaten by Clinton? Or her claims now that Trump is part of a wider Soviet conspiracy theory?

Think she gets dissed by some who don't want to believe how shitty things could get and by some because they see her as just a jumped up midwest mummy blogger, because they see the face and location before the content.

Totally unfounded accusation of misogyny through insinuation, also a bizarre attack on posters on the basis that they somehow do not like rural America from someone who has hitherto resisted any idea that rural Americans are anything other than deporables. Also implication that Kendzior has folksy wisdom or whatever, when in fact she is a very well paid journalist and academic with a very big platform in some of the biggest US media outlets. Another lie.

If she was a bearded Bostonian lefty lad, she'd be the toast of Urbanz.

Despite the fact that apparently she is pushing a narrative which you have, in the previous few sentences, told us we universally disagree with - that of Russian interest in US elections? Further push here on the idea that Urban75 is pro-blue state or whatever, despite months of posts from you condemning anyone outside these states.

I still like her takedown of the Brietbart guy and commentary on the feebleness of mainstream media.

She argues with other right-wingers, therefore her Trump conspiracy theory is fine.
Come on, CRI: you didn't just arrive here yesterday.

For certain posters, that flat refusal to countenance the idea, is an Official Position; to be repeated as loudly and as often as possible. :D
Well, the thread was getting tiresome to navigate with so many on ignore. But I discovered it's worse wading through kindergartenesque personal attacks, so back they go.
Well, the thread was getting tiresome to navigate with so many on ignore. But I discovered it's worse wading through kindergartenesque personal attacks, so back they go.

Poster: I disagree with point A

CRI: That's because you're a sexist, like everyone else on here.

Poster: Hang on, where is your proof of that?

CRI: SO much immature name calling! Abuse! Time for ignore I think!

Over and over and over.

Moe: "OK, Curly, tell us what you think of the thread so far!"

Curly: "Soitenly: woop woop woop woop woop! Nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk!"
I inherited three garden sheds when I moved here and named them after the Three Stooges. The mower is in Larry. :D
Of course, you don't understand the motives of many of the republicans new voters. They are the abandoned working and lower middle classes worst hit by crisis in industry. Abortion was a secondary issue. Michael Moore summed it up very well. These people, and not just in the USA, are desperate and sending a massive fuck you to the establisment, and I believe to liberal identity politics clones also. They may actually believe that trump is going to revive jobs, cut down on competitors for those jobs and raise their living standards with a higher minimum wage. You have no sympathy with them because for you in your smugness, they are the enemy. You basically don't understand them.

It is doubtful that trump will alleviate the pressures of life for those people, which includes hispanic and black voters, and their dispair may then turn to hatred in the future. If anything they will turn to something more vile not the fucking democrats, like the lost sheep you seem to think they are.

In europe this year things are going to be very close. Social democracy offers nothing, has no reforms. Populism is rising fast, and all some people can do is demonize the people who are turning to it in desperation. Fuck you.
Fuck you. I live in an area devastated by the decline of heavy industry and while I voted for Brexit I would never vote for the likes of Trump and his cronies, that they are racist bellends goes without saying but the fact they have the nerve to stand there in their mansions and gilded towers crying crocodile tears on behalf of the dispossessed and unemployed is sickening beyond belief.
Pro-Trump megadonor is part owner of Breitbart News empire, CEO reveals

Breitbart News Network, the far-right media outlet that heralded President Trump’s rise and was once led by his top White House strategist, is owned in part by a wealthy conservative family that poured millions into propelling Trump into office, the company’s chief executive acknowledged Friday.

Well, there's a surprise, not. :rolleyes:
Funny really, this Whitehouse has a bunch of people in it that originally were in the Ted Cruz campaign that basically are wealthy Mercer clan minions like Bannon. It's got other more establishment folk like Tillerson and Pence with links to the billionaire Kochs. It's incredibly thick with Goldman types and various vulture capitalists. As an act elite capture of state power its only really glaring flaw is the inadequate barely multi-billionaire flipper of real estate in the Oval Office seemingly still staring in a reality TV show. And this is called "populism".

Poor old Ted with his crafty Lawyer's big brain and mad ideas must really feel cheated of his place as King of the swampiest swamp DC has ever seen.
On HuffPo As SEALs Fought For Their Lives, Trump’s Account Sent And Deleted A TV Tweet
WASHINGTON ― As a team of elite U.S. commandos found themselves under unexpectedly heavy fire in a remote Yemeni village last month, eight time zones away, their commander in chief was not in the Situation Room.

It’s unclear what he, personally, was doing. But his Twitter account was busy promoting an upcoming appearance on the Christian Broadcasting Network.

“I will be interviewed by @TheBrodyFile on @CBNNews tonight at 11pm. Enjoy!” read a tweet from President Donald Trump’s personal account on Saturday, Jan. 28.

Whether it was Trump himself or an aide who sent out that tweet at 5:50 p.m. ― about half an hour into a firefight that cost a Navy SEAL his life ― cannot be determined from the actual tweets, and the White House isn’t saying. Likewise, it’s not clear who deleted the tweet some 20 minutes later, or why the new president, just a week on the job, chose not to directly monitor the first high-risk military operation on his watch.
I really fail to see why a President should be expected to sit through a SF raid attempting to grab some AQAP HVT in Yemen. It's not D-Day or even the hit on Bin Laden. You'd think this would be delegated by busy people running the country with them only being on stand by if some critical decision point is needed.
The Daily Mail (hateful as it is) are supporters of Trump. They are, however, being sued by Melania for libel so it's yet another looking after the family's own interests thing.
That makes sense. There's a thread on the Twitter claiming all the excluded outlets either reported on links between the Trump administration and Russian leadership, or something personally offensive to him. Haven't checked though.
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