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the long-awaited 'why the telegraph is going downhill' thread

Yeah the Telegraph comments section is a fucking sewer, a swamp. No matter the article you get reams of posts ranting about 'miscegenation' and the extermination of 'white Christian culture' etc. To the extent that there are a number of topics which they simply don't open comments for, as they know what will follow, and I guess it's not the best look for attracting advertisers.

Johnson' comments are very sinister. The effort to naturalise massive inequality. The attempt to allot social worth / desert. Neo-Feudalism here we come! Actually, who am I kidding? Neo-Feudalism here we are :(

You're one of the younger set, IIRC. So you may not be aware that Johnson's shit is nothing new - Keith Joseph came out with similar stuff years ago. They all think like this, it's just they usually know not to say it in public.
Dan Hodges can't think of anything to write, so he writes about leaders' wives instead. The Telegraph is the new Hello!
Samantha Cameron is the Conservative Party’s secret weapon. Photogenic. Confident. Engaging. As one Downing Street insider said: “Sam Cam is worth two opinion poll points to us all on her own.”

But is the secret weapon about to be decommissioned? It would appear that Mrs Cameron is pushing back on attempts by Tory strategists to give her a high-profile role during the election campaign. “They’ve been putting pressure on her to do more of the political stuff,” says my source. “But she’s not having it. She basically said to them 'Look, if you want me out there, fine. But if I am out there, I’m going to say what I think, not what you want me to think. And I’m not sure you want me doing that.’ ”

I got tired of all the immigrant bashing on their website a long time ago...
It isn't just immigrants who get it in the neck from these knuckledraggers; it's the poor, the low-waged, the disabled, LGBT and anyone who isn't middle class, public school educated, white, male and heterosexual. I wonder if there were no minority groups to bait and attack, who would they turn on? Themselves most likely. ;):D
It isn't just immigrants who get it in the neck from these knuckledraggers; it's the poor, the low-waged, the disabled, LGBT and anyone who isn't middle class, public school educated, white, male and heterosexual. I wonder if there were no minority groups to bait and attack, who would they turn on? Themselves most likely. ;):D
They invent some (largely they do this anyway). It's like drivers complaining about cyclists not paying "road tax" or something.
They invent some (largely they do this anyway). It's like drivers complaining about cyclists not paying "road tax" or something.
It's their sense of entitlement, yet they whine about others (the poor) having a sense of entitlement. I still can't see how that works. :D:confused:
Which one of the Torygraph's cunty columnists will pen an 'Why should we celebrate a terrorist like Mandela ? " article in the next few days,reading the comments will be like swimming in the worst shit filled sewer ever.......
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A nice front page from the Torygraph, will cause a coronary amongst some of its readers no doubt...
Hannan whines that blogs are "judged by their comments threads". Here's a tip, Dan, if you don't want your blog to be "judged", then perhaps you shouldn't appeal to xenophobes and misogynists. Just a thought, like.
Now there’s a new variant of the phenomenon: judging a blog by its comment thread. Again, the absurdity should be obvious. Bloggers are not responsible for what happens after they have posted. Those who comment most aggressively are more often than not hostile to the writer. The word “troll” didn’t originally mean, as is often thought these days, someone who is rude and unpleasant; it meant someone who used an assumed identity to discredit someone else.

I didn’t think that any of this needed saying. But, in recent weeks, I’ve noticed several writers pointing at comment threads. The brilliant Ed West, formerly of this parish, Tweeted in a tone of resigned sorrow that, unfairly or not, a blog was bound to be judged by its comments. Robert Shrimsley, once a Telegraph correspondent, now at the FT, recently became very agitated because one of my comment threads had become infested by a handful of the anti-Semitic losers who trawl the web from their mother’s basements. If I didn’t respond, he suggested, it was because their opinions didn’t bother me.

The "brilliant" Ed West. :facepalm:

Hannan really knows how to play the victim. Few, if any, Telegraph bloggers challenge the abhorrent views that appear on their comments threads. Instead, some of them, like Tobes and Delingtroll, encourage them.
Brendan O'Neill hasn't written a blog about Mandela but he's posted a recording, which is designed to tempt out the racists and apologists for apartheid. I've just seen this comment:


Wtf is "Boer genocide"?

He's probably referring to the Boer families that died in (or en route to) British concentration camps, although to claim it as a genocide shows a degree of imaginative self-pity normally only found in the likes of Toby Young! :facepalm:
I see they've closed the comments thread. :D

I wonder what these headbangers would say if some of 'our boys' had been subjected to the same kind of treatment by the Taliban?

Of course, that is exactly the justification the frothy mouthed ones give for breaking the Geneva Convention. "They'd do the same to us" etc. Well great, lets start a campaign of suicide bombing against afghan civilians, or go around beheading our prisoners of war. That way we will be even more like the Taliban, and the bloodthirsty Torygraph cunts will be happy as fuck at having degraded this country even more than it has been already. Wankers!! :mad:
Only days after Hannan whined about being judged by his comments thread, he produces the sort of blog that's guaranteed to attract racist half-wits. He's like a dog returning to its vomit.
Here's a comment. There are loads of others shouting "Enoch was right". I'd love to get a t-shirt that says "Enoch is dead and he smells funny".

25 minutes ago
You only need to read some of the comments here from immigrants which demonstrate that Enoch Powell was correct:-

"But while to the immigrant entry to this country was admission to privileges and opportunities eagerly sought, the impact upon the existing population was very different. For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country."

"For these dangerous and divisive elements the legislation proposed in the Race Relations Bill is the very pabulum they need to flourish. Here is the means of showing that the immigrant communities can organize to consolidate their members, to agitate and campaign against their fellow-citizens, and to overawe and dominate the rest with the legal weapons which the ignorant and the ill-informed have provided. As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding"

Read the whole thing here


I suspect this is a view shared by most Kippers.
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