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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

Hope sidney finds a person who can take him out and makes his last years a good time. I do understand its a hard time for everyone concerned but hope sid still has a few good years to go.
Me too. Ideally Hope it’s in his home and that I can find someone she’s willing to pay for their time. Or otherwise rehome hopefully not that
It is, I have to say, rather a hard time. Poor Sid is missing his ‘dad’ and I am always mean auntie Saunders saying ‘get in the fucking car!’ Or calling him to keep up, when we’re on our own, which is how it will be now that dead BXXX is dead and I dont have to walk at a snails pace for him. It’s all sad and tricky and I very much feel for Sid and wish I found him engaging poor boy
Bella was in the bad corner ...

naughty girl rolled in something disgusting this morning !

we told her off a little bit, cleaned her up a lot and she's still worried she might get a kicking [e2a - it's sad how strong the imprinting is from her previous owner's mistreatment] and we would never hit her in anyway ... despite the now clean and fresh smelling Bella getting hugs and cuddles. Not sure if she's screwed up her nerve enough to eat the food that was put down for her, almost as soon as she was clean ...
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Bella was in the bad corner ...

naughty girl rolled in something disgusting this morning !

we told her off a little bit, cleaned her up a lot and she's still worried she might get a kicking [e2a - it's sad how strong the imprinting is from her previous owner's mistreatment] and we would never hit her in anyway ... despite the now clean and fresh smelling Bella getting hugs and cuddles. Not sure if she's screwed up her nerve enough to eat the food that was put down for her, almost as soon as she was clean ...

Poor little thing. It hurts to read that. We fostered for a year or so and two of the dogs we fostered came from truly horrible backgrounds where the trauma went deep. It was awful to witness their expectation that nothing good was ever coming their way. On a happy note, they both, over time, thrived, learned how to be 'naughty' without fear and both went off to very loving forever homes where they became the dogs they always deserved to be.
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Ah it’s a tricky time for me just now and poor old Sid
Thank you XX. Yes, my mother-in-law's husband has just died and she is unable to walk their dog Sidney.
They live in an upstairs flat with a tiny courtyard, Sid doesn't not like toiletting in the courtyard and only does so if he is desperate.
AXXx (ma-in-law) is able to use her stairlift to let him out first thing in the morning.
I have been used to dead BXXX and Sid walking with me and my dog in the mornings a good half hour/ mile and can do this most days.
Evening dog walk is currently being covered by someone
More than anything what she and the dog need long term is a short 5 minute pee walk in between his morning and evening walk.
And what I need is a few mornings a week I don't have to take him out.

Sid is a medium large dog, gundog cross 11 years old 30+ kilos neutered.

Nice natured, chases cyclists and runners 50% of the time and cars 20% of the time but with no great drive or malice, just the stimulus gets him going. Otherwise a slow plodder who sniffs a lot. He's pretty chill with most dogs but will respond with fairly high charge to a dog that initiates a bit of aggravation.

I walk him off lead (rural setting away from traffic and cats) and never found him difficult to manage.
Most people think he's lovely but unfortunately I just can't take to him, much as I feel very sorry that his main person has gone. I am not a dog lover, even though I have a dog who is my most dear companion, and I would like to help the dog and my mother-in-law find a way of continuing to live together and give each other companionship, that she can afford, and that doesn't involve me too much.
Gosh what a long message. Perhaps I should have started with asking you what your fees are. Thanks

You could try the Cinnamon Trust or The Light of the World Trust. (TLOTWT is a jesus-y thing iirc but I used to walk a dog through them, for someone who afaik wasn't religious)
Just spent a bit of time sorting out the images ie updating Bella's album (almost doubled the "open" images) so feel free to have a paddle !

Just spent a bit of time sorting out the images ie updating Bella's album (almost doubled the "open" images) so feel free to have a paddle !

Great photos. I love watching the antics of herding dogs
Great photos. I love watching the antics of herding dogs
I have a friend with a sheepdog who was bred for trialing but didn't make the grade but the hearding instinct in him is so strong. When she comes to my house, he's fascinated with my cats, even though he's got two of his own at home, and would round them up given half a chance.

The cats just look at him as if to say "Don't you even think about it mate!"
What does she think of the boat StoneRoad?

Actually, all things considered, we think she likes it ! and the nearby beach.

Bella was a bit dubious at first ... getting her to jump aboard was interesting - although she picked that up very quickly {especially as we still have the step we built for the late Ben de-Dog, due to be modified}.
She shares my bunk most nights as it is the only one really wide enough.
She hasn't fallen in the marina, yet, despite walking on the edge of the pontoons. We need to get her own life-jacket but that needs to trip over to Windermere, and that's not happening just yet - it would be too crowded & noisy for her.
The other thing she's not sure about is the engine and associated noises - she really hates high pitched rattles, so before we do another test, various things will be repositioned or wrapped up. Although we will need to clear the engine's cooling water intake first !
Actually, all things considered, we think she likes it ! and the nearby beach.

Bella was a bit dubious at first ... getting her to jump aboard was interesting - although she picked that up very quickly {especially as we still have the step we built for the late Ben de-Dog, due to be modified}.
She shares my bunk most nights as it is the only one really wide enough.
She hasn't fallen in the marina, yet, despite walking on the edge of the pontoons. We need to get her own life-jacket but that needs to trip over to Windermere, and that's not happening just yet - it would be too crowded & noisy for her.
The other thing she's not sure about is the engine and associated noises - she really hates high pitched rattles, so before we do another test, various things will be repositioned or wrapped up. Although we will need to clear the engine's cooling water intake first !

Sounds like good progress :)
Dub loved all things boat, but Sunny isn't too keen.
She can just about cope with being on the boy's boat when it's moored up with the engine off :D
Just spent a bit of time sorting out the images ie updating Bella's album (almost doubled the "open" images) so feel free to have a paddle !

Nice pics, looks like you got a good one there :)
Nice pics, looks like you got a good one there :)
Thanks, yes I agree - we've got a very good one !

When poor old Ben de-dog was getting into his last few months of life, we were wondering if we could get anything even close to his level of togetherness.
That we have, and she's done us a power of good, as well. Currently trying to sit on my shoulder / back of the sofa, after a tazz on the fell [expecting a downpour in the near future] !
Went for a walk with Larry this afternoon. He is the grand old age of 14 now so our walks are quite gentle and ambling taking in all the sights and smells.

Looking purposeful :)

One of many pauses to sniff, well to sniff "stuff" ..

Finally post walk, chilling at home with his buddy ..

If I am right that a doggy year is worth 7 human years then Larry is 98! Quite an achievement.
Talking of wild ancestors...:D

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She looks just like my Jack Russell Bella who I lost in 2018.

Bella started life on a farm, living outside with the other dogs but when she was 4 years old the farmer though it would be a good idea to give her to his elderly grandparents who were in their 80s and both in poor health. She'd never lived in a house before so wasn't house trained, had never been on a lead and hadn't been spayed so hardly an ideal pet for an old couple.

She was absolutely wild and they couldn't let her out loose in the garden of their sheltered housing bungalow as she could escape and they couldn't risk letting her off the lead as she'd do a runner. I offered to help them with walking her but one day the old lady turned up at my door in floods of tears with Bella in one hand and a bag of her food and toys in the other. She just said she couldn't cope with her any more before handing both over to me and hurrying away.

Once she was getting proper exercise plus a bit of training she calmed down and became good. She bonded with the Springer x collie I had at the time who was very well behaved and just copied what he was doing.
Oh wow yeah they do look alike 😍 Cara is also from a farm, came to us wild but trained very quickly. She's still a hunter at heart (actually had a decomposing rat incident this morning) so we have to be careful with off lead time here in central London. Some chihuahuas are confusing, and people get very upset at dogs catching birds and squirrels.

She was bred off a Lakeland terrier. I'm told dad was a Plummer but she looks so JRT there's got to be a heavy dose in the mix. There's a man round here who tells me every time we see him that he used to judge Parsons JRTs and that she's a perfect breed standard. He won't hear anything to the contrary :D
Usual goofy self. Just hanging about.

Funny enough, though, we just today got in touch with a shelter about taking on a 8.5 year-old cat. She’s good with dogs, and we miss the dog-cat interaction. So Ted doesn’t know it but he might be getting a new friend soon.

I didn't know about Boo. Sorry to hear that.

Looking forward to pics of Ted and the new cat.
Oh wow yeah they do look alike 😍 Cara is also from a farm, came to us wild but trained very quickly. She's still a hunter at heart (actually had a decomposing rat incident this morning) so we have to be careful with off lead time here in central London. Some chihuahuas are confusing, and people get very upset at dogs catching birds and squirrels.

She was bred off a Lakeland terrier. I'm told dad was a Plummer but she looks so JRT there's got to be a heavy dose in the mix. There's a man round here who tells me every time we see him that he used to judge Parsons JRTs and that she's a perfect breed standard. He won't hear anything to the contrary :D
Bella was a Parson JRT and she and Cara look so alike, even down to the hairless spotty tummy, so I can see why that man would think so.
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