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The Kiss Your Arse Goodbye Thread

true if we could only define the group the fella falls into :)
do you ever criticise Russia btw

we are all waiting for it
For a start, the link you seem to be responding to wasn't intended as a criticism of the US, and If you don't think I criticise Russia, you don't read anything I say on here.

Criticism of Russia doesn't just take the form of variations on 'Oh no, isn't this all so very terrible etc etc.'

I thought Russia was an infuriating place when I spent a lot of time there, with a very dark present and a vary dark history, and I couldn't find much cause for optimism about the future.
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true if we could only define the group the fella falls into :)
It's already been decided, by some very subtle minds on here, that I'm a Putinbot. And when that happens, you have to embrace your own Putinbotness.
I've seen your defence of the Russian foreign policy after the idea that the west ideological turned its back on them

not seen much criticism.. plenty of its the expansion of Nato

nothing against the regime.. sorry you are the starter of the kiss your arse thread?
If you don't think I criticise Russia, you don't read anything I say on here.

Criticism of Russia doesn't just take the form of variations on 'Oh no, isn't this all so very terrible etc etc.'

I thought Russia was an infuriating place when I spent a lot of time there, with a very dark present and a vary dark history, and I couldn't find much cause for optimism about the future.
To be fair it's increasingly difficult to think of any part of the planet which offers any cause for optimism about the future
I've seen your defence of the Russian foreign policy after the idea that the west ideological turned its back on them

not seen much criticism.. plenty of its the expansion of Nato

nothing against the regime.. sorry you are the starter of the kiss your arse thread?
If you can't distinguish between a rudimentary analysis/ outline and a 'defence', I can't help it.

Highlighting the role of NATO in creating this kind of Russian reaction is not confined to me. For a start, where do you think I get my viewpoint from? Unlike some on here, I'm not under the illusion that I'm some kind of polymath/genius, nor a paragon of morality.

In any case, defend or condemn on an internet forum, it doesn't make a blind bit of difference as to what will happen.
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If you can't distinguish between a rudimentary analysis/ outline and a 'defence', I can't help it.

The role of NATO in creating this kind of Russian reaction is not confined to me. For a start, where do you think I get my viewpoint from. Unlike some on here, I'm not under the illusion that I'm some kind of polymath/genius, nor a paragon of morality.

In any case, defend or condemn on an internet forum, it doesn't make a blind bit of difference as to what will happen.
You'll know the influence we have when putin announces the referendum results and they're 52/48
would be harder for you to take a dispassionate viewpoint on Russia actions leading up and during the invasion of Ukraine
would be harder for you to take a dispassionate viewpoint on Russia actions leading up and during the invasion of Ukraine
All I do is emphasise its inevitability given the history/circumstances.

Fail to see why it bothers some people so much when it's already hardly a popular view, on here or anywhere else.
All I do is emphasise its inevitability given the history/circumstances.
That's bollocks, though. Seeing the way the necessary preconditions for this to happen came about is nothing like seeing its inevitability. History might be understood backwards, but it's lived forwards. Unless you were confidently predicting that Russia was imminently going to invade Ukraine at the start of the year, you didn't see it as inevitable.
That's bollocks, though. Seeing the way the necessary preconditions for this to happen came about is nothing like seeing its inevitability. History might be understood backwards, but it's lived forwards. Unless you were confidently predicting that Russia was imminently going to invade Ukraine at the start of the year, you didn't see it as inevitable.
I've thought there would eventually be a full-scale invasion of Ukraine since the events of 2014. In fact, as a Putinbot, I had inside knowledge.
It is a tricky one.

It is true that some NATO triumphalism / expansionism was a provoking factor in the war. However it's like blaming the scrapping of your Lada Riva on the rear bumper being a bit rusty rather than then seven serious MOT failure points.

The international community's handling of proxy war from 2014 onwards was handwringing, pisspoor, self-serving and hypocritical. The likes of Penis Dushlilin- the Ponzi scheme crook and mafia lowlife turned self-proclaimed "President" of a non existent "people's republic"- emerged in the vaccuum of international inaction.

More attention should have been paid when Russia weighed in to prop up an otherwise doomed Lukashenko in Belarus in August 2020- I believe they gave quite a bit of thought to letting it go the other way and then put a friendly arm around the shoulder of a neutral Belarus in the future (the opposition leadership had no intention of turning their backs on Russia or rushing headlong into EU membership).

Acknowledging mis-steps made by the "West" in the 1990s and subsequently, does not however absolve the absolute drivel in Putin's July 2021 ahistorical imperialist diatribe "On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians". Nor does it absolve that fantasy island nonsense being turned into the "special military operation" in February 2022. Nor does it justify or excuse anything that has happened since all over Ukraine and the awful scenes of unwilling conscripts being forced into buses from the poorest areas of the country in the last week. I don;t think it's pious or posturing to care about the absolutely senseless loss of life and mass destruction in the last six months. Mariupol before the invasion was one of Ukraine's most prosperous and fastest growing cities. Now it is a blackened ruin used as a threatre stage set for Russian fascists to posture on telegram and youtube.

Wanting Ukraine to prevail over a genocidal, psychotic foreign invasion is also not to clap like a seal over the Ukrainian government and president. It's very clear they have mulstiple issues and problems- the latest being the neoliberal crackdown on workers' conditions and rights. Is it so wrong to see that as an issue to be dealt with when this conflict has passed?

I say this of course as an absolute nonetity in the discussion, as we all are on these bulletin boards. I don't think anyone seriously pretends they are anything otherwise.
I've thought there would eventually be a full-scale invasion of Ukraine since the events of 2014. In fact, as a Putinbot, I had inside knowledge.

Putinbot would just kiss the Russian leaders arse

you are already doing that
Liked despite this: 'It's very clear they have mulstiple issues and problems- the latest being the neoliberal crackdown on workers' conditions and rights. Is it so wrong to see that as an issue to be dealt with when this conflict has passed?' The Ukrainian workers have lost the fight in advance. Such a crackdown was a central aim of the west in helping bring the present gang in Ukraine to power.
Some adult males have been known to have a Ryan Giggs duvet. I have a Putin duvet.
I once went home with a guy who had a faded Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles duvet, on his single bed, in what was clearly not the main bedroom of what was clearly the family home. A family that I met the next morning in the kitchen. Sometimes, toyboys bring their own complications.
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I once went home with a guy who had a faded Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles duvet, on his single bed, in what was clearly not the main bedroom of what was clearly the family home. A family that I met the next morning in the kitchen. Sometimes, toyboys bring their own complications.
Tssh, these libertarian families...
? I don't know what their worldview was, and didn't get a sense of it from the duvet in question.
Just a comment on the fact that you were there, and, at least as far as you imply, spent the night in that room. If I brought a female back when I was still living at home (not that it happened much) it would be 'She can have your bed and you'll sleep on the bleedin' settee.' I was still in my late-teens mind.
Just a comment on the fact that you were there, and, at least as far as you imply, spent the night in that room. If I brought a female back when I was living at home (not that it happened much) it would be 'She can have your bed and you'll sleep on the bleedin' settee.' I was in my teens mind.
Oh I see. Did you have a religious background? That must've been hard.

His mother tapped me for a tenner on my way out, which I was tempted to tell her to put towards a new dressing gown - the one she had on was a disgrace - I wouldn't have wiped the floors with it. However, knowing I'd not be returning, I'd already pinched a little of the family weed so unbeknownst to her she was barely breaking even on that, and I therefore don't begrudge her nerve. My only other abiding memory apart from that and the duvet, is that he had the most enormous dick but with a very strange narrowing towards the base - the kind of circumference that only someone much less blessed would usually have. It was genuinely odd.

Anyway, if we are all kissing our arses goodbye soon, I'll have such memories to keep me warm.
Oh I see. Did you have a religious background? That must've been hard.

His mother tapped me for a tenner on my way out, which I was tempted to tell her to put towards a new dressing gown - the one she had on was a disgrace - I wouldn't have wiped the floors with it. However, knowing I'd not be returning, I'd already pinched a little of the family weed so unbeknownst to her she was barely breaking even on that, and I therefore don't begrudge her nerve. My only other abiding memory apart from that and the duvet, is that he had the most enormous dick but with a very strange narrowing towards the base - the kind of circumference that only someone much less blessed would usually have. It was genuinely odd.

Anyway, if we are all kissing our arses goodbye soon, I'll have such memories to keep me warm.
No, not all all religious, if nominally Catholic. My mum went to Catholic junior and grammar schools, and had a loathing for it all. Had the view that all nuns were sadists. This was the early 1980s. In my background the attitude I described regarding bringing the opposite sex home was widespread/normal, and I bore no grudges.

I did get a bedsit when I was 19, mind. It didn't turn out to be the batchelor pad of my imagination. The bloke upstairs was a middle-aged alcoholic divorcee who regularly smeared his own shit all over the bathroom and landing after an all-day Friday bender. He was otherwise a lovely bloke. It was then that I realised I wasn't Ian Ogilvy in 'Return of the Saint.'

These are the memories I have to keep me warm.
No, not all all religious, if nominally Catholic. My mum went to Catholic junior and grammar schools, and had a loathing for it all. Had the view that all nuns were sadists. This was the early 1980s. In my background the attitude I described regarding bringing the opposite sex home was widespread/normal, and I bore no grudges.

I did get a bedsit when I was 19, mind. It didn't turn out to be the batchelor pad of my imagination. The bloke upstairs was a middle-aged alcoholic divorcee who regularly smeared his own shit all over the bathroom and landing after an all-day Friday bender. He was otherwise a lovely bloke. It was then that I realised I wasn't Ian Ogilvy in 'Return of the Saint.'

These are the memories I have to keep me warm.
Oh well, that's nice. As long as you're happy.
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