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THE Irish Question to be settled by courts.



Co Down man who breached Tayto's trademark 'was no innocent abroad', court hears - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk


this is going to get quite difficult

If it goes down Supreme Court appeal route then 'blue' and 'green' cheese and onion factions get a say in what should clearly be a devolved issue. And if it goes the EUropean Court could impact on marketing online and otherwise.
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He admits to receiving several letters warning him to stop selling the southern brand in the north, which he ignored, and now he's crying about being taken to court.

The man is a fucking eejit.
He admits to receiving several letters warning him to stop selling the southern brand in the north, which he ignored, and now he's crying about being taken to court.

The man is a fucking eejit.

When I lived in Edinburgh, Tescos used to sell Red Tayto, And even yellow tayto are better than the Green faction. But Red did invent the things (literally).
I remember when cheese and onion crisps were in green packets, and salt and vinegar was blue. Why the fuck did they change it?

'Pepsi bought Walkers which sort of supercharged them, enabled them to eat up Smiths, (though they let Smiths keep their Green branding) Golden Wonder got bought by Yellow tayto and also allowed to keep their Green branding.

Red has it from a history point of view, Blue has it from a throw money at it point of view, Yellow and Green have it from colour association (but then I suppose you do get red onions as well)
I remember when cheese and onion crisps were in green packets, and salt and vinegar was blue. Why the fuck did they change it?
They didn't change it in your lifetime but Walkers managed to take over from Golden Wonder as the most widely stocked crisp in the South of England. Go to Scotland and the colours are right again.
They didn't change it in your lifetime but Walkers managed to take over from Golden Wonder as the most widely stocked crisp in the South of England. Go to Scotland and the colours are right again.

tbf Mackie's and both Red and Yellow Tayto are better crisps than Golden Wonder or Walkers ever wre
tbf Mackie's and both Red and Yellow Tayto are better crisps than Golden Wonder or Walkers ever wre
Best crisps I ever had were served freshly cooked in a Chinese restaurant. Not just warm but hot. Everything else is just crisps. All pretty much the same apart from a couple of the big supermarket own brands that they deliberately make rubbish so people feel better about spending more on brands.
I remember when cheese and onion crisps were in green packets, and salt and vinegar was blue. Why the fuck did they change it?

It should be:

Red = ready salted
Orange = chicken
Yellow = Quavers
Green = cheese & onion
Blue = salt & vinegar
Purple = Worcester sauce
Pink = prawn cocktail
Brown = beef/ beef & onion

salt & vinegar hula hoops are still blue. Now, can anyone else remember Skips being (cream) cheese & chive…? I SWEAR I’ve not dreamt it, I distinctly remember cream cheese and chive Skips.
all ballocks anyways

its the below that taste better anyways


or these


Tayto Pfft

althought i suppose that means Adsa sell northern Tatyo
they are made by the same company :p

At least you don't need to brush your teeth after a pack of Kings
Ye are all wrong the king of crisps are

This is one of the reasons the world's most experienced airlines stopped gaining experience. This is not a what is the Highlander of crisps thread, this is a how what crisps are available and what do they look like and who decides it type thread. Only Panam would bring tapioca to an Irish potato 'discussion'
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This is one of the reasons the world's most experienced airlines stopped gaining experience. This is not a what is the Highlander of crisps thread, this is a how what crisps are available and what do they look like and who decides it type thread. Only Panam would bring tapioca to an Irish potato 'discussion'
M'lud i refer you to post 19.
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