Respect my existence or expect my resistance
I think there's details missing - it's important we all know how the chair was broken. Did someone lose it in a particularly vexing meeting and smash it on the table?
Jesus HF! Fucking hell, the person responsible for that deserves a bit more than a scolding.
I really detest the phrase "out of bounds". It always feels to me like a challenge that requires to be met
you wouldn't want to meet this challenge. there are good practical and indeed olfactory reasons not to go near it until it's been cleaned up.I really detest the phrase "out of bounds". It always feels to me like a challenge that requires to be met
Some fucker keeps leaving their used teabag in the kitchen sink. First up against the wall come the revolution.
the kitchen sink is out of bounds for reasons best left to the imagination
is this in any way related to the poor storage of potentially toxic chemicals in your earlier post?
Damn, I knew I'd put the osmium tetroxide down somewhere...is this in any way related to the poor storage of potentially toxic chemicals in your earlier post?
That was inevitable
Hmmm, it may be a fire exit, but it would also need to be protected during fire drills etc.
I was fire warden on the top occupied floor of an office block. Which meant I was almost always "last out" - during one fire drill, myself and two other fire wardens intercepted some local yokels taking advantage that these open doors were not supervised. We reclaimed several wallets, purses and handbags. The local coppers were "amused" to be handed the miscreants. What was worse was that missing items had happened previously during fire drills ...
The local fire evacuation instructions and assembly points were suitably revised !
Sounds like your boss is Patrick Bateman.
Sounds like your boss is Patrick Bateman.