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Russia says Sarmat intercontinental missiles put on combat duty - reports​

The head of Russia’s space agency Roscosmos said on Friday that the country’s Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles, which are capable of carrying ten or more nuclear warheads, had been put on combat duty, state news agency RIA reported.

In June, Vladimir Putin said that Sarmat missiles would be deployed for combat duty “soon”.

Putin has repeatedly said since the start of the war in Ukraine that Russia is ready to use all means, including nuclear weapons, to defend its “territorial integrity”.

Last year, the Russian president said he was placing territories seized in Ukraine – that Russia now claims as its own – under Moscow’s nuclear umbrella. But he has also said Russia has no need to resort to using nuclear weapons.

Business as usual.
Who watched this in school many year's ago?

God knows why children were made to watch this gave me nightmares .

Nuclear war was and is terrifying. There is nothing more frightening.

Many kids watch violent online games now. It's a wonder they're not immune to violence.

I see nothing wrong with showing reality to kids...once they're mature enough to understand what it's about. If they don't know what a nuclear bomb can do, how are they supposed to protest against a nuclear war?
Who watched this in school many year's ago?

God knows why children were made to watch this gave me nightmares .

Who is this god person you keep mentioning?

Threads, When the Wind Blows and (maybe) The Day After were all necessary products of the 80s when nuclear conflict seemed possible.

In Ireland, nobody forced us to watch these but they resonated obviously as nobody could avoid the horrors of the aftermath of a nuclear attack.

What with an unstable world, weather, war and wrathful politicians the next decade or so could make the 80s seem like a fairytale.

Kids are more resilient than some give them credit for. Scary dramas they can overcome.
Given it was a 15 rating I think he's talking bullshit that many (if any) kids were made to watch it in school.
It was a TV film, first broadcast on BBC2 in Sept 84 and repeated on BBC1 in Aug 85. Anyone with a VHS recorder could've grabbed a copy. It didn't get released on video until 1987, so age rating wasn't a consideration before then. I've got a good friend who says their teacher showed it to them and since I have no reason to doubt her it does seem some teachers took it upon themselves to terrify their classes about the consequences of a nuclear war.

Not me though. I got a hard NO from my mum when I wanted to watch it at age 10. I snuck down to try and watch The Day After when that was shown, but got caught so my enduring memory of that is some farmers cleaning out a pig pen, even though I've watched the whole thing since.
Given it was a 15 rating I think he's talking bullshit that many (if any) kids were made to watch it in school.
Didn't see it at my school (in the 80's). Probably just some teachers showed it. I saw it first time about 5 years ago after someone posted a you tube link on here with whole film.
Given it was a 15 rating I think he's talking bullshit that many (if any) kids were made to watch it in school.
i think threads had but one outing, and that on telly about 1984

e2a: wiki says one broadcast in 1984 and a second in 1985, and that was it
scary talk here

“It looks like we are dealing with the gangsters, crazy bad boys. Everyone has gone to the park smoking cigars, the gangsters are putting guns on the table and we are in panama T-shirts and saying: ‘Well, I have got a gun, but I left mine at home, and my wife does not like the word.’

“Nato is a nuclear treaty organisation; it should be much more proactive and stronger to the Russians.

“In the 70s and 80s, 30% of B-52 bombers were flying permanently and had nuclear weapons with pilots ready to act. Today we have a challenge to say the word B61 [the primary US thermonuclear gravity bomb], so let us change narratives.

“What is wrong with us? Russia is still the same and we have a situation in a neighbouring country where Russia is saying publicly it is putting nuclear systems in Belarus and what are we doing in our panama T-shirt?

“I don’t want to escalate too much, but what is wrong with our vocabulary? Nato is a nuclear organisation. Full stop.”

“Who is the Wagner group today? Is it a national action by Russia or, as the Russian minister of defence says, just a private military company? Is it enough for Article 5?”

He said the issue was very sensitive for Poland because “we have no time and no space”.

“We are facing a direct border with Kaliningrad and Belarus. This is not cold war 2.0 any more,” he added.
So if it did hit its target we would be at war by now?
I'm not referring to the fact it didnt hit rather that If the account has been embellished then the motive for doing so is rather horrifying.
If it's true it should never have been leaked anyway.

P.S. I see a reply from Ignored user directly after mine, highly likely from one of 2 dick heads being reactionary with some purile crap intended as an insult, if ss can someone give them a great big 'fuck off you interminable bore' from me?...thanks in advance:thumbs:
Given it was a 15 rating I think he's talking bullshit that many (if any) kids were made to watch it in school.
Many watched this in school yes its rated 15 but plenty here must be my age and also watched in school.
I wasn't made to watch that film but I did anyway. I watched everything and read everything about nukes and it proper scared the life out of me when I was growing up. Now I make jokes about it when it's possibly more likely to happen.
I went and bought Threads to watch again, its impact had faded with time.
A re-watch was worth it. It's on the pessimistic side and obviously representing the worst case - full on nuclear exchange but it remains a mood changer for sure.
I think it the BBC should broadcast it again. I'm unsure how many would watch it in preference to the crap that ratings indicate they normally watch but I imagine it would get much reactionary media attention after its showing ........whether that matters or is a good thing?
Who watched this in school many year's ago?

God knows why children were made to watch this gave me nightmares .

Watched it a few weeks back, and it was genuinely scary. Pretty much dismissed the 'protect and survive' policy as drivel. "I need something to drink," "OK, love, I'll just go upstairs and see if the taps still work..."
Russia will conduct a nationwide test of its emergency public warning systems on Wednesday, blaring out sirens and interrupting television broadcasts to warn the population of an impending danger.

The test, first conducted in 2020, is part of a new initiative that requires authorities to conduct tests twice a year, starting from 1 September, Reuters reports.

It comes, though, amid the war in Ukraine which has triggered the deepest crisis in Russia’s relations with the west since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.

At 10.43am Moscow time (7.43am GMT), sirens will wail and stern announcements demanding “Attention everyone!” will alert the public, mimicking what would happen in a true disaster or catastrophe.

“When you hear the sound of a siren, you need to remain calm and not panic, turn on the TV – any publicly accessible channel or radio – and listen to the information message,” the Ministry of Emergency Situations said in a statement.

“The warning system is designed to timely convey a signal to the population in the event of a threat or emergency of a natural or man-made nature.”

The US is also conducting a large-scale test of its public warning systems on Wednesday, via US mobile phones and TV and radio stations.

The purpose of the US test is to ensure that the systems “continue to be effective in alerting the public to emergencies, particularly at the national level”, the Federal Emergency Management Agency said in a press release.

Many other countries have also conducted alert system tests for crisis and disasters in recent years.
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