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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

I left the dog in kennels for a week while I went on holiday
My friend picked him up, he was so pleased to see her and leapt into her car boot; apparently ran around the house looking for me when she dropped him off here. When i got home he was fast asleep in my bed; we’ve been out shopping, had a walk, and all is good. Phew.
NOT good news; I hope Europe is spare

I'm not aware of any presence in Europe (it's Bilharzia/schistosomiasis, for those who didn't want to read the whole article), I don't think the nematodes/flukes can live in salt water so we're probably fairly safe in the UK unless it's introduced in untreated sewage being dumped into rivers, which is of course something that would never happ... oh, wait...
I did some more thinking about poppy dog ( senior family dog) she's not really senior at 8, she's got a lot of energy. Son 2 said he was okay with it, but in the end I've had to decide against her :(

She's a weapon.
She is 8 and I won't be able to change this.
I reckon she'd go over my front fence, and if not over then through it.
She will end up biting someone or someones dog.

There's guard dogs and then there's weapon dogs.

I had been having this fantasy about poppy being the sort of dog I wanted, instead of the actual dog she is. Idiot :facepalm:

Soooo... Of course I could have a retriever from the next litter. But I've never actually wanted a retriever.

So I'm looking for a good boy puppy, I'll know them when I see them.

So this awful thing happened :( Poppy did bite someone - my beautiful dil. My dil has been in hospital for over a week, had to have operations ( more to come) she almost died.

Poppy had some sort of brain fart and attacked her - they'd had her since a puppy .
Thank fuck my tiny but strong dil managed to fight her off and get back in the house. Unreal - an ambulance was called, my son broke the sound barrier getting home from work, and shot poppy there and then.

Shit day all round.

OMG your poor dil - I hope she is going to be OK.
What an awful situation.
Turns out your instinct about Poppy was correct, but am so sorry to hear it.

Thanks Epona - lots of "if only' and "what if" ruminations from both of them. Guilt about having to off poppy :(

Doing the reframe of it could have been worse etc ( they have a 3 year old ) Scars fade and time heals etc..

My dil been scouted for a soccer team recently - so that's put a bit of a kybosh on that for now - but at least she's not dead etc..

Ho humm.
Shit ice-is-forming that sounds so awful; your poor daughter in law, hope all goes well for her recovery. What a horrible thing to happen, for all of you

Thank you - it's a bit shit & shocking. They are both resilient - but you know, the body holds the score n all that. I've been working through processing it with them.. I'm just going to see her now.
Mungo caught a mouse last night 🎉
I’ve mentioned on another thread that I think I have mice in the house. I’d fallen asleep on the sofa watching telly and was woken by him snuffling and scrabbling at the cupboard
Half an hour of this with a bit of darting over to the big chair and barking, all the while me saying ‘it’s the middle of the night, let’s leave it til tomorrow’. I’d come into the kitchen for a cigarette, there was a loud kerfuffle, and then there was a dead mouse on the rug and proud boy sitting at it. I said, oh well done, could you take it outside please, and we had a minute or two where he didn’t seem to get what I was saying and I was thinking I’d have to find some long gloves and long implements

And then he picked it up, trotted out with it and came back in a few seconds later. Dunno what he did with it
He is an excellent boy
I met an absolutely lovely Spaniel type thing with a brown curly coat on Monday.
The human said to me "they'll jump up if you say hello, just to warn you"
I was like "HELLO!!!!" - absolutely gorgeous sweet creature, not particularly well trained though, but no issues for me - I like dogs, smallish waggy dog putting its front paws up on my thigh then going into paroxysms of joy while I go "Who's a good girl then? Oh who's the bestest girl? You are a lovely lovely girl" is not the worst thing in the world.
I met an absolutely lovely Spaniel type thing with a brown curly coat on Monday.
The human said to me "they'll jump up if you say hello, just to warn you"
I was like "HELLO!!!!" - absolutely gorgeous sweet creature, not particularly well trained though, but no issues for me - I like dogs, smallish waggy dog putting its front paws up on my thigh then going into paroxysms of joy while I go "Who's a good girl then? Oh who's the bestest girl? You are a lovely lovely girl" is not the worst thing in the world.

I mean clearly my dog is unique, for better or worse and I love her to bits, but if I hadn't been on that farm at the right time to find her, then I'd love a small spaniel like a cocker.

Was in a tea shop earlier and small enthuastic dog jumped up at us. Owner was embarissed, but we like meeting dogs and we got talking. I think if you've got a small dog it's so much harder to train them not to jump as they get positive re-enforcment everywhere they go. If a doberman jumps up on people, they tend to take a dimmer view.
I mean clearly my dog is unique, for better or worse and I love her to bits, but if I hadn't been on that farm at the right time to find her, then I'd love a small spaniel like cocker.

Was in a tea shop earlier and small enthuastic dog jumped up at us. Owner was embarissed, but we like meeting dogs and we got talking. I think if you've got a small dog it's so much harder to train them not to jump as they get positive re-enforcment everywhere they go. If a doberman jumps up on people, they tend to take a dimmer view.
This completely - if the humans had said "we're trying to train her not to jump up" I would have backed off instead of greeting the dog - but they did say that it was ok to greet her (and I always ask, because you just don't know what training a dog is going through or any difficulties or fear they have).
And yes too many small dogs it just seems like the humans have given up any attempt at training.
This completely - if the humans had said "we're trying to train her not to jump up" I would have backed off instead of greeting the dog - but they did say that it was ok to greet her (and I always ask, because you just don't know what training a dog is going through or any difficulties or fear they have).
And yes too many small dogs it just seems like the humans have given up any attempt at training.

Then you get a terrier (or strange collie cross type beast), train it and it just looks at you and walks off. 3 rounds of dog training and 2 rounds of agility and we were told it's behavioural and not a training issue. She knows exactly what's expected of her. Just sometimes she chooses not to do it.
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