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The Oscars

Joe/Jay earlier:

Honestly, this is the absolute last thing I will ever say to you so please don’t respond to this or to me ever again. Please.

Repeated attempts to derail now. I’d report you but I know for a fact the mods have much more important things they could be doing with their time on here.

I dunno what kind of win you think this is, you’re directly quoting me - whilst others are reacting to those quotes - and I find it all rather menacing. Why can’t my request of you to stop be enough? Why can’t you remove yourself away from confrontation with me? Surely you don’t conduct yourself like this in Japan. They shy away from any confrontation there.
Repeated attempts to derail now. I’d report you but I know for a fact the mods have much more important things they could be doing with their time on here.

I dunno what kind of win you think this is, you’re directly quoting me - whilst others are reacting to those quotes - and I find it all rather menacing. Why can’t my request of you to stop be enough? Why can’t you remove yourself away from confrontation with me? Surely you don’t conduct yourself like this in Japan. They shy away from any confrontation there.
Jesus Christ.

Just stop it, Jay.
They're seeing you follow this self around and having a pop on at least 3 separate threads. From the Tokyo one to Koknbul's latest nonsense.

If they look at my profile, they will see how obsessed and desperate you are.

Is this how you normally spend your holidays, Jay?
It looks the other way round from where I’m sitting
Getting back on track.

Overall..I think BOI trumps that Everything everywhere film.
They were robbed.
Neither do I. It is of course true enough that many films, books, songs, etc don't stand the test of time very well. But it's also true that we can't predict which ones will and which won't. Whoever thinks they can is kidding themselves. We cannot step outside our own time.
In a general sense, sure, but in the specific sense he stalking about, bollocks. Lets have a look at the list of post NCfOM winners:
Slumdog Millionaire*
The Hurt Locker
The Kings Speech
The Artist*
12 Years a Slave*
The Shape of Water
Green Book

I've seen all of them once bar the wank looking Green Book. The asterisked films I've happily watched at least twice and I would have no objection to viewing Shape of Water, Moonlight an even Birdman again. So, specifically, he is talking wank. But he's a right wing turd so of course he'd hate various of those films.
I gather that that bloke in the tweet is a shitstain, but I have noticed before how the Oscars don't have a impressive hit-rate for identifying great films. That list mostly bears this out for me. Doesn't mean EEAAO won't stand the test of time. I think it's interesting enough that it could.
I gather that that bloke in the tweet is a shitstain, but I have noticed before how the Oscars don't have a impressive hit-rate for identifying great films. That list mostly bears this out for me. Doesn't mean EEAAO won't stand the test of time. I think it's interesting enough that it could.

I always figured the Oscars just chose things according to their own logic and internal trends.
Was actually (pleasantly) surprised EEAAO did so well.
I gather that that bloke in the tweet is a shitstain, but I have noticed before how the Oscars don't have a impressive hit-rate for identifying great films. That list mostly bears this out for me. Doesn't mean EEAAO won't stand the test of time. I think it's interesting enough that it could.
Well yeah. 🤷‍♀️
I always figured the Oscars just chose things according to their own logic and internal trends.

There also tends to be a lot of campaigning and sometimes ruthless tactics, although maybe that's subsided a bit now that Harvey Weinstein is rotting in prison.

From 2014:

Harvey Weinstein, the co-founder of Miramax and the current co-chairman of the Weinstein Company, pioneered the modern Oscar campaign. Through a mix of big schmoozy events, whisper campaigns, and old-school cold-calling, Weinstein has developed a reputation over the last 25 years for getting award nominations. The results speak for themselves, with his films having secured more than 300 Academy Award nominations to date.

I always figured the Oscars just chose things according to their own logic and internal trends.
Definitely feels like this is one of those almost 'rites of passage' realisations that most of us come to at some point.

"Oh, wait, they're not the definitive arbiter of what good cinema is, they're just one of the many different perspectives"

Albeit, quite a loud perspective, in terms of cultural dominance :hmm:

(Which has maybe been waning over recent years? Ironically, not sure I could say, precisely because I stopped paying a great deal of attention some years ago :oops: :D )

Which is not to get all snooty about 'em. Well, not too much :hmm: As I say, simply acknowledging they represent but one cinematic tradition among many.
Oh, and obviously I really enjoyed EEAAO in the cinema, 'cause chaos and ADHD and existentialism and humanity 'n' shit.

Honestly, kinda could have done without the more 'silly' stuff like hotdogs and butt plugs and racoons. But maybe we all have a different version of silly.

E2A: much as I love JLC, I think Stephanie Hsu wos robbed.
Oh, and obviously I really enjoyed EEAAO in the cinema, 'cause chaos and ADHD and existentialism and humanity 'n' shit.

Honestly, kinda could have done without the more 'silly' stuff like hotdogs and butt plugs and racoons. But maybe we all have a different version of silly.

E2A: much as I love JLC, I think Stephanie Hsu wos robbed.
They’re the funny bits though
Meh, each to their own, they're just not the bits I found funny.

Spinning this off the top of my head, but maybe it's one of those where the comedy simply hinges on whether or not you find the central idea (e.g. "hotdogs for fingers!") funny.

If you do, everything that involves that idea is funny. If not, then it ain't.
I liked that they did hotdogs for fingers as if it was going to be a throwaway joke and then turned it into an actual story thread that answered questions like, how did people evolve like that and how would they play the piano. Which then throws up deeper levels of absurdity like the fact people with hotdog fingers still invented the piano.

We also get different iterations of the characters in that world and are given reasons to care about them.

They could have cut twenty minutes but considering how many three-hour epic blockbusters with absolutely nothing new or interesting about them get made every year, I'll let these guys make their movie as long or as short as they want to make it.
It’s based on the “everything bagel”, which is the one that has the poppy seeds, all the other seeds, onion, garlic etc. in it.
You can get them at most supermarkets - they’ve been around for a fair bit, but I guess easy to miss if you know what you’re looking for.

Also a spin on the Dalai Lama ordering a hot dog joke. Make me one with everything.
Oh, and obviously I really enjoyed EEAAO in the cinema, 'cause chaos and ADHD and existentialism and humanity 'n' shit.

Honestly, kinda could have done without the more 'silly' stuff like hotdogs and butt plugs and racoons. But maybe we all have a different version of silly.

E2A: much as I love JLC, I think Stephanie Hsu wos robbed.

I agree. Although I did find the raccoons funny. And the rocks. This is just one of those subjective things, but I’m not generally a fan a whacky/zany humour, so some of those parts of film didn’t personally work for me. On the other hand they did prevent it from being too po-faced, cold and Nolan-esque.
I agree. Although I did find the raccoons funny. And the rocks. This is just one of those subjective things, but I’m not generally a fan a whacky/zany humour, so some of those parts of film didn’t personally work for me. On the other hand they did prevent it from being too po-faced, cold and Nolan-esque.
Much as appreciate Nolan's output, yes, it is refreshing to have an antidote to the more earnest sci-fi. If you could call EEAO sci-fi. Its got a sense of fun about it, like Kung Fu Hustle, or earlier stuff like Wing Chun and other comedic HK films.
They're seeing you follow this self around and having a pop on at least 3 separate threads. From the Tokyo one to Koknbul's latest nonsense.

If they look at my profile, they will see how obsessed and desperate you are.

Is this how you normally spend your holidays, Jay?
If you don't mind, please can I ask why you say "this self" rather than me/I? I have noticed it a few times and wondered what the significance is.
In a general sense, sure, but in the specific sense he stalking about, bollocks. Lets have a look at the list of post NCfOM winners:
Slumdog Millionaire*
The Hurt Locker
The Kings Speech
The Artist*
12 Years a Slave*
The Shape of Water
Green Book

I've seen all of them once bar the wank looking Green Book. The asterisked films I've happily watched at least twice and I would have no objection to viewing Shape of Water, Moonlight an even Birdman again. So, specifically, he is talking wank. But he's a right wing turd so of course he'd hate various of those films.
That's actually not a bad list IMHO and many of the films do tell you something about what was going on in cinema/the world at the time in one way or another. So that's an achievement in itself. 'Best' is always going to be subjective.
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