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The Green Party has some serious questions to answer

Really? You need to ask?

She was a Green Party general election candidate who selected a man who had been charged with raping and torturing a child at the address they both lived in to be her election agent and didn't think to inform the Green Party of this.

Do you think that she is a suitable representative?
Is it illegal to select a person who has been charged with a serious criminal offence to be your election agent? Is it against the Green Party (or indeed any other party) rules? If so, there's grounds for action against Challenor; if not, there aren't.

I'm also concerned about the emphasis in the story on Challenor's transgender status. I can't see why that's relevant and why the ST choose to stress that...
Is it illegal to select a person who has been charged with a serious criminal offence to be your election agent? Is it against the Green Party (or indeed any other party) rules? If so, there's grounds for action against Challenor; if not, there aren't.

I'm also concerned about the emphasis in the story on Challenor's transgender status. I can't see why that's relevant and why the ST choose to stress that...

Yes, I thought that - doesn't seem relevant at all, particularly given that it states she transitioned around the time of the rape. Unless they're specifically saying she knew about it and the two things were linked which they are not saying, it's not relevant at all.

You can stand for election while awaiting trial or from prison though so I feel sure it's not illegal?

If she knew he was charged with these crimes and made him her election agent anyway though then I suspect she may not be savvy enough about things that are likely to ruin your career to be a politician though.
Yes, I thought that - doesn't seem relevant at all, particularly given that it states she transitioned around the time of the rape. Unless they're specifically saying she knew about it and the two things were linked which they are not saying, it's not relevant at all.

You can stand for election while awaiting trial or from prison though so I feel sure it's not illegal?

If she knew he was charged with these crimes and made him her election agent anyway though then I suspect she may not be savvy enough about things that are likely to ruin your career to be a politician though.
I have no idea if it's illegal or what the GP rules say about it, but if I was starting a thread calling for someone's suspension and/or attacking a party for not suspending, I'd want to check that out first, TBH.

Agree with your last para about lack of savvy.
Yes, I thought that - doesn't seem relevant at all, particularly given that it states she transitioned around the time of the rape. Unless they're specifically saying she knew about it and the two things were linked which they are not saying, it's not relevant at all.

You can stand for election while awaiting trial or from prison though so I feel sure it's not illegal?

If she knew he was charged with these crimes and made him her election agent anyway though then I suspect she may not be savvy enough about things that are likely to ruin your career to be a politician though.

Pretty much agree - the transgender stuff is irrelevant, the substantive stuff is what the GP knew and when, and that the candidate has failed the first rule of politics: don't step in piles of dogshit if you can possibly avoid them.

If the candidate failed to mention to the party that her election agent had been charged with child rape and was on his way to trial, then that says little about her political nouse or her loyalty to her colleagues...
And that torture and rape took place at the official contact address for Coventry Green Party.
He had already been charged at the time that he stood as an election agent.

It may not be illegal, but *come on*, this isnt speeding or direct action - this is the torture and rape of a 10 year old child.
And that torture and rape took place at the official contact address for Coventry Green Party.
None of that means she can or should be suspended from the party, though I'd imagine she may find it more difficult to get selected as a candidate in future.
None of that means she can or should be suspended from the party, though I'd imagine she may find it more difficult to get selected as a candidate in future.

I mean, I don't think we know enough - when did she find out, did she believe he was innocent etc. I don't think people should be suspended from political parties purely for a lack of nouse but it is possible that her decision was motivated by a belief that the victim was lying or by a desire to 'rehabilitate' her accused father. In which case perhaps suspension could be justified.
None of that means she can or should be suspended from the party, though I'd imagine she may find it more difficult to get selected as a candidate in future.

You what?!

She was living at a serious crime scene, with the perpetrator of child rape and torture who she selected to be her election agent and didnt think to mention this to her party?

This is how things like Saville happen. Child abuse trials are notorious for collapsing because the victims/witnesses are so vulnerable. Had this collapsed, no one would be any the wiser.
You what?!

She was living at a serious crime scene, with the perpetrator of child rape and torture who she selected to be her election agent and didnt think to mention this to her party?

This is how things like Saville happen. Child abuse trials are notorious for collapsing because the victims/witnesses are so vulnerable. Had this collapsed, no one would be any the wiser.
If you can find something specific and relevant in the Green Party rules relating to choice of election agents, then feel free to enlighten us.

I'm not saying this is a good situation, or that she should have chosen this person who was facing these charges, but you can't just suspend someone from a political party for doing something stupid, you need to have specific grounds.
Doing something stupid?

Selecting a child rapist, who you live with, that tortured a child, in the home that you share with them, as your election agent is way beyond "stupid". Not informing the party that you are standing for that there is a serious issue with that election agent is unquestionably a suspension offence.

Aimee Challenor is a general election candidate, was (possibly is) a spokesperson for the party, and a candidate for deputy leader. This is one of their most high profile members.
If you can find something specific and relevant in the Green Party rules relating to choice of election agents, then feel free to enlighten us.

I'm not saying this is a good situation, or that she should have chosen this person who was facing these charges, but you can't just suspend someone from a political party for doing something stupid, you need to have specific grounds.
Bringing the party into disrepute would be the relevant grounds.

As to why the party hasn't suspended Aimee, I'd think the word 'yet' would need adding to that sentence, given that it's the bank holiday weekend and it will take some time for the appropriate wheels to be set in motion.
Doing something stupid?

Selecting a child rapist, who you live with, that tortured a child, in the home that you share with them, as your election agent is way beyond "stupid". Not informing the party that you are standing for that there is a serious issue with that election agent is unquestionably a suspension offence.

Aimee Challenor is a general election candidate, was (possibly is) a spokesperson for the party, and a candidate for deputy leader. This is one of their most high profile members.

^ This.

’But what about the rules.‘ Fucksake. :rolleyes:
Aimee has issued a statement and stepped back from her public roles with the party.

She's also admitted to knowing about her dad's arrest when appointing him as election agent, which showed extremely poor political judgement for someone in the public eye, compounded by then standing for deputy leader despite knowing that this trial was going to be happening at the same time with the inevitable public fall out.

In fairness it's a bit much to expect a 20 year old to have the political judgement of a seasoned operator, and I'd hope that those who supported her bid to stand despite her age and lack of experience will reflect on this.

Yes, he was my election agent. This was one of a number of ways I was seeking to reconcile my relationship with my father after coming out of care. On reflection, I can understand that it was unacceptable for me to appoint my dad as my election agent when he had been arrested. I can now understand the potential risks of that decision. For that I am sorry.

Aimee Challenor | Statement
I also feel sorry for Aimee Challenor, and I hope this is the start of a long period of reflection.

But I have absolutely no sympathy at all for the Green Party - this is a spectacular failure of duty of care and could have had even worse outcomes.

And all while an inquiry into high profile child abuse is going on.
Really? You need to ask?

She was a Green Party general election candidate who selected a man who had been charged with raping and torturing a child at the address they both lived in to be her election agent and didn't think to inform the Green Party of this.

Do you think that she is a suitable representative?
I shouldn't need to ask, you're right, you should have put your reasons in the OP.
He had already been charged at the time that he stood as an election agent.

It may not be illegal, but *come on*, this isnt speeding or direct action - this is the torture and rape of a 10 year old child.
So considered innocent till proven guilty only counts for offences you're not too fussed about
I also feel sorry for Aimee Challenor, and I hope this is the start of a long period of reflection.

But I have absolutely no sympathy at all for the Green Party - this is a spectacular failure of duty of care and could have had even worse outcomes.

And all while an inquiry into high profile child abuse is going on.
As far as I know the only person in the party who knew about these charges prior to the verdict other than the person charged was Aimee.

The party doesn't routely carry out DBS checks on all candidates, agents or officers of the party, nor do any of the other parties to my knowledge. Even if it did then this would probably have been done in 2015 and come back clear at that point.

I'd be genuinely interested to know what practical steps the party could have realistically taken to ensure they were made aware of the charges being faced by this member ahead of the conviction / what could be done better in future.
I also feel sorry for Aimee Challenor, and I hope this is the start of a long period of reflection.

But I have absolutely no sympathy at all for the Green Party - this is a spectacular failure of duty of care and could have had even worse outcomes.

And all while an inquiry into high profile child abuse is going on.

I completely agree with the second and third sentences - with no checks on the election agents - but, despite the fact that Aimee is 20, I find it hard to agree that they must 'reflect' either. 20 is young. 20 in a household like that is potentially something we can't even imagine.
What ARE the checks? There must be some?
The thing she seems guilty of is not thinking her father wss guilty of those horrific crimes.

I am guessing that most people who have a good relationship with their parents would not believe them guilty.

You could argue she has shown poor judgement I guess, but tbh that seems beyond harsh.
The thing she seems guilty of is not thinking her father wss guilty of those horrific crimes.

I am guessing that most people who have a good relationship with their parents would not believe them guilty.

You could argue she has shown poor judgement I guess, but tbh that seems beyond harsh.

If you've read much about the case then you'd find it extremely hard to believe she didn't believe he was guilty:

He even took photographs of the abuse carried out on the child which included attaching clips to give her electric shocks and putting pegs on her body.

Challenor, who is married, accused the girl of lying but officers found the attic just as she had described.

Man held 10-year-old girl captive in ‘torture den’ attic as he played out sadomasochistic fantasies

This is not just a he-said, she-said story.

It's probably why Aimee, illegally, didn't put her Dad's real name on the election leaflets and instead put Baloo, a nickname he had used when working with kids. That's something that really should have been spotted by other people at the Green Party. And obviously it's very good grounds for suspending her so she's lucky that hasn't happened.

I do feel sorry for her, but she's made massive misjudgements here, not little ones. And I wonder at the people encouraging such a young person to stand for deputy leader - why not give her a chance to learn a bit about life first?
If you've read much about the case then you'd find it extremely hard to believe she didn't believe he was guilty:

Man held 10-year-old girl captive in ‘torture den’ attic as he played out sadomasochistic fantasies

This is not just a he-said, she-said story.

It's probably why Aimee, illegally, didn't put her Dad's real name on the election leaflets and instead put Baloo, a nickname he had used when working with kids. That's something that really should have been spotted by other people at the Green Party. And obviously it's very good grounds for suspending her so she's lucky that hasn't happened.

I do feel sorry for her, but she's made massive misjudgements here, not little ones. And I wonder at the people encouraging such a young person to stand for deputy leader - why not give her a chance to learn a bit about life first?
I think it's fair to say seeing your dad sent down for depraved sex and violence crimes will learn her a bit about life
I think it's fair to say seeing your dad sent down for depraved sex and violence crimes will learn her a bit about life
Ah, it still takes a while with bad dads. Stages of grief on a loop for life!
if you are labouring under the misapprehension that either a) bad dad must be like for that reason and/or b) you share bad dads genes, which makes you the same as him or at least similar, which in turn means you need to invent a reality you can live with in your head about why he is the way he is then who knows what stage her head is at such a young age.

Fucking horrible story, I hope she works it all out in the end.
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