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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

Was watching Frankie yesterday as he ran outside to chase the squirrel which was at the bird feeder again. Despite being a Cocker Spaniel Frankie is monumentally useless at chasing squirrels, too. He speeds out to the bird feeders then races several times round a pattern of eight with them and the apple tree. Meanwhile the squirrel trots off in the other direction and watches from the side :rolleyes:
Went to the beer festival last night but dog numbers were low. One Labrador (andrex colour), one 9 month old border terrier with a very high pitched I want attention yip, one black glossy cocker spaniel (a regular) and a lovely old Welsh spaniel with massive feet 😻 not a bad selection
Toast crust in a loo roll tube in a box in a bag. Or some pyjamas. Depends a bit on what the dog and their owner/s enjoy. Poodles are clever and young dogs are generally chewy, inquisitive, and energetic
You could take something you could do ‘wait’ …’Yes!’ for, like a sock or a dead mouse or a crumb.
I’d love to have a year old poodle in my friends, I’d probly take cake or wine or flowers, and just fuss the dog a bit if it came near me
Toast crust in a loo roll tube in a box in a bag. Or some pyjamas. Depends a bit on what the dog and their owner/s enjoy. Poodles are clever and young dogs are generally chewy, inquisitive, and energetic
You could take something you could do ‘wait’ …’Yes!’ for, like a sock or a dead mouse or a crumb.
I’d love to have a year old poodle in my friends, I’d probly take cake or wine or flowers, and just fuss the dog a bit if it came near me
He is chewy, inquisitive and energetic, and very fond of fusses :D
Toast crust in a loo roll tube in a box in a bag. Or some pyjamas. Depends a bit on what the dog and their owner/s enjoy. Poodles are clever and young dogs are generally chewy, inquisitive, and energetic
You could take something you could do ‘wait’ …’Yes!’ for, like a sock or a dead mouse or a crumb.
I’d love to have a year old poodle in my friends, I’d probly take cake or wine or flowers, and just fuss the dog a bit if it came near me
I love poodles, my favourite type of dog. :D

Interestingly I had a conversation not long ago online with someone who said that there is a high crossover between people who have their preferred breed of dog as a Standard Poodle, and have their preferred breed of cat as Siamese/OSH.

I hadn't at that point said anything about either of my preferred options, but I have/had OSH and although I don't have a dog, my go to would be a Poodle (preferably a big one).
Question for owners of extra barky dogs: do yours react to the sound of dogs barking in the background in films and TV series? I’m not even talking about scenes featuring dogs baking loudly and being shown on the screen. Our two little bastards will react to pretty much every show on TV that has a dog barking in the background even when extremely faintly :rolleyes: :D
I love poodles, my favourite type of dog. :D

Interestingly I had a conversation not long ago online with someone who said that there is a high crossover between people who have their preferred breed of dog as a Standard Poodle, and have their preferred breed of cat as Siamese/OSH.

I hadn't at that point said anything about either of my preferred options, but I have/had OSH and although I don't have a dog, my go to would be a Poodle (preferably a big one).
I’m a bit the same, in that I do prefer the idea of having my animal companions being interesting in some way. Like I’d love an Appaloosa or a cart horse with enormous feet, Siamese cat or bengal, some sort of working dog type.

Luckily for me I got Mungo who fulfills most of my dreams and is a great companion. And, as I find myself living back in the sticks, with all the challenges I’d like my ideal pet to be cool with, he pretty much delivers. He’s bloody ace
Question for owners of extra barky dogs: do yours react to the sound of dogs barking in the background in films and TV series? I’m not even talking about scenes featuring dogs baking loudly and being shown on the screen. Our two little bastards will react to pretty much every show on TV that has a dog barking in the background even when extremely faintly :rolleyes: :D
My old dog never noticed the telly; Mungo barks at it occasionally
But you’ve got dachshunds who are famously tricky so 🤷‍♀️
I’m a bit the same, in that I do prefer the idea of having my animal companions being interesting in some way. Like I’d love an Appaloosa or a cart horse with enormous feet, Siamese cat or bengal, some sort of working dog type.

Luckily for me I got Mungo who fulfills most of my dreams and is a great companion. And, as I find myself living back in the sticks, with all the challenges I’d like my ideal pet to be cool with, he pretty much delivers. He’s bloody ace

I think the crossover between being suited to OSH/Siamese cats and Poodles is because both tend to be very intelligent and require a lot of interaction with their humans - a lot of people would find OSH/Siam too much if they wanted an ordinary aloof cat that is fairly quiet and does its own thing, and I think poodles can be a bit the same way.
I think the crossover between being suited to OSH/Siamese cats and Poodles is because both tend to be very intelligent and require a lot of interaction with their humans - a lot of people would find OSH/Siam too much if they wanted an ordinary aloof cat that is fairly quiet and does its own thing, and I think poodles can be a bit the same way.
Yeah, I think this is what puts me off getting a poodle. Or indeed a beautiful cat. There is that requirement of the owner, understanding and being willing to give the animal time and patience, so that they can settle down together. I meet lots of interesting mixes of dog where I k or I don’t have the patience to make their energy work with mine
Question for owners of extra barky dogs: do yours react to the sound of dogs barking in the background in films and TV series? I’m not even talking about scenes featuring dogs baking loudly and being shown on the screen. Our two little bastards will react to pretty much every show on TV that has a dog barking in the background even when extremely faintly :rolleyes: :D
My lovely feisty Dax reacts to bad guys on tv, let alone other dogs.
Question for owners of extra barky dogs: do yours react to the sound of dogs barking in the background in films and TV series? I’m not even talking about scenes featuring dogs baking loudly and being shown on the screen. Our two little bastards will react to pretty much every show on TV that has a dog barking in the background even when extremely faintly :rolleyes: :D
Ted goes nuts at the phone going. It’s annoying enough when he does it when our own phones ring but he does it when it happens on the TV too. Even though they tend to use old fashioned ring-tones that he’s never heard us use!

It’s not until you have a dog that reacts to phones on the TV that you realise just how much people phone each other on TV shows.
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