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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

Lucy at the vet's today, told she's very overweight and needs to be put on a strict diet. I had to cover her little ears when he used the 'fat' word. Muscle, I said. FAT, he said.

I did the 'but how can that possibly be??' 'astonished!!'' dance with the vet after she'd sat on the scales, both of us knowing the dance steps, me denying knowledge of all the random foodstuffs she eats outside of her two very healthy meals p/day, him rolling his eyes at the 'just the occasional couple of cream crackers' that I eventually and begrudgingly conceded to.

And then me realising and feeling so guilty about how much she actually eats (courtesy of us and my dad) outside of her two very healthy dog meals per day.

We're all on the Lucy diet now.
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Does Cara have a docked tail as I can't really see from the picture? Bella had one which I thought was a shame as I like to see dogs with proper tails!
She does sadly. Legally done for ratting, she came with a certificate. I suspect it would curl up and over if it was in tact.
Is that the Shopkins minibus up on the top right shelf there? We used to have that <nostalgia>
Lol yes good spot. I wasn't allowed to get rid of the metric fuck tonne of untouched for years little pricks, so they've been banished to the teen's room. The bus can go in there or the bin tomorrow :D
Bella use to attack the hoover as well....and the lawnmower!
We don't have a garden, but when they mow the park, oooh boy. The rangers were once digging small holes and filling them with something (I think it was to do with aerating the impacted ground after festivals). Cara followed them round and dutifully dug them all back up one by one right behind the fella who was doing the filing until I got her back on the lead :facepalm: luckily they thought it was hilarious. She gets away with a lot out of sheer cuteness and a face that says 'I did good helping didn't I, didn't I?'
We don't have a garden, but when they mow the park, oooh boy. The rangers were once digging small holes and filling them with something (I think it was to do with aerating the impacted ground after festivals). Cara followed them round and dutifully dug them all back up one by one right behind the fella who was doing the filing until I got her back on the lead :facepalm: luckily they thought it was hilarious. She gets away with a lot out of sheer cuteness and a face that says 'I did good helping didn't I, didn't I?'
Bella was a one dog peace keeping force as she loved the cats but wouldn't stand for any nonsense from them. I had a cat at the time who was a real trouble maker and Bella knew this. Whenever she saw him loitering with intent in a corner she would make him move on with a gentle push and if she saw him going upstairs she would follow him in case he got up to no good while he was there. He hated two of the other cats and would attack them at any given opportunity but as soon as Bella heard any argy bargy breaking out she would rush in and separate them and send the bad boy down the garden to cool off!
Three days in and Ted has ingratiated himself with Mabel. He has impeccable cat manners. First he just lay on his side and didn’t move a muscle (apart from the occasional tail wag), while she looked from a distance and hissed. Then he put up with her coming up to sniff him and hiss (and even bop him on the nose). Then he gradually sidled closer and closer when on the bed


… and jussssst move the head a bit closer…


And now she’s already fine with him even occasionally sniffing her bottom. Amazing work, Ted.
Three days in and Ted has ingratiated himself with Mabel. He has impeccable cat manners. First he just lay on his side and didn’t move a muscle (apart from the occasional tail wag), while she looked from a distance and hissed. Then he put up with her coming up to sniff him and hiss (and even bop him on the nose). Then he gradually sidled closer and closer when on the bed

View attachment 440932

… and jussssst move the head a bit closer…

View attachment 440933

And now she’s already fine with him even occasionally sniffing her bottom. Amazing work, Ted.
Aww congrats on your new cat :) and good boy Ted x
Three days in and Ted has ingratiated himself with Mabel. He has impeccable cat manners. First he just lay on his side and didn’t move a muscle (apart from the occasional tail wag), while she looked from a distance and hissed. Then he put up with her coming up to sniff him and hiss (and even bop him on the nose). Then he gradually sidled closer and closer when on the bed

View attachment 440932

… and jussssst move the head a bit closer…

View attachment 440933

And now she’s already fine with him even occasionally sniffing her bottom. Amazing work, Ted.
And they don't need to steal each others beds because they have claimed yours! 😻
What does she think of the boat StoneRoad?
In addition to my first reply ...

I think that she will do very well.
Yesterday she had a trip on a Lakeland Launch [around Derwentwater].
Initially she was very nervous as it was something new, but before we were a third of the way around, she was loving it. (Images will be in her album and in SBB[24] as well, when I've got my act together)
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