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The Michael Gove File

Another of my friends had this printed today: http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6413987 It's under a pseudonym, and was originally on her blog (same pseudonym, she's likely to 'come out' in the next year).

It describes many of the reasons I hate lesson observations and is well worth a read.

I was going to write one about this, particularly the OFSTED burden. My two training days at the start of the school year, and another in January, were littered with 'OFSTED want' and 'OFSTED will be looking for...'...urgh.
I was going to write one about this, particularly the OFSTED burden. My two training days at the start of the school year, and another in January, were littered with 'OFSTED want' and 'OFSTED will be looking for...'...urgh.

All year round, in most schools this is the focus. Horrible. Tessa Matthews blog is well worth a read all the way through.
OFSTD, blergh.

I've been ERO'd (NZ equivalent of OFSTED) twice since I arrived here. Once in a massive high school in a really poor, rough (for NZ) area, once in a posh, smaller school with helicopter parents.

Each time we knew at the start of the year that it was coming. The senior management wallahs did all the heavy lifting, we weren't asked to do anything out of the ordinary. The first time an inspector wandered through my year 9 class for 15 minutes, ignored me completely and asked a group of sassy-as-fuck Samoan girls about if they listened when I gave feedback and if I ever wrote anything in their books. Second time they didn't even make it as far as my classroom (far end of the school aye :D )

Zero stress, over in three days, each time the school got a glowing report and no more inspections for another 3 years. EROs are available online and all schools tend to have them on their websites but I remember coming back to the UK for a visit and being pretty horrified at the advert banner outside a school with quotes from an OFSTED on it :confused:

Never, ever coming back. Ever. Though we now have charter schools ( :mad: ) so perhaps in five years ERO will be the magic wand to privatise and commercialise us all like it is in the motherland.

I sincerely hope not.
You're the only NUT member in your school? :eek:
After a subs snafu, I've just had to hastily rejoin ATL. They are a bit rubbish when it comes to industrial action and support members aren't recognised by schools, but they seem the best of a bad bunch. I asked my colleague what Union and they're in some weird scabby union that doesn't strike! WTF!?!
You're the only NUT member in your school? :eek:
After a subs snafu, I've just had to hastily rejoin ATL. They are a bit rubbish when it comes to industrial action and support members aren't recognised by schools, but they seem the best of a bad bunch. I asked my colleague what Union and they're in some weird scabby union that doesn't strike! WTF!?!

Nope, they're just not coming out :(
You're the only NUT member in your school? :eek:
After a subs snafu, I've just had to hastily rejoin ATL. They are a bit rubbish when it comes to industrial action and support members aren't recognised by schools, but they seem the best of a bad bunch. I asked my colleague what Union and they're in some weird scabby union that doesn't strike! WTF!?!

Voice? nobs. Basically just workplace dispute insurance for individuals at the end of the day
Nope, they're just not coming out :(
Did they vote to strike and then chicken it?,
Why do they fucking join in the first place?
Do they do not understand the concept of collective action? :mad:
My school is half closed tomorrow but a surprising amount of people are coming in.
Unions have been split for fucking ages. NASUWT and ATL have always been scab cunts :mad:

true enough but you'd hope at a time like this they'd see they have a common interest and work together, this shit is utterly self-defeating from their own point of view.
You're the only NUT member in your school? :eek:
After a subs snafu, I've just had to hastily rejoin ATL. They are a bit rubbish when it comes to industrial action and support members aren't recognised by schools, but they seem the best of a bad bunch. I asked my colleague what Union and they're in some weird scabby union that doesn't strike! WTF!?!

My union does bollock all striking here. They agree to have a certain amount of union members on strike in advance with the management. Any other members of the the same union who aren't in the agreed number end up going through disciplinary.

The Education Secretary, Michael Gove, has approved a plan to spend £45m on a free school, making it almost certainly the most expensive in the country even though it has just 500 students, The Independent has learnt.

The cost of setting up the Harris Westminster Sixth Form for high-achieving students is six times the average cost of establishing a free school and equates to around £90,000 per pupil.

The decision comes months after the National Audit Office questioned the Government’s controversial free schools programme and accused the Department for Education of failing to exert control over its rising capital costs.

The Independent understands that the budget for this project – which is being sponsored by Westminster School – has been the subject of internal criticism within Whitehall.

Senior officials have privately questioned the value for money of the school which aims to send half of its pupils to Oxford or Cambridge and will prioritise children who are on subsidised school meals or who come from deprived areas, provided they first pass its selection test. The school said that of the 167 children offered places for its opening in September 61 per cent met those criteria.

Ha! That's like an exaggeration of the gifted and talented shit that kids do in schools
Ha! That's like an exaggeration of the gifted and talented shit that kids do in schools

i think it's mre akin to a grammar school sixth form college-come-oxbridge-hothouse.

of course it will make the task for teachers of other harris sixth forms a fucktonne harder, because all the most able will be sent to westminster. :madface:
There is no justification whatsoever for that £45m. None. Not when he made such a big deal out of saving BSF money.
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