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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

Boo had a stroke last night and so we took him in to the vet this morning fully expecting the worst. Ted came with us to the vets and was unusually subdued, actually. We showed him Boo after it was over and he gave his friend a little sniff, but didn’t seem to recognise what had happened. It’s hard to read what a dog makes of it, isn’t it? He came home and promptly occupied Boo’s bed while looking nervous as usual that he was going to be turfed off. But now he’s just lying around looking hot.
Poor Ted’s been really down ever since Boo died. He’s always really bouncy and even if something happens he doesn’t like, he gets straight back into happy mode. But he’s just been melancholic for 36 hours now. I can’t get him to look happy for more than the briefest moments :(

Oh that's sad :( He'll be grieving in his own doggy way, and wondering what's going on with the Boo shaped hole. Like humans time will heal, 36 hours is only what - 2 sleeps. Death is as natural to dogs as it is humans. He'll come right, he's just processing it.

I had a dog who had his own cat, and unfortunately the cat ( aptly named trouble) got into trouble with the bad dogs next door :( it took him around a month+ to start to cheer up a bit.
When my joined at the hip "small angry dogs" (well OK cats, and they weren't really that angry) were separated by the death of my darling Sonic, it took several months for Jakey to stop looking for him and adjust.

Seeing the animals that remain struggle with the loss reminds us of our own grief too which is difficult.
This was a message from my daughter about axle just now-

"So Axle has been banned from coming outside with me when I get deliveries 🙃

He just launched himself at the delivery fella and not in a nice way , no idea what got into him .
He's never done it before.
Running full speed from the top of the stairs and launching himself at the gate didn't help.

The delivery guy probably shat himself, cause if it wasn't for the chain , the gate would have opened cause he pushed it outwards.

The delivery guy handled it well. He stood back when Axle did that and said " I thought we were friends while pointing at him and told Axle " no I'm not patting you after that!"

We've had a chat about how useful it is to have a protective dog, she's an expert dog trainer so has new rules for him already ;)

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