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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

Very sad to spoil the thread after racing boi there -

But I have to announce that just after noon today our wonderful Ben de-Dog passed over the rainbow bridge.
After a wonderful day yesterday being Ben ... a long walk, and getting into the driver's seat plus snuggles with our tripod cat [who is massively confused atm, and crying for her friend]

He collapsed just after his morning walk around the garden, so we had to make that decision as he couldn't even stand anymore. I held him for the vet and told him he was the best boi as he passed. I'm still crying.
I know it was the right decision but it still hurts.
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StoneRoad I am so sad to hear this, and so very sorry for your loss.
What a wonderful friend he was to you, and you did right by him.
Love to you and yours.
Oh StoneRoad my dear, I am so sorry for your loss Poor darling boy, but it sounds as though he had a great day yesterday and a great life with you, those photos of him are lovely
Biggest love and condolences to you and yours
Run free and rest well Ben ❤️
Very sad to spoil the thread after racing boi there -

But I have to announce that just after noon today our wonderful Ben de-Dog passed over the rainbow bridge.
After a wonderful day yesterday being Ben ... a long walk, and getting into the driver's seat plus snuggles with our tripod cat [who is massively confused atm, and crying for her friend]

He collapsed just after his morning walk around the garden, so we had to make that decision as he couldn't even stand anymore. I held him for the vet and told him he was the best boi as he passed. I'm still crying.
I know it was the right decision but it still hurts.
I'm so sorry to hear this. What a lovely boy and how lucky he was to have your love and care to enrich his life. Thinking of you.
StoneRoad very sorry to read about Ben-de-dog passing.

I've been looking at your photos, he was a lucky doggo to be part of your family, I am sure he had a great life.

Love the pic of him in your sidecar, and him with the massive stick!! :)

Sending condolences ..
With our old dog, after we’d had the vet round, we sat with him in his bed on and off while we did other things, mindful of him there in the bedroom, and looked in on him from time to time.
Then, once it was nearly vet closing time, we had a rather sad and funny ‘get the dead dog to the vets place asap’ carrying him in his bed with his rather stiff legs through the corridor and out onto the road, various neighbours wanting to offer condolences while we’re trying to get a stiff legged dead dog into the boot of the car, both of us with fat eyes from crying all day but also laughing. And then somehow getting him in there through the back door, lots of twists and turns, rather than through the front door
He, Vinn, was already on his own new journey being rowed across the water to dog heaven and had left us the moment we let him go, and wouldn’t give this anecdote a thought
Nevertheless I kept a candle burning next to his water bowl for a week or more
No pictures just yet, but we have just adopted a very young, timid / shy / nervous Irish / Welsh border collie - one of the little ones. She's come from a working dog breeds rescue not far from us ...
Collected yesterday ... today she's had a bath, several walks and is learning her new name.
Also, she's very quickly coming out of her shell / constant state of shivering fright.
Currently on the old sofa having a cuddle with her new mam ...
No pictures just yet, but we have just adopted a very young, timid / shy / nervous Irish / Welsh border collie - one of the little ones. She's come from a working dog breeds rescue not far from us ...
Collected yesterday ... today she's had a bath, several walks and is learning her new name.
Also, she's very quickly coming out of her shell / constant state of shivering fright.
Currently on the old sofa having a cuddle with her new mam ...

Oh that's awesome! Hope she settles in quickly.
You'll give her a great life :)
That's lovely news StoneRoad, looking forward to pictures in due course.
What's her name?
Thanks to everybody ... camera is at the ready today.

It was "Nan" {short for Nancy} which didn't suit her at all. At first I thought she should be Maisie but we've settled on Bella, as she's quite beautiful [and the Tripod Feline has already snaffled "Beauty"].

Despite being a collie she seems to have no interest in sheep and is already trained to walk with a slack lead and keeps really close, When I stopped, she usually sits ...
Seems as if she might be more cuddle and food-orientated.
Currently there's an armistice with Beauty, but no contact - as Bella turns her head to avoid The Stare !
She is gorgeous!

I am also admiring your fancy chair (I think, can only see a bit of it), is that painted or decoupage? It's very pretty.
She really is isn’t she. Beddy whippet cross.
Yeah the chair, isn’t it fancy. My ma-in-law bought it for my husb who absolutely hated it whereas, although it’s not something I would have chosen, I rather like it, and it goes in here well. It’s fabric decoupage with lots of sealant/ varnish
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