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Russia will conduct a nationwide test of its emergency public warning systems on Wednesday, blaring out sirens and interrupting television broadcasts to warn the population of an impending danger.

The test, first conducted in 2020, is part of a new initiative that requires authorities to conduct tests twice a year, starting from 1 September, Reuters reports.

It comes, though, amid the war in Ukraine which has triggered the deepest crisis in Russia’s relations with the west since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.

At 10.43am Moscow time (7.43am GMT), sirens will wail and stern announcements demanding “Attention everyone!” will alert the public, mimicking what would happen in a true disaster or catastrophe.

“When you hear the sound of a siren, you need to remain calm and not panic, turn on the TV – any publicly accessible channel or radio – and listen to the information message,” the Ministry of Emergency Situations said in a statement.

“The warning system is designed to timely convey a signal to the population in the event of a threat or emergency of a natural or man-made nature.”

The US is also conducting a large-scale test of its public warning systems on Wednesday, via US mobile phones and TV and radio stations.

The purpose of the US test is to ensure that the systems “continue to be effective in alerting the public to emergencies, particularly at the national level”, the Federal Emergency Management Agency said in a press release.

Many other countries have also conducted alert system tests for crisis and disasters in recent years.
Our's is the election of a tory government
Remind us how many theatres, hospitals, shopping malls and apartment blocks each side has blown up so far?

I've no idea, and neither do you. Truth is the first casualty. But there's no point in trying to pretend that one side is fighting any dirtier than the other. This is war, it don't work like that.
I've no idea, and neither do you. Truth is the first casualty. But there's no point in trying to pretend that one side is fighting any dirtier than the other. This is war, it don't work like that.

No, you don't get to decide what I know. I asked a question, a simple one, in response to a claim you made. But now you say you don't know :thumbs:
No, you don't get to decide what I know. I asked a question, a simple one, in response to a claim you made. But now you say you don't know :thumbs:

You must accept that everyone commits atrocities in wartime. It's impossible to know exactly how many either side is committing, because obviously both sides lie about it. I know that you're not shown Ukrainian atrocities in the UK, but that doesn't mean they don't happen. I've seen loads of Russians executed after surrendering, for example.
You must accept that everyone commits atrocities in wartime. It's impossible to know exactly how many either side is committing, because obviously both sides lie about it. I know that you're not shown Ukrainian atrocities in the UK, but that doesn't mean they don't happen. I've seen loads of Russians executed after surrendering, for example.

"Loads", right. Of course you have. So is that because you're a human rights lawyer preparing prosecutions, or just because you enjoy watching people get shot in the head? Or have you just made it up?

Oh hold on I forgot, I don't care. I don't believe anything you post because you've shown time and again you're full of shit. Don't even know what you're doing here apart from trying to piss people off.
Agreed. If Russia hadn't invaded Ukraine, this war wouldn't be happening.
It was obvvious that Russia was going to invade if Ukraine continued on the path on which the Maidan coup set it. Nonetheless the west still encouraged Ukraine down that path, while knowing this full well. It was a gamble with Ukrainian lives, and Ukraine isn't going to recover for a long time, if ever.
It was obvvious that Russia was going to invade if Ukraine continued on the path on which the Maidan coup set it. Nonetheless the west still encouraged Ukraine down that path, while knowing this full well. It was a gamble with Ukrainian lives, and Ukraine isn't going to recover for a long time, if ever.
But most Ukrainians don't want to live under Russian rules. Would you want to live under a regime you hate because it is internationally convenient?
"Loads", right. Of course you have. So is that because you're a human rights lawyer preparing prosecutions, or just because you enjoy watching people get shot in the head? Or have you just made it up?

Oh hold on I forgot, I don't care. I don't believe anything you post because you've shown time and again you're full of shit. Don't even know what you're doing here apart from trying to piss people off.
we do know that both ukraine and russia have done vile things. we also know that russia has done loads more vile things than ukraine. as dwyer says no one comes out of this well. various people, far more reputable than the lamentable dwyer, have said this. i thought we'd basically accepted this was the case ages ago so can we now put it to one side and move on.
You say that but the history of the UK has been shaped by a shed load of invasions from at least 43 ce on
Well the last invasion of the mainland UK was 1797. Or 1940 if you want to include the Channel Islands. So, it is slightly less relevant to people alive today than being invaded in 2022.

But if any Vikings want to come and invade, I'd be happy with a bit of Scandinavian social democracy.
Russian autocracy, not so much.
i don't want to live under the british regime but sadly needs must. and it's not internationally convenient, not for me anyway

But would you trade British inconvenience for Ukrainian? Those of you who want cessation of hostilities don't put much thought into what happens afterwards, years later, to what's left of Ukraine, a diminished agri-export economy growing poorer. This doesn't include Russia's say in what goes on during this time. It's presumed that Russia will lose interest in controlling Kyiv and just be happy with holding on to most of Ukraine's ports and naval bases. In all of your scenarios, Russia has stopped fighting.
Pickman's model said:
we do know that both ukraine and russia have done vile things. we also know that russia has done loads more vile things than ukraine. as dwyer says no one comes out of this well. various people, far more reputable than the lamentable dwyer, have said this. i thought we'd basically accepted this was the case ages ago so can we now put it to one side and move on.
All true enough - war is vile, in itself should be considered a crime. Rightly or wrongly though, I consider killing soldiers who've surrendered - either out of revenge or simply to not use up food or other resources meant for your own troops - as a slightly milder kind of crime than shelling civilians on purpose. We do know Russia has done this in the last couple of years, I don't think we know Ukraine has.
Shit as it is, that has not occurred through invasion, which was my point.
What if we were invaded by, say, Norway and they tried to impose greater gender equality, more progressive taxation and a better welfare state? Would you fight back just because it was an invasion?
All true enough - war is vile, in itself should be considered a crime. Rightly or wrongly though, I consider killing soldiers who've surrendered - either out of revenge or simply to not use up food or other resources meant for your own troops - as a slightly milder kind of crime than shelling civilians on purpose. We do know Russia has done this in the last couple of years, I don't think we know Ukraine has.

They do this everywhere they go - Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine.
What if we were invaded by, say, Norway and they tried to impose greater gender equality, more progressive taxation and a better welfare state? Would you fight back just because it was an invasion?

I'd be firmly against their whole "expansion by conquest" program and would strongly protest as soon as they'd finished blood-eagling senior Tories
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