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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

I cannot express how pissed off Humphrey gets if someone invades his personal space in a way that displeases him. Growling, huffing off and Albert might get a warning nip.

He also has zero respect for anyone else’s space and is currently sat on Albert who is too scared to move. 😄IMG_4197.jpeg

Poor boy has a bug. He’s fine in himself and very lively but still has a dodgy tum. He’s been given painkillers and a probiotic paste but is refusing his lovely expensive food. He also turned his nose up at the steamed chicken breast and won’t eat fish or rice.

He is currently only eating bonio and it’s very tricky to hide tablets and paste in a fucking bonio. 😡
Can you spread the paste on top of the Bonio then ‘ice’ it with either pate or cream cheese?
He’s wise to that, he doesn’t like the smell.

We tried a tablet in a bread ball but unlike our old dog Lucy, he’s not thick as mince so spat the tablet out. 😡

He ate a bit of dinner tonight so hopefully got some paste. We checked with the vet today as he’s still got loose poos and keeps having accidents but they don’t seem too concerned.
He’s wise to that, he doesn’t like the smell.

We tried a tablet in a bread ball but unlike our old dog Lucy, he’s not thick as mince so spat the tablet out. 😡

He ate a bit of dinner tonight so hopefully got some paste. We checked with the vet today as he’s still got loose poos and keeps having accidents but they don’t seem too concerned.
Is it Humphrey who’s got the poorly tum/ runny bum? How’s he doing? Ive managed to squeeze the paste into Mungo’s mouth, while holding his nose firmly, lifting his lip, and getting it into that gap between his canine and molars. He did that ‘this is disgusting’ thing, like when you give a child a coffee cream, but didn’t spit any of it out. He’s a long nosed dog though so maybe not so easy for your boys
Is it Humphrey who’s got the poorly tum/ runny bum? How’s he doing? Ive managed to squeeze the paste into Mungo’s mouth, while holding his nose firmly, lifting his lip, and getting it into that gap between his canine and molars. He did that ‘this is disgusting’ thing, like when you give a child a coffee cream, but didn’t spit any of it out. He’s a long nosed dog though so maybe not so easy for your boys
Yeah it is Humphrey. Albert is so easy to get meds into but we never need to. He’s bombproof and is never ill. Pedigree v working breed I guess.

Humphrey’s lively and seems happy enough but still not right. Loose poo still and was sick just now.

He ate a smaller dinner because there was no paste in it and spat the tablet out. 😄 I don’t think he’s had a single dose of either since Sunday.

I know the Butternut Box food is probably too rich but it’s the only proper food he’ll touch.

I think we’d have very little chance of getting the paste in him ourselves. He’d lose his shit and bite us.

I guess we’ll see tomorrow and speak to the vet again.
Yeah it is Humphrey. Albert is so easy to get meds into but we never need to. He’s bombproof and is never ill. Pedigree v working breed I guess.

Humphrey’s lively and seems happy enough but still not right. Loose poo still and was sick just now.

He ate a smaller dinner because there was no paste in it and spat the tablet out. 😄 I don’t think he’s had a single dose of either since Sunday.

I know the Butternut Box food is probably too rich but it’s the only proper food he’ll touch.

I think we’d have very little chance of getting the paste in him ourselves. He’d lose his shit and bite us.

I guess we’ll see tomorrow and speak to the vet again.
Ah gosh they do worry us so much; I’m glad you’ve got a vets consultation if needed
Meanwhile I’d try just not worrying about feeding him. Neither the food or the meds. Mungo had a rather severe bug during covid and didn’t eat for 4 or 5 days or, more worryingly, didn’t drink for 2 days
(Lol, im just coming out the other side of really panicking about his limp and what it might mean, and in and out of the vets three times)
However, Looking at it from the outside,
Humphrey is most probably fine, needs no food and to squirt and vomit all the bug out, ideally nowhere near Albert, until it’s out of his system. Leave him clean water and then just watch him
I don’t know that working or pedigree or rescue dogs are really any different from each other, they all need 1 or 2 meals; 2 or 3 walks; 3 or 4 toilet breaks a day…And if they’re poorly, they need to be gently watched and monitored until they’re better. We all think our dogs are especially sensitive due to their past experiences or breed, or whatever, but they probably aren’t any more sensitive or special than the dog next door
I guess I’m saying Don’t Panic, having come out the other side of panicking
Also, have you tried Chappie original fish variety in a tin. It looks and smells rather unappealing but was the only wet food my old grey would eat and never upset his sensitive tum
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Ah gosh they do worry us so much; I’m glad you’ve got a vets consultation if needed
Meanwhile I’d try just not worrying about feeding him. Neither the food or the meds. Mungo had a rather severe bug during covid and didn’t eat for 4 or 5 days or, more worryingly, didn’t drink for 2 days
(Lol, im just coming out the other side of really panicking about his limp and what it might mean, and in and out of the vets three times)
However, Looking at it from the outside,
Humphrey is most probably fine, needs no food and to squirt and vomit all the bug out, ideally nowhere near Albert, until it’s out of his system. Leave him clean water and then just watch him
I don’t know that working or pedigree or rescue dogs are really any different from each other, they all need 1 or 2 meals; 2 or 3 walks; 3 or 4 toilet breaks a day…And if they’re poorly, they need to be gently watched and monitored until they’re better. We all think our dogs are especially sensitive due to their past experiences or breed, or whatever, but they probably aren’t any more sensitive or special than the dog next door
I guess I’m saying Don’t Panic, having come out the other side of panicking
Also, have you tried Chappie original fish variety in a tin. It looks and smells rather unappealing but was the only wet food my old grey would eat and never upset his sensitive tum
Thanks. 😊 I’m not too panicked. He does tend to get stomach issues and he’s bright and bouncing around.

I had thought about trying some other wet food, I’ll grab some tomorrow.
it doesn't touch the sides when my dog eats :eek:

I think he must have had to fight for food when he was a puppy because he runs round in circles, jumps up at me and the bowl and the food and squeaks a lot when I'm getting the food ready - has done since I got him.
Saw a couple of terrier like dogs this morning having an absolute whale of a time diving into the canal marina after a tennis ball thrown by their owner. The classic dog thing of doing a running jump to launch themselves and then belly flopping into the water. It was joyous to watch.

Can't beat watching happy dogs. :cool:
Saw a couple of terrier like dogs this morning having an absolute whale of a time diving into the canal marina after a tennis ball thrown by their owner. The classic dog thing of doing a running jump to launch themselves and then belly flopping into the water. It was joyous to watch.

Can't beat watching happy dogs. :cool:
Two species absolutely in love with each other ❤️
Saw a couple of terrier like dogs this morning having an absolute whale of a time diving into the canal marina after a tennis ball thrown by their owner. The classic dog thing of doing a running jump to launch themselves and then belly flopping into the water. It was joyous to watch.

Can't beat watching happy dogs. :cool:
I quite like some dogs but that sounds like the most boring and tiring thing ever
On the other hand my quiet lazy dog has disappeared off into the gloaming; I’m hoping he’s just sniffing something interesting in the lane. Or better still, about a foot away but just not feeling like coming in
Having walked down the lane and back with a head torch and the bright moon, and about to properly go out looking for him, turns out he was in the garden. I think the invisible deer have been around recently, he is glued to scents at the moment
This may sound more effortsome than watching a frantic dog repeat the same pointless action but it works for me
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