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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

When my joined at the hip "small angry dogs" (well OK cats, and they weren't really that angry) were separated by the death of my darling Sonic, it took several months for Jakey to stop looking for him and adjust.

Seeing the animals that remain struggle with the loss reminds us of our own grief too which is difficult.

Yes - I was really cut up ( literally) after that happened to trouble :( I got bitten trying to rescue him, and his dog was frantically trying to get through the fence to save him. It was all a bit traumatic. It was a sad house for quite a while after that
Bella has velcro dog sessions ... as well as a few other, very minor, issues ...

Last night, it was the back door ! we thought she was OK with it after the initial phase.

Going to work on some more images today - as well as her recall etc
Bella has velcro dog sessions ... as well as a few other, very minor, issues ...

Last night, it was the back door ! we thought she was OK with it after the initial phase.

Going to work on some more images today - as well as her recall etc
Yesterday, she spent quite a long time napping alongside me on the sofa. It had gone somewhat wet and windy.

This morning, Bella is [still] not impressed with the gusty wind outside !
I’m happy to report that today, Ted finally seems to be coming out of his funk. He’s not yet back to the old Ted, but he resumed his habit of climbing into our bed at 5:30am this morning, and he’s been a bit more excitable generally during the day.
Bella has velcro dog sessions ... as well as a few other, very minor, issues ...

Last night, it was the back door ! we thought she was OK with it after the initial phase.

Going to work on some more images today - as well as her recall etc
How’s she getting on? By Velcro do you mean separation anxiety sort of thing? When I first got mungo (5 month pup) he seemed pretty well adjusted and had come from a really good refuge; I thought all the work had been done and we were fine, and then after a few weeks, his reluctance to walk out of the house and for me to leave the house became a Thing
Do plz post some photos of her when you can
When I got Frankie he was always wagging his tail which I thought was really sweet and that he was settling in quickly despite the upheaval. He still wag his tail lots although not all the time.

I realized the other day he must actually have been tense when he came - trying to please by wagging his tail to placate people.
How’s she getting on? By Velcro do you mean separation anxiety sort of thing? When I first got mungo (5 month pup) he seemed pretty well adjusted and had come from a really good refuge; I thought all the work had been done and we were fine, and then after a few weeks, his reluctance to walk out of the house and for me to leave the house became a Thing
Do plz post some photos of her when you can
Thanks for asking - Bella is getting on very well, all things considered.

She's still working on getting past the back door and wanting to stay outside, but she really likes to have us all together ... must be the sheepdog genes ! but she's getting used to one or other of us disappearing for a few hours and then re-appearing.
We think she's been beaten a fair few times, possibly with a leather leash, and as a result she won't relieve herself when on a lead.
Her recall [to a new name] is going well - she gets rewarded [treats and cuddles] when she comes to us, even if it takes a few calls !
Her first few times running on a sandy beach was a sight to behold, she definitely has an afterburner gear - keeping up with a greyhound ! I was too busy laughing to get the camera out.
She's also getting used to "having adventures" in the car ie a day trip, like over to Alston & Low Force.

piccies here [about another dozen to 'unlock'] ... BtC - Bella the Collie
Vet has recommended 5 days on lead only, no stairs, running or jumping, lift in and out of car if using, absolutely nothing off lead, to rest his knee, together with anti inflammatory, and see if there’s any significant improvement on Monday. Mungo just isn’t used to pooing or significantly peeing on lead; even when his tail was amputated and he had the lampshade on, he could trot around the more rabbit free lanes and paths after a day or two, but this is different
After two unproductive walks this afternoon and evening, I decided to find the lampshade, thinking he could trot on three legs and feel a bit free-er to empty himself without a lead on. Nothing.
He’s on the sofa and I’ve shut the door to upstairs, probly sleeping on the sofa with him the next few days
Vet has recommended 5 days on lead only, no stairs, running or jumping, lift in and out of car if using, absolutely nothing off lead, to rest his knee, together with anti inflammatory, and see if there’s any significant improvement on Monday. Mungo just isn’t used to pooing or significantly peeing on lead; even when his tail was amputated and he had the lampshade on, he could trot around the more rabbit free lanes and paths after a day or two, but this is different
After two unproductive walks this afternoon and evening, I decided to find the lampshade, thinking he could trot on three legs and feel a bit free-er to empty himself without a lead on. Nothing.
He’s on the sofa and I’ve shut the door to upstairs, probly sleeping on the sofa with him the next few days
I guess they haven't done x-rays but just physiological examination at this point?

to reply to your previous post:
post surgery you are looking at 4 weeks of 10 minutes walk (round trip) twice a day for toilet needs (Jiffy doesn't poo in the garden unless it is a "pull over now" situation), no jumping, no stairs, no climbing, no slippery surfaces underfoot, then slowly increasing the walk time by 5 minutes per walk every week over 2/3 month for implant/plate to embed in properly, Jiffy was 6 and 7 for his operations I forget mungo's age.

Obviously the vet surgeon will advise if surgery is needed, hopefully it isn't and mungo just tore/sprained something rather than the ligament having snapped.
Also hope you have a good insurance if it comes to this, pricey stuff all these surgery stuff.

e2a: he now has arthritis as a complication but he is on monthly injections for this and is a happy 9 year old running around and playing with whoever comes around (when not being a grumpy old man like me)
Thank you
Yes, exactly that; manipulation of all his joints and observation of how he’s presenting. Which is left back leg carried high and only placed if standing or slow walking; no obvious pain or obstruction in foot and no puncture wounds in that leg; no obvious licking or chewing a pain spot on the leg, difficulty extending the leg.
Monday for X-ray and then go from there if necessary
Blimey that sounds like slow hard healing, especially the 2/3 months of careful walking, and taking him out in the rain in my nightie at ungodly hours 😱
Mungo’s 8.5 and pretty fit and healthy so hopefully will recover well if I manage it properly.
My biggest fear is that he won’t recover enough to be able to run free again
We live out in the sticks, there’s rabbits and all sorts in the garden and field and around, quite apart from being able to walk the moors or hill off lead
Congrats to Jiffy (and you) for managing two of these surgeries
Thank you
Yes, exactly that; manipulation of all his joints and observation of how he’s presenting. Which is left back leg carried high and only placed if standing or slow walking; no obvious pain or obstruction in foot and no puncture wounds in that leg; no obvious licking or chewing a pain spot on the leg, difficulty extending the leg.
Monday for X-ray and then go from there if necessary
Blimey that sounds like slow hard healing, especially the 2/3 months of careful walking, and taking him out in the rain in my nightie at ungodly hours 😱
Mungo’s 8.5 and pretty fit and healthy so hopefully will recover well if I manage it properly.
My biggest fear is that he won’t recover enough to be able to run free again
We live out in the sticks, there’s rabbits and all sorts in the garden and field and around, quite apart from being able to walk the moors or hill off lead
Congrats to Jiffy (and you) for managing two of these surgeries
as long as you stick to the recovery schedule outlined to you after surgery (if it is needed) then he will run along again like a spring chicken afet adjusting time.
I spent most of jiffy's recovery sleeping on a mattress on the floor next to him so he didn't feel isolated (anthromopising a bit there I guess)
......................................... .............................................................................................think I spelt this wird wrong. /\
as long as you stick to the recovery schedule outlined to you after surgery (if it is needed) then he will run along again like a spring chicken afet adjusting time.
I spent most of jiffy's recovery sleeping on a mattress on the floor next to him so he didn't feel isolated (anthromopising a bit there I guess)
......................................... .............................................................................................think I spelt this wird wrong. /\
Thank you for the reassuring words, it all feels very scary at the moment, particularly as he Still hasnt peed since the vets this afternoon
No doubt we’ll get used to a new normal over the next few days 🤞
Thank you for the reassuring words, it all feels very scary at the moment, particularly as he Still hasnt peed since the vets this afternoon
No doubt we’ll get used to a new normal over the next few days 🤞
yes, new normal takes a wee while, you will both be fine.
We were lucky that I coukd walk 5 minutes, spread my camping stool and sit there for an hour wih him meeting other dogs and looking at life then head back for the other 5 minutes.
An on-lead poo and 30+ second pee this evening after his dinner, laced with loxicom
Only took us 25 minutes, 24 of which were spent with him looking at me like ‘if you expect me to do any lavatory business while I’m on a lead and you’re watching me, you’ve got another think coming’
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