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The 'Naked Rambler' jailed for 22 months, following arrest within 60 seconds of his release!

like i said, if its innocuous then take to strolling about your locality with your cock out . And then let us know about how you got on .

And what makes me do the mad face is fucking libertarians acting all hip and surprised when they encounter a negative reaction to some idiot who wants to wander about naked wherever takes his fancy with fuck all regard to the wider populations sensibilities.
Ive no problem at all with someone expressing the view that ~it would be nice to be able to walk about naked where it not for the fact that people take the hump over it. Thats a personal point of view someones entitled to hold as well as an acceptance of basic realities.

But acting all astonished at someone pointing out that people actually do get annoyed or worried ..thats just an affectation bordering on taking the piss . You cant conceivably be unaware people get stroppy over this . Even lifetime naturists know they have to go to naturist resorts and beaches and cant be doing this stuff among the wider population .

I don't think I've acted astonished. I've just pointed out that, actually, nobody does seem that bothered. Really. Nobody gives a fuck. Plenty of people think he's an idiot who's bringing his legal troubles on himself, but I don't know of a single person who thinks its right he should be banged up for being naked. It seems to me that his should be a special case of "ignore all rules" (as in the Wikipedia policy which basically states that if following the rules ends up being counterproductive, then don't follow them...) for our friends in the courts and constabulary.
What a fucking waste of public money incarcerating someone because they want to be in the buff all the time:facepalm: If he wants to be naked that bad let him FFS:rolleyes:
I got locked out of a hotel room once stark bollock naked having mistaken the room door for the toilet door.

Liberating as it might have been to streak through the hotel courtyard in search of somewhere to piss, then shin across the roof to get back in through the window, I reckon the novelty had worn off inside the first few seconds of being called a weird naked bloke.

No idea what this guy gets out of it tbh.
I don't think I've acted astonished. I've just pointed out that, actually, nobody does seem that bothered. Really. Nobody gives a fuck. Plenty of people think he's an idiot who's bringing his legal troubles on himself, but I don't know of a single person who thinks its right he should be banged up for being naked. It seems to me that his should be a special case of "ignore all rules" (as in the Wikipedia policy which basically states that if following the rules ends up being counterproductive, then don't follow them...) for our friends in the courts and constabulary.

theres three people in the last 2 pages of this thread alone whove openly said good . Others have liked their posts . Youre plainly deliberately feigning ignorance .
And if you honestly believe nobody gives a fuck about men walking around in public naked then its very simple . The weathers warm . Take all your gear off right now and have a stroll to your local corner shop and buy the local paper . Then put the paper over your face and take a photo of you like that in public and post it here, anonymity intact.

Cant think of a better way for you to prove your point . And if you dont fancy it I can only assume youve had second thoughts and decided not only might other people give a fuck but you might as well .

Otherwise give over.
Redser's right on this one - The naked rambler guy's more than likely not a sex case, but still though, fuck it, for reasons of aesthetics, and just having the decency to not offend the sensibilities of the majority of people who do (rightly or wrongly, but I say rightly), abide by the convention that we keep our undercarriages covered up in public, the guy's out of order - And fucking arrogant. Don't bang him up for having his skinny, nik-nakesque cock out, bang him up for his arrogance. Fuck him. Skinny cuntchya.

yeah, its like dickheads who insist on playing their music too loud all the time because its what they want to do and fuck everyone else who has to put up with it. They arent actually harming anyone physically . Neither is some asshole who likes picking his nose and eating it in front of people . Harming no one. But seriously anti social . Absolutely no consideration for others who have to share the same space and find it well unpleasant to be around. But raise a voice against their right to be an anti social prick and the libertarians get all excercised and high minded.
theres three people in the last 2 pages of this thread alone whove openly said good . Others have liked their posts . Youre plainly deliberately feigning ignorance .
And if you honestly believe nobody gives a fuck about men walking around in public naked then its very simple . The weathers warm . Take all your gear off right now and have a stroll to your local corner shop and buy the local paper . Then put the paper over your face and take a photo of you like that in public and post it here, anonymity intact.

Cant think of a better way for you to prove your point . And if you dont fancy it I can only assume youve had second thoughts and decided not only might other people give a fuck but you might as well .

Otherwise give over.

I don't think anyone's expressed shock and horror at his nakedness, though. They just seem fed up with is antics which seem attention seeking. Can't say I blame them. But not concerned at the sight of his genitalia.

Which point of mine would I be making by getting naked in public? The point that nobody seems that bothered about naked rambler guys nakedness? Because, y'know, I'm not him. I've made it quite clear that I feel he's a "special case". I've no interest in wandering about naked.

Nobody cares.
Why's his life been ruined? He's had to do a bit of time. Mostly by his own choice. Not life ruining stuff.

He's spend the last several years of his life in and out of prison, he's lost his family, all because of other people's insecurities

Anyone offended by a naked body is a fucking pervert, and that includes everyone in this thread rejoicing at this guy's arrest.

not like anyone was going to employ him running about in that state anyway . Any ruination is completely self inflicted . All he has to do is put on some trousers .

Why should he?
I don't think anyone's expressed shock and horror at his nakedness, though. They just seem fed up with is antics which seem attention seeking. Can't say I blame them. But not concerned at the sight of his genitalia.

Which point of mine would I be making by getting naked in public? The point that nobody seems that bothered about naked rambler guys nakedness? Because, y'know, I'm not him. I've made it quite clear that I feel he's a "special case". I've no interest in wandering about naked.

Nobody cares.

squirmy wiggly liberatarian cop out

keks off and down to the shop or give over
yeah, its like dickheads who insist on playing their music too loud all the time because its what they want to do and fuck everyone else who has to put up with it. They arent actually harming anyone physically . Neither is some asshole who likes picking his nose and eating it in front of people . Harming no one. But seriously anti social . Absolutely no consideration for others who have to share the same space and find it well unpleasant to be around. But raise a voice against their right to be an anti social prick and the libertarians get all excercised and high minded.

Well, I dunno about libertarians, but broadly - Yeah - There's things you don't do - Out of consideration for others. The nostril picking analogy was a good one.

And though I said I dunno about libertarians, the more I think about it, the more I'm coming round to the idea that yeah, the naked rambler's position and that of his sympathisers is a libertarian, and therefore essentially right wing, one. The logic's inescapable.
Well, I dunno about libertarians, but broadly - Yeah - There's things you don't do - Out of consideration for others. The nostril picking analogy was a good one.

And though I said I dunno about libertarians, the more I think about it, the more I'm coming round to the idea that yeah, the naked rambler's position and that of his sympathisers is a libertarian, and therefore essentially right wing, one. The logic's inescapable.

Fucking bollocks
I despise individualism, this is individualism at its worst (my hangups trump someone else's right to be free)
Libertarianism in its proper form is not right wing either
He's spend the last several years of his life in and out of prison, he's lost his family, all because of other people's insecurities

Anyone offended by a naked body is a fucking pervert, and that includes everyone in this thread rejoicing at this guy's arrest.

Why should he?

Fuck all to do with other peoples insecurities - He's lost his family and done time coz of whatever character deficiency in himself meant he felt he had to do his pointless & attention seeking naked campaign rather than be there for his family.

Nowt to do with being offended by the naked human body.
Using an ASBO to imprison people for something which is not a crime (except for the breaching of the ASBO) is becoming more and more commonplace and seems to be being accepted by some members of this board.

has he been whipping the veg and meat out again? I admire the mans dedication but really. If he carries on this way he will be naked in prison for ever
like i said, if its innocuous then take to strolling about your locality with your cock out . And then let us know about how you got on .
Both of these statements imply clothing and exposing oneself. Being naked is not 'whipping out your dick' it is actually a natural state of being.
Fucking bollocks
I despise individualism, this is individualism at its worst (my hangups trump someone else's right to be free)
Libertarianism in its proper form is not right wing either

Yeah, you're just wrong though. And, here, put yer kex back on, we're not skinny dipping in the canal now.
That's there hang up not mine. I remember once I got fucked up on ketamine and ended up naked in the street. Bastard neighbours all took photos and laughed at me.

I had a similar experience on 300 mushies when I was 17 - a nightmare trip where I was convinced walking under power lines would fry your brain. That reality was just a recurring dream and that my parents and a social worker were talking to me in prison. As I had left my mates in the fields magnificently gazing at a stairway to heaven in the clouds I managed somehow to find my way home - on the street where I lived I ripped off all my clothes, bit the petrol cap of my brother's moped , smashed the glass porch of my parent's house (thank god they were out) and crashed out to be whilst listening to Pink Floyd's Animals. It was sheep on the record that brought me down to earth.

Back on topic I feel sorry for him he has borderline (or not so borderline) mental health issues. And given his service record (Help for Heroes anyone?) it would be more noble for the criminal justice system to just ignore him and let him get on with his mostly unremarkable life. I was on one of the much missed bendy buses going over Westminster Bridge when the naked bike ride went past - the vast majority of people laughed and smiled , many took photos and one mum joked to her two sons to look the other way - which she didn't meant and of which they took no notice anyway. No one thought it was pervies on a jolly and I have heard one accused him of anything other than eccentriciy. LET HIM GO.
Well, I dunno about libertarians, but broadly - Yeah - There's things you don't do - Out of consideration for others. The nostril picking analogy was a good one.

And though I said I dunno about libertarians, the more I think about it, the more I'm coming round to the idea that yeah, the naked rambler's position and that of his sympathisers is a libertarian, and therefore essentially right wing, one. The logic's inescapable.

its totally right wing, the individual right to do whatever you want without any regard to the collective sensibilities and well being of others, taken to a ridiculous degree by the idiot in this case .
Along with a blind refusal to accept that anyone could be offended . His sympathisers will argue that nobody....no right thinking person.. could be offended because none of their libertarian social set are. Therefore nobody outside that worldviews existence matters a fuck.
But challenge one of them to simply stroll to their corner shop in the buff....Im simply not interested in walking about naked

yeah, just not interested. Its because they know bloody well the broad mass of people would take offence at it . And what they think and espouse will come into conflict with collective will . Its always I with these libertarians. Theres a facist in there just waiting to jump out of most of them, probably with his cock out
its totally right wing, the individual right to do whatever you want without any regard to the collective sensibilities and well being of others, taken to a ridiculous degree by the idiot in this case .
Along with a blind refusal to accept that anyone could be offended . His sympathisers will argue that nobody....no right thinking person.. could be offended because none of their libertarian social set are. Therefore nobody outside that worldviews existence matters a fuck.
But challenge one of them to simply stroll to their corner shop in the buff....Im simply not interested in walking about naked

yeah, just not interested. Its because they know bloody well the broad mass of people would take offence at it . And what they think and espouse will come into conflict with collective will . Its always I with these libertarians. Theres a facist in there just waiting to jump out of most of them, probably with his cock out

Yeah and if we tolerate this then your children will be next ...
Fucking bollocks
I despise individualism, this is individualism at its worst (my hangups trump someone else's right to be free)
Libertarianism in its proper form is not right wing either

The Duke: We Fascists are the only true anarchists, naturally, once we're masters of the state. In fact, the one true anarchy is that of power.

This is the hang ups as you call them...sensibilities as most people would call them...of the collective will versus one solitary self important individualist who insists on getting his balls out regardless of those sensibilities. Its one of the most right wing arguments Ive ever heard . The people have no right to be offended by his anti social behaviour. The people have to see his genitals whether they want to or not . They have no right not to see his genitals when taking the dog for a walk or the missus to the pictures. His individualist genitals trump everyones collective sensibilities.

Its as right wing an argument as it comes.

someone else's right to be free

free from the societal restraints of the collective . Its right wing liberatarian as fuck, way into Ron Paul territory .
Using an ASBO to imprison people for something which is not a crime (except for the breaching of the ASBO) is becoming more and more commonplace and seems to be being accepted by some members of this board.


Both of these statements imply clothing and exposing oneself. Being naked is not 'whipping out your dick' it is actually a natural state of being.

being a naked male in public invariably involves getting ones dick out in public . Its goes with the territory .

And if its that natural...now that weve established none of the smug libertarians are actually going to prove their point by going to the shop naked...then tell us how many naked people you saw walking around town last week . And compare it to how many people you saw walking naked about town this week . Id hazard a guess the number is none . Unless there was some random crackhead who had no idea what he was doing .
so if theres none either they are so badly oppressed they live in a virtually fascist state too terrified to transgress against laws . Or the collective convention usually is theres a time and a place for nudity, and its not in public whenver it takes your fancy .
The Duke: We Fascists are the only true anarchists, naturally, once we're masters of the state. In fact, the one true anarchy is that of power.

This is the hang ups as you call them...sensibilities as most people would call them...of the collective will versus one solitary self important individualist who insists on getting his balls out regardless of those sensibilities. Its one of the most right wing arguments Ive ever heard . The people have no right to be offended by his anti social behaviour. The people have to see his genitals whether they want to or not . They have no right not to see his genitals when taking the dog for a walk or the missus to the pictures. His individualist genitals trump everyones collective sensibilities.

Its as right wing an argument as it comes.

free from the societal restraints of the collective . Its right wing liberatarian as fuck, way into Ron Paul territory .

Fuck you. There is no collective will just as there is no self. You're an individualist because you think human rights are less important than your neuroses.

Anti social behaviour? Anti social behaviour is dictating that everyone conform to your victorian morality. If you don't want to look at his genitals, fucking look away. What harm is there in seeing genitals anyway? You fucking pervert.

Why do you insist in covering your body with fabric? What are you afraid of?
being a naked male in public invariably involves getting ones dick out in public . Its goes with the territory .

And if its that natural...now that weve established none of the smug libertarians are actually going to prove their point by going to the shop naked...then tell us how many naked people you saw walking around town last week . And compare it to how many people you saw walking naked about town this week . Id hazard a guess the number is none . Unless there was some random crackhead who had no idea what he was doing .
so if theres none either they are so badly oppressed they live in a virtually fascist state too terrified to transgress against laws . Or the collective convention usually is theres a time and a place for nudity, and its not in public whenver it takes your fancy .

I'd like you to explain what this man has done wrong in in clear terms, without appealing to tradition, popularity or some vague collective consensus
[quote="Left, post: 12330503, member:
Fuck you. There is no collective will just as there is no self.

who says..oh thats right..you . And like any good individualist the world revolves around you and your say so .

You're an individualist because you think human rights are less important than your neuroses.

you do know that its not me personally putting him in my jail, or cops doing it on my orders ? Therefore my neuroses as you call it have got fuck all to do with him being in jail and to even attempt to suggest so is blatantly dishonest. As well as a bit thick .

Anti social behaviour? Anti social behaviour is dictating that everyone conform to your victorian morality.

my morality eh ? again its not me whos stuck him in the big house,. And suggesting I have the power to make anyone, much less everyone conform to a single shred of my outlook is utterly preposterous .

If you don't want to look at his genitals, fucking look away. .

I dont have to and neither does anyone else . Hes in jail . And if he gets his knob out on the street again hes going straight back there .

What harm is there in seeing genitals anyway? You fucking pervert

hes in jail for getting his nadgers out, not me

Why do you insist in covering your body with fabric? What are you afraid of

what am I hiding mebbe..ehh Herr Flick ?
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