Leet for "you are obsolete". The T-1000 kept saying " I am obsolete" in the sequel.What?
You (the urbanite and human being) aren't obsolete.
Leet for "you are obsolete". The T-1000 kept saying " I am obsolete" in the sequel.What?
Maybe they want you to ask exactly what the job entails? Good luck with the interview for it anyway. Not that you'll need it.yes ok, it's a "fl33t r3turns advisor", for a financial company. Going by the experience and salary I'm guessing it's a customer service job, but why the funny title for a financial company Whenever I google it, all that pops up is that ad!!
to me it suggests something to do with vehicle leasing. i may of course be completely wrong.
is it appropriate for me to call up if i've still not heard anything by the end of today? I don't want to create a bad impression by being annoying and pestering. But they told me they'd let me know yesterday & told my friend 'early this week'. Wednesday is no longer 'early' week, so I'd expect an answer by the end of today.
What do you think? Is it bad to call? Should i just wait?
Managed to get 3 schools interested in giving me work experience. One is through a special scheme set up by the teaching agency and is for one whole week. The other two I had sort of arranged myself, but I may drop out of one as I am not sure if I can commit to two terms if I'm looking for work. I don't want to waste their time as they would be paying for a CRB check. Still, I shall go and meet them and see what they say.
This of course brings up a whole load of new problems wrt to looking for paid work. Still, it's a step forward after months of flapping uselessly.