Pickman's model
Starry Wisdom
from today's headline story on the front page:
HRH Prince George of Cambridge, as he will be known, was named after the Queen's father, George VI, meaning he will one day become King George VII.
this is a load of nonsense for a start as it's widely known that should he ascend the throne prince charles will take the name george, becoming the seventh of that name: see for example http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110220061444AAf2BSy
in addition, the new royal parasite may decide to be eg king david i: he will not necessarily be a king george
but it gets worse!
George had been the most heavily backed boy's name with bookmakers almost from the moment the Duchess announced she was pregnant, and follows a line that began with George I, the first Hanoverian king, in 1660.
but, er, it didn't!
for a monarchist paper this is particularly shabby.
HRH Prince George of Cambridge, as he will be known, was named after the Queen's father, George VI, meaning he will one day become King George VII.
this is a load of nonsense for a start as it's widely known that should he ascend the throne prince charles will take the name george, becoming the seventh of that name: see for example http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110220061444AAf2BSy
in addition, the new royal parasite may decide to be eg king david i: he will not necessarily be a king george
but it gets worse!
George had been the most heavily backed boy's name with bookmakers almost from the moment the Duchess announced she was pregnant, and follows a line that began with George I, the first Hanoverian king, in 1660.
but, er, it didn't!
for a monarchist paper this is particularly shabby.