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Sophie (the dog) of romania

Did you see today's post of Sophie giving a play bow to the Prof? (Lack of technical know how prevents me from being able to post the video on here). Lovely to see her progress. The family have been urged to go faster but the advice they are being given is slow and steady.
Also (and sorry if this has already been mentioned) but Rory has Parkinsons so his unsteady hand may be because of his illness.
I saw Rory talking on BBC breakfast time about his new podcast on living with Parkinson's and all I could think about was where was Sophie? I was looking in the background for her and luckily she put in an appearance.
Aye I think there are fewer possible issues with adopting a cat from a shelter, but several shelters wouldn't let us have cats from them. This is how we ended up getting pedigree cats (who had/are having brilliant lives with us) because despite there being an overload in shelters, we couldn't adopt one due to our flat not being deemed suitable (upstairs flat with no direct cat flap access to outside).
If that sounds a little bitter, that would not be a wholly inappropriate reading of my feelings on the situation.

I think with dogs there are more potential problems perhaps wrt behaviour etc. but yeah just because there are loads in shelters/rescues does not mean anyone can turn up and adopt them into a suitable situation.
I don’t understand some shelters. El Jugs aunt adopts elderly cats, usually two at a time, they pop their clogs after about 5 years with her. She prefers old cats because shes disabled, housebound, they tend to be less bother. Plus its a nice thing to do, to adopt the oldies. Shes well off and has carers and other helpers who visit, including a cat groomer. So the cats are well looked after. But the previous cats to the ones she has now, it was a disaster. They were a pair of cats that had been found in a barn and they turned out to be completely feral. Never saw sight of them, they hid away. After about a week with her they got out when the cleaner arrived and vanished. She had to get the villagers to look out for them and then get the rescue to trap them and take them back. No idea what they were thinking rehoming feral cats to a disabled pensioner. The current two are lovely and nothing like this, but she adopted them from somewhere else.
I don’t understand some shelters. El Jugs aunt adopts elderly cats, usually two at a time, they pop their clogs after about 5 years with her. She prefers old cats because shes disabled, housebound, they tend to be less bother. Plus its a nice thing to do, to adopt the oldies. Shes well off and has carers and other helpers who visit, including a cat groomer. So the cats are well looked after. But the previous cats to the ones she has now, it was a disaster. They were a pair of cats that had been found in a barn and they turned out to be completely feral. Never saw sight of them, they hid away. After about a week with her they got out when the cleaner arrived and vanished. She had to get the villagers to look out for them and then get the rescue to trap them and take them back. No idea what they were thinking rehoming feral cats to a disabled pensioner. The current two are lovely and nothing like this, but she adopted them from somewhere else.

My cat is an ex-feral and they didn't tell me that when homing her with me. It's worked out fine with her, but then last year I decided to get another cat from the same charity, and they gave me a feral cat again despite me specifically saying I wanted a friendly cat (wasn't bothered about much else, just friendliness and getting in with other cats). He also took the first chance to run away and after several days of hunting it turned out he'd run straight to a nearby cat colony. He just isn't a house cat and should never have been homed with us - the charity decided to put him with their other feral cats after that.

Because of this "failed adoption" the charity have said they don't think I'm a suitable adopter any more. ☹️
My cat is an ex-feral and they didn't tell me that when homing her with me. It's worked out fine with her, but then last year I decided to get another cat from the same charity, and they gave me a feral cat again despite me specifically saying I wanted a friendly cat (wasn't bothered about much else, just friendliness and getting in with other cats). He also took the first chance to run away and after several days of hunting it turned out he'd run straight to a nearby cat colony. He just isn't a house cat and should never have been homed with us - the charity decided to put him with their other feral cats after that.

Because of this "failed adoption" the charity have said they don't think I'm a suitable adopter any more. ☹️
Thats really cruel both for you and the cats.
It seems to me that Sophie is coming on well, now we just need Rory to go on dog friendly classes and they could have a happy time together.
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