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    Lazy Llama

The most working-class anarchist group is...

Thumper Browne said:
Like most working class people I don't enjoy getting twatted by the pigs either, that's why the adrenaline fix is sooooo good, cos I'm fucking scared shitless. The only reason I have found myself getting into an unwinnable situation with the cops in usually to defend a friend or the principle on which I am protesting. I'm prepared to lose many skirmishes with the long term view of exposing state violence, bit of pain now for, hopefully, future gains.

General Ludd said:
Claiming that anarchists don't want anarchist to be heard of was derogatory, or at least you should have realised that it would be perceived that way by people who put a lot of effort into making anarchism better known, and that was what kicked this 10 page argument off way back in post 76.

Has it really been ten pages? Hey - they call me the catalyst! 'Respect brother!' (Looks in mirror and slaps self on open palm with other open palm.)

It isn't at all derogatory to state the obvious truth that anarchism isn't even on the radar of working class people. (Actually, I wasn't the first one to say this as, thinking back, I was replying to somebody who'd already done so when I first said it; I withdraw the above comment - it's all down to that man Ryazan again: now there is a true catalyst if ever there was one....) This is the truth of the situation, no matter how much hard work anarchists put into trying to make it otherwise. Christ, it's a simple enough idea to grasp.
swarthy thug said:
To quote ian bannen(playing a child rapeist being roughed up by a cop) in the film the offence

"nothing i have done can be bad as the thoughts in your mind,i wouldt have your mind"
I would to have your mind?
I want to have your mind?
swarthy thug said:
It reminds of a story a mate of mine about tommy steele the cockney crooner,supposingly he used to pay strapping ex plods to dress up as a cops, knock on his door and then assult him verbally physically and sexually.He got big kicks out of it.

Thumper do you want me to gets his number?.
Our Tommy, that cheeky chirpy cockney? I can't believe that!
It isn't at all derogatory to state the obvious truth that anarchism isn't even on the radar of working class people.
Not a single anarchist on this thread has denied that, I completely agree with it*. That is very very different to say that that is the situation that anarchists want.

*As long as you add the provisio of 'almost all', there certainly are working class people who've heard of anarchism - all working class anarchists for starters.
charlie mowbray said:
Defensive? If you're attacked, you fight back. But you want us to roll over on our backs stick our legs in the air and admit that of course you're right.

What I mean by defensive is the totally out-of-proportion response to the reasonable comment I made way back in the mists of Monday. I will point out once more, just for your benefit, that I did not attack anybody, nor 'push' the 'great alternative.' The indignation behind the responses - as well as their general apoliticism ('let's all give credit where it's due and be nice-by the way, the organisation you support is crap and you're a cunt!') is telling.

The only point I was making was that anarchism is totally unknown to and not understood by the working class and the public in general. Fair point? Ask around, why don't you?
The only point I was making was that anarchism is totally unknown to and not understood by the working class and the public in general. Fair point? Ask around, why don't you?
If that had been all you were saying this thread would have disappeared a long time ago.
icepick said:
Well doesn't this thread suck the balls.

Why yes it does. :D

Some people are presenting (knowingly or not) a charicature of an anarchist position,

Yes they are aren't they.

some people are playing up to the charicature,

Yes I am, a bit, but I made the remark many pages ago that there should be a clear line where Anarchism begins and Anti-Capitalism ends. I'm not sure who's fault it is that the issue is so confused. This if anything needs to be addressed by the movement because when 'the working masses' do hear about anarchists through mainstream media its always in that shady light. But that doesn't mean the confrontations should be stopped because I honestly believe they shouldn't.

it just all sucks really.

It's good to talk, like, have it out in the open.

Anyhoo I just thought this was hilarious:

Are you pretending to live on estate now?
Just brilliant! :D :D

That is a bit bad, but the point was well made, I thought.
Thumper Browne said:
Like most working class people I don't enjoy getting twatted by the pigs either, that's why the adrenaline fix is sooooo good, cos I'm fucking scared shitless. The only reason I have found myself getting into an unwinnable situation with the cops in usually to defend a friend or the principle on which I am protesting. I'm prepared to lose many skirmishes with the long term view of exposing state violence, bit of pain now for, hopefully, future gains.

...er, hitting a copper...."

Do you have a boner as well?
montevideo said:
"some anarchists have grabbed the headlines

but some anrchists are opposing it

the MEN is pro the Council on asb and obviously isn't going to give the anarchists fair representation

the anarchists are issuing badges"

now simply, what information do you have to assert that this group is an anarchist one? Doesn't concern me if they are or not, i just want to know how you know they are anarchists?

Given the fact that there isn't a sign saying 'we are anarchists' no information, just the tell tale signs.
Thumper Browne said:
Are you even going engage in anything constuctive here or am I gonna put you on ignore like your mate swathy thug?

I'm gonna answer your points about the 'mechanics of social revolution' and all that later on, but I've got to go now-I've just seen a copper going by the window and I'm gonna have him!
Chuck Wilson said:
Given the fact that there isn't a sign saying 'we are anarchists' no information, just the tell tale signs.
So you get to decide who is and isn't an anarchist now? What are these tell tale signs.
Your argument is circular - anarchists are childish and violent becuase childish and violent people are anarchists. :rolleyes:
charlie mowbray said:
He doesn't , he's just using it as a stick to beat us with

Who is 'us' ? Can't work you out Charlie, on one hand you try and set out a clear political difference bewteen your politics and the rest of the anarchists and then come over all faint on behalf of all anarchists.
redsquirrel said:
So you get to decide who is and isn't an anarchist now? What are these tell tale signs.
Your argument is circular - anarchists are childish and violent becuase childish and violent people are anarchists. :rolleyes:

That arguement would be circular but its not mine. Some anarchists are childish, immature and juvenile but those descriptions apply equally to any form of politics. My problem is is that I still can't see much consensus amongst the anarchists as to what anarchism is or how to attain it. Hence attacking one strand of anarchism seems to be an invite for another strand to defend its version of anarchism.

Incidentially the website doesn't mention any violence at all does it?
Chuck Wilson said:
That arguement would be circular but its not mine. Some anarchists are childish, immature and juvenile but those descriptions apply equally to any form of politics. My problem is is that I still can't see much consensus amongst the anarchists as to what anarchism is or how to attain it. Hence attacking one strand of anarchism seems to be an invite for another strand to defend its version of anarchism.

Incidentially the website doesn't mention any violence at all does it?
But you've done precisely that, you claimed that anarchism was immature etc then when asked for some evidence gave that link. When people pointed out that there was no reason to consider those people anarchists you claimed they were anarchists because they fitted "tell tale signs" (whatever those are, you still haven't said).
redsquirrel said:
So you get to decide who is and isn't an anarchist now? What are these tell tale signs.

Funnily enough I just got this quote from one of your fellow anarchists,General Ludd, from another thread:

Although I don't actually consider hippy/lifestyle anarchists as anarchists at all, I prefer to dismiss them as embarrassing liberals in the way as noone really considers the SWP a revolutionary socialist organisation.

Might be contentious but it's a start in defining who are the anarchists.
One of the best threads I've read on here.

I could be described as working class by any deffinition. I really hadn't heard much about anarchism at all until about a 18mths ago aside from the media violent brick throwing lunatic mayday stuff.

The absolutely depressing thing about it is how good an idea it is (in a generalised no hierarchy way) but to my mind at least there seems so little hope of it becoming a mainstream way of working/living. Which isn't to diminish it or the people actively involved in it, I guess it says something about the conditions in society.
LLETSA said:
What I mean by defensive is the totally out-of-proportion response to the reasonable comment I made way back in the mists of Monday. I will point out once more, just for your benefit, that I did not attack anybody, nor 'push' the 'great alternative.' The indignation behind the responses - as well as their general apoliticism ('let's all give credit where it's due and be nice-by the way, the organisation you support is crap and you're a cunt!') is telling.

The only point I was making was that anarchism is totally unknown to and not understood by the working class and the public in general. Fair point? Ask around, why don't you?
And when did I , or anyone else say "the organisation you support is crap"etc. Putting the old words in the mouth again, aren't we?
And no, you were saying more than that, weren't you (and yes, when did any anarchist disagree with that statement). Go on, be honest for once, why don't you. You'll feel much better for it. It'll be much better than the glib and smug way you handle things here.
Chuck Wilson said:
Who is 'us' ? Can't work you out Charlie, on one hand you try and set out a clear political difference bewteen your politics and the rest of the anarchists and then come over all faint on behalf of all anarchists.
So you won't get a job as a psychiatrist, then?
No, don't try to use the divide and rule crapola. As far as I can see, most (not all) of the anarchists on this thread have more or less the same politics. But we're talking about a website where there is no mention of anarchism, after a what appears like a naive belief in the Manchester Evening News objectivity- the old "It's in the paper, it must be true". Surely you realise this is not necessarily so.
Chuck Wilson said:
That arguement would be circular but its not mine. Some anarchists are childish, immature and juvenile but those descriptions apply equally to any form of politics. My problem is is that I still can't see much consensus amongst the anarchists as to what anarchism is or how to attain it. Hence attacking one strand of anarchism seems to be an invite for another strand to defend its version of anarchism.

And that's not the case with socialism in general? Between the diffrent Trotskyist or Maoist groups?
Thumper Browne said:
Are you even going engage in anything constuctive here or am I gonna put you on ignore like your mate swathy thug?

swarthy thug said:
It reminds of a story a mate of mine about tommy steele the cockney crooner,supposingly he used to pay strapping ex plods to dress up as a cops, knock on his door and then assult him verbally physically and sexually.He got big kicks out of it.

Thumper do you want me to gets his number?.

Sweet baby Jesus! I took you off ignore cos like I said in me PM, off on the wrong foot and all that, but now that I can read your drivel again. I see you can only attack me as some kind of sexual fetishist, which as it happens I am, what of it? Do you think that because I am sexually deviant that I am to be ridiculed? At least I've been honest enough to acknowledge the thrills of anti-capitalist action, tho that's not sexually exciting, not all excitment has to be sexual.
charlie mowbray said:
And when did I , or anyone else say "the organisation you support is crap"etc. Putting the old words in the mouth again, aren't we?

I was giving the overall gist of the comments made by anarchists regarding the IWCA - whom, I once again point out, I did not even mention. If you don't believe me go back and read it all again.

I believe you were the first to raise the subject of the IWCA, charlie. I just find it curious as to why- and why others were so quick to follow you.
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