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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

His name was Mr. Scruff :)

When we first saw him his hair was just wild and all over the place compared to his siblings, he was the crazy and energetic one and we knew instantly he belonged with us :)

what a great name and how lovely you got to
have so many years together

I've always (incorrectly) read your name as megadog.
I’ve always read it as Mr Dawg
Glad you’ve had Mr Scruff in your and his life for all the years. I’m only on my second dog and very much hope he’ll be around for a few more years. It’s so empty in the house when they go
love to you and yours as you go through the ‘letting him go’ time.
Let sleeping dogs lie
He’s been having mostly dry crunchy lumps this week but did a particularly extended relax once he knew I was making him stew
(ears are the tell, he knows it’s gonna be special dinner tonight)


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I started a new job this week and there's a woman who brings her dog in occasionally. I met her briefly the day before I was meeting her officially and she said she'd have the dog with her. I said I probably wouldn't listen to a word she said!

Met Luna, a Cockerpoo. She wasn't interested in me at all, the bitch!!! :D
Dog Gone! :(


Some of you will remember this fella. I was fortunate enough to have him for nearly 3 years, through and past lockdown, whilst his owner recovered from illness. He died last night.

I've owned, or been around dogs all my life. I'm a Spaniels man, so taking on this dude was always going to be a challenge, but there was only one other option. So, I brought him home. Kris left me and went to live with her sister, but the dog didn't shit or piss in our home, which I took to be a win.

A magnificent and truly sweet natured animal but with the power to dislocate a 100kg Spymaster's shoulder or wrist if he caught you off-guard. He once got attacked by an XL but seemed to consider it a game. One of the benefits of having a 4 inch thick fur collar when your assailant only has 2 inch teeth. He was 100% work dog and should never have been a pet; far better suited to hauling boat ropes through icy waters than playing with kids in parks.

We developed a respect and friendship, though I always thought they were on his terms rather than mine. He was an awesome beast and I never tired of watching him run and run. And run.

I'm actually more touched by his passing than I thought I'd be.


RIP, Crackhead.
So Sorry to hear that Spymaster

What else can you say ?
Even our Harry, who got really difficult to handle during the last few months of his life, left an enormous dog-shaped hole when he left - which we didn't expect.
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