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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

Mungo’s under the weather. Did a huge yellow sick on my beautiful rug yesterday evening and some wet mucassy sicks in the kitchen overnight, one of which I trod in. Poor love is still listless and not eating or drinking (I squirted a few ml of water into his mouth earlier, which he didn’t love) and put some chicken water in his bowl just now which he licked up after refusing to go down the lane.

No doubt he’ll be fine enough tomorrow or the next day. Spoke to the vet who said check his poos if I can find them and keep him hydrated

Think we’re ok….
Hope Mungo is feeling better soon Saunders .

We've just got back from a week away and Dax is beside herself with excitement - she's charging about grinning as if to say "my humans are all back together" (me, Mes SI and our daughter went away, son stayed here with Dax).
Dax ❤️
Oh it’s so lovely when you come home after being away and how pleased you are to see each other
Reasonably sure they're Samoyeds. I thought they might be a bit small though? They're all pub dogs (The Snowdrop Inn, Lewes) and when we went past one was flopped right by one of the doors in.


They were interesting to watch. Quite noisy if another dog appeared and they would greet the new dog all together which I think some dogs found a bit overwhelming. The youngest one REEEEEEALLY wanted to play.
So I’ve had a fretful few days, the boy being so sick and not obviously pooing, lacklustre, regular faint bum drip. Spent a million pounds at the vet for sedated X-ray and rectal exam. I really needed them to say ‘ah he’s fine enough and will probably get better’. Which they did
I’ve never been all that worried about him, he’s fit and healthy, but I’ve recently been so bothered about every little thing, think my bandwidth is full
So I’ve had a fretful few days, the boy being so sick and not obviously pooing, lacklustre, regular faint bum drip. Spent a million pounds at the vet for sedated X-ray and rectal exam. I really needed them to say ‘ah he’s fine enough and will probably get better’. Which they did
I’ve never been all that worried about him, he’s fit and healthy, but I’ve recently been so bothered about every little thing, think my bandwidth is full
Going through similar with my elderly cat at the moment, not eating well plus constipated possibly a bit dehydrated and yet at the same time drippy bum thing which is a thing with constipation - infrequent very solid little poos or no poos but sometimes a bit of liquid fecal matter or mucus.

I also understand the constant worry, when it's one thing after another. Sometimes my Jakey cat is my entire bandwidth.

Hope your love is better soon.
I see this boy occasionally. He is just the softest, cutest, most adorable dog ever. He can pore you for attention or, if he leans against you he could easily knock you over.
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Is he a negative photo image rottweiler?! Or a rottie doge de Bordeaux mix??

I saw a grey staffie mix on the way home tonight - perfect staffy size, wiggly staffy hello butt but pale eyes and a very thick tail with a white top...I wonder if it was a staffy husky mix 😻
Is he a negative photo image rottweiler?! Or a rottie doge de Bordeaux mix??

I saw a grey staffie mix on the way home tonight - perfect staffy size, wiggly staffy hello butt but pale eyes and a very thick tail with a white top...I wonder if it was a staffy husky mix 😻
Not sure. I'll check with the sitter next time I see him.
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