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The Dominic Cummings file


We were also inundated with WAR FAMINE CLIFF EDGE JOB LOSSES TANKED ECONOMY stuff for the entire campaign, why didn’t that work?
Probably because there were not one & a half billion targeted adverts in the last four days. Paid for by unknown sources but there are strong links to Russians & also the USA.
Hard to think why either would want to undermine to EU?
Probably because there were not one & a half billion targeted adverts in the last four days. Paid for by unknown sources but there are strong links to Russians & also the USA.
Hard to think why either would want to undermine to EU?
You can’t think of any other reason? We are living in a time when people are (rightly) challenging the idea that a diagnosis of dementia instantly renders you completely incapable of independent thought and ability to make choices and yet this shit is seen as the cutting edge of progressive thought.
You can’t think of any other reason? We are living in a time when people are (rightly) challenging the idea that a diagnosis of dementia instantly renders you completely incapable of independent thought and ability to make choices and yet this shit is seen as the cutting edge of progressive thought.
Did you watch the video? An average of 20 odd adverts,in four days. sent to a specific group selected using illegal data harvesting. If people are fed the same crap enough then they start to believe it. That is why newspapers & other media sources have such a sway on public opinion. Why the conservatives are trying to brand Corbyn a chicken & it works if only on a subliminal level. It has nothing to do with dementia just the power of targeted advertising.
Did you watch the video? An average of 20 odd adverts,in four days. sent to a specific group selected using illegal data harvesting. If people are fed the same crap enough then they start to believe it. That is why newspapers & other media sources have such a sway on public opinion. Why the conservatives are trying to brand Corbyn a chicken & it works if only on a subliminal level. It has nothing to do with dementia just the power of targeted advertising.
Yeah that’s what I said, leave voters have dementia.
What insight? An unsupported contention that people simply accept what they are told. Strange how this only works one way, people like Ski don't believe what they do because of the 'power of targeted advertising'.
I once had a conversation on Twitter about advertising where someone genuinely said to me "You just have to be clever enough to not be a sheep. You don't want to buy something, you don't buy it. Simples."
Often this stuff (targeted facebook adverts, the bus) is applied to motivations of specific voters too, eg poorer ones, desperate and misled and don't they know about EU grant funding for poor areas. Similar process to sugar tax & minimum alcohol pricing I suppose, protect them from themselves for they know not what they do, we can make choices and have agency though
Using bots obviously has worked in the past & is working now.

I expect that I am a victim to subliminal adverts as much as the next person. The nature of them is that you don't realise you are being influenced.
Seriously. It was the Russian that won it, FFS.

brogdale this is the type of silliness I was talking about.
I didn't say they 'won it'
Read this from the LSE
In the fourth report, perhaps the most shocking, the Conservative-led Department for Culture, Media and Sport select committee concluded Russia engaged in ‘unconventional warfare’ during the Brexit campaign. This included ‘156,252 Russian accounts tweeting about #Brexit’ and posting ‘over 45,000 Brexit messages in the last 48 hours of the campaign.’ As it said, Kremlin-controlled media, ‘RT and Sputnik had more reach on Twitter for anti-EU content than either Vote Leave or Leave.EU, during the referendum campaign’. This alone is damning – but we know it is nowhere near the full extent, because Facebook and Alphabet (which owns YouTube and Google) have not been forced to disclose how their platforms were exploited. The DCMS committee did not undertake legal analysis, but it is an offence for broadcasts (which include memes or videos online) ‘to influence persons to give or refrain’ from giving their votes ‘from a place outside’ the UK. Aiding and abetting a crime is also potentially a crime. This should enable the police to force Facebook and Alphabet to disclose its data on the extent to which Russian-financed bots exploited ‘like’, comment and sharing functions.

Full text here.
Mad centrist shit. Urgh.
A case soon to be heard in the High Court will argue that the result should consequently be deemed void.
How did this legal case go then?

And let's be clear this is not from the LSE is it
This post represents the views of the author and not those of the Brexit blog, nor the LSE.
Mad centrist shit. Urgh.

How did this legal case go then?

And let's be clear this is not from the LSE is it
Sorry I should have said 'Hosted on the LSE website'

The court case is still stuck with the Met Police & NCA. for some strange reason it is taking them a long time to investigate.
An author who states
Ewan McGaughey said:
17 September is when the UK Supreme Court will rule on whether Parliament can be prorogued indefinitely for an ulterior, despotic motive.
161.The Committee heard evidence of a co-ordinated, long-standing campaign by the Russian Government to influence UK elections and referenda, and similar evidence of foreign interference is being investigated by the US Congress in respect of the 2016 US Presidential Election. Thanks to these hearings we know that, during the Presidential Election, the Russians ran over 3,000 adverts on Facebook and Instagram to promote 120 Facebook pages in a campaign that reached 126 million Americans192

162.Disinformation is an unconventional warfare, using technology to disrupt, to magnify, and to distort.193 According to research from 89up, the communications agency, Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik published 261 media articles on the EU Referendum, with an anti-EU sentiment, between 1 January 2016 and 23 June 2016. Their report also showed that RT and Sputnik had more reach on Twitter for anti-EU content than either Vote Leave or Leave.EU, during the Referendum campaign.194 195

From the Parliament UK website here. You saying that is bollocks too?
There's an unusual number of bot accounts on this at the moment, on Twitter at least.

I actually get a bit concerned about replying to them - you get a human if you reply, but are they paid by post? They probably don't get a lot of money so maybe I should keep on going back and forwards.
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