managed to get out to the brecon beacons this weekend, parked at Llantony Priory then hiked about 8ish miles and camped. Was brutally cold and I had that wind where you hear it rumbling in the valley like thunder, then it slams into your tent like 5 seconds later! Was pretty challenging tbh, pitching tent in icy wind with numb fingers, but enjoyable - can be good to get out of your comfort zone occasionally imo.
At one point I thought the tent might collapse - the poles were bending alarmingly, but it held up well, its hand made in Scotland and made for serious conditions. Once in the tent, I was snug as a bug, listening to the radio with a hot brew, but if I even stuck my nose out of the sleeping bag it went numb within a minute! Not sure what temp was overnight, but guessing at least around -8 windchill. Next day had a lovely walk along the top of the hill and back to the car. Sweet!