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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.


and don't ask 'does your dog bite?' - the answer may be 'no', then it turns out it's not their dog...

I adore dogs nearly as much as I adore cats - and I'd just never assume that it was OK to greet a dog or make a fuss of it without its human's permission.
Just to make sure it isn't halfway through some sort of training, or it's not suitable for the dog if it might be shy or afraid.
I love animals and tend to think I have a fairly good instinct about how to approach - and point 1 is if they are a domestic pet, ask their human first :D
Been giving our stiff old Staffy Yumove Senior for a while. Think it's made a bit of difference but wondering if there are any other supplements you can give at the same time that might help?
Got a vision of the mutt doing a flying leap with jaws open and chomping down on your crotch just as the cat jumps out of the way.
Oh I do wish I had a cat that wasn’t scared of dogs
Always v jealous of you and Kabbes and others who have cats and dogs together

Only took 3 year or something stupid. I think the main change was when we moved. They were already getting better, but more space meant they could keep their distance and watch.
Only took 3 year or something stupid. I think the main change was when we moved. They were already getting better, but more space meant they could keep their distance and watch.
My two cats were both quite twitchy anyway, so introducing a very keen retired greyhound wasn’t the best idea. Things got a bit better, but mostly only due to years, senility and arthritis.
Mungo’s not quite such a challenge but I wouldn’t want to bring a rescue or a kitten in
My two cats were both quite twitchy anyway, so introducing a very keen retired greyhound wasn’t the best idea. Things got a bit better, but mostly only due to years, senility and arthritis.
Mungo’s not quite such a challenge but I wouldn’t want to bring a rescue or a kitten in

I mean tbh mine were idiots. We introduced a tiny puppy, half the size of the fully grown cats. The fully grown cats just went and hid. Everything I read said they would put puppy in its place. :facepalm:
I liked that for the pic. But whats a scurry?
Saunders has it about right. A scurry is a mini gundog skills competition that you often see at country shows. There are different bits you can see, bales is a ‘tunnel’ with hay bales spaced along the length. The dog runs down and over the bales, picks up an object* then brings it back. The other types have a course with obstacles like jumps, bales, branches and fences where the dog is sent in to get objects to bring back. The dog sometimes sees the object being thrown, sometimes they don’t. These are all timed and work on different skills the dog needs to do gundog work.

*this can be a ball, toy, or a dummy which is a canvas sausage type thing
He had his legs in the air a moment ago and I tried to get a better photo but it was paws down
I think a ‘scurry’ is a timed retrieve for gun dog types working and pet, at country shows

do you have a dolmen in your house?
Been giving our stiff old Staffy Yumove Senior for a while. Think it's made a bit of difference but wondering if there are any other supplements you can give at the same time that might help?
I buy liquid cod live oil in litre bottles, its way cheaper than tablets etc, and just dribble it on their dry food.
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