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The most working-class anarchist group is...

AF did have an Italian member with dreadlocks (but no beard, sorry) in London. Don't know if he's still around.

Green Anarchist must win on the beard stakes, though.
AF has a dreaded member in Bradford I think. Don't know any dreaded London AF members though.

And pilchardman the Italian with the enormous beard was amazing, one of the coolest people I've ever met.
888 said:
Green Anarchist must win on the beard stakes, though.
Didn't he nearly go down in some frame-up a few years ago? This was just when I was leaving Oxford (where he was a familiar figure) so I missed the detail.
Chuck Wilson said:
Anyone come across a working class anarchist group in Morecambe ?

Haven't noticed a middle cass group in Morecambe either. If they are there, then it is probably because they don't even show up on the radar of working class people's conciousness.
no jugglers involved in the wombles. No one with with dreadlocks involved with the wombles. Meetings vary between 6 & 30. Class composition 50-50, gender composition 60 - 40 male - female.

Antifa, london (surely the most working class of working class groups) has one person with dreads in their number. Ginger ones at that.
allright then

HSG - i would say
50/50 male/female
60/40 working class/middle class
1 public schoolie (afaik)
1 with dreads
1 juggler
catch said:
50:50 of which classes Monte? And how do you define them?


Those who sell their labour power & don't own the means of production/those who sell their labour power & don't own the means of production but are a bit posher.
icepick you shit- I am not an ex-public schoolie.

I went to a shit private school that my mum worked at- cost £3K a year. I ain't proud of it, but it wasn't public. Was full of twats though, not the least of which was me.

Can't choose you background though, can ye?

and you actually did go to public school- assisted place or not. Don't try and smear me you guilty capo!
a bit posher

Thanks for that Monte, although frankly I was hoping for something a little more in depth.

Thora, my little brother can juggle and has some 'circus skills' including unicycling and tumbling, although no dreadlocks, he does not however attach the prefix "revolutionary" or "insurrectionary" to those skills, nor does he use them as a qualification to lead workshops on the art of protest.

I've helped out with samba workshops at the school I teach at, and used to play in a band with Senegalese master drummer Ibrahima Camara, I haven't described this activity as essential to revolution at any point, however. Similarly, when stoned at college, me and a mate spent 12 hours (8pm to 10am) putting another mate's (ginger) hair into dreadlocks - dreadlocks so good that people would slow down cars in downtown Boston to shout "Sideshow Bob!" at him for days afterwards, until he had to shave them off after not washing them for three weeks. Again, no revolutionary potential in that activity.

Hold on, Monte again:
Those who sell their labour power & don't own the means of production/those who sell their labour power & don't own the means of production

I was under the impression that quite a large number of people in the WOMBLES don't have jobs - so how do they fit into your two identical categories?
kropotkin said:
icepick you shit- I am not an ex-public schoolie.

I went to a shit private school that my mum worked at- cost £3K a year. I ain't proud of it, but it wasn't public. Was full of twats though, not the least of which was me.
What's the difference between public n private? I thought they were basically synonyms (hmmm although i was told mine was private not public. I dunno)
Can't choose you background though, can ye?
Well I know so who gives a shit? No one in real life, only comedy stalinists and miscellaneous "anarchist" muppets who also went to private school and feel guilty about it :D
catch said:
I was under the impression that quite a large number of people in the WOMBLES don't have jobs - so how do they fit into your two identical categories?
I think the second category appeared to be ironic - pointing out the lack of important difference between working and middle class. Which is ironic still considering attempts or monte to smear other anarchists by calling them middle class.

But come on catch, people on the dole still have the only "property" they have to make money off is their labour power. Unemplyed workers are still workers.
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