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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

I feel like I should change Axles name, the long Aaa at the start doesn't really work for me, it's not pointy enough :hmm: can you change dogs names, he's not 2 years old yet

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Oh he’s such a handsome boy. I don’t see why not; I rarely call Mungo Mungo, and he knows I’m talking to him whatever I call him. And if he’s away from me and I want to call him in, I generally either whistle or call a weird high pitched yodelly sound. Sometimes he turns up straight away, other times he completely ignores me.
Oh he’s such a handsome boy. I don’t see why not; I rarely call Mungo Mungo, and he knows I’m talking to him whatever I call him. And if he’s away from me and I want to call him in, I generally either whistle or call a weird high pitched yodelly sound. Sometimes he turns up straight away, other times he completely ignores me.

Oh you know what, I hadn't even thought about that for some reason! :) all my others dogs have had names that changed over time with no issues, just affectionate nicknames or whatever. I was calling him back with "skitz" this evening, it was satisfying to say.

Hahah, I just said that out loud as I was typing and he immediately came & found me 💕


I'll try it out for a while..
Oh you know what, I hadn't even thought about that for some reason! :) all my others dogs have had names that changed over time with no issues, just affectionate nicknames or whatever. I was calling him back with "skitz" this evening, it was satisfying to say.

Hahah, I just said that out loud as I was typing and he immediately came & found me 💕

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I'll try it out for a while..
I firmly believe that our animal companions like or dislike names they are given - it's OK IMO to change an animal's name if they do not respond to their old one and seem to prefer a new one.
As long as they react positively to it.

My Jakey cat was Jacob which I do not like as a cat name (I tend to go for names that aren't commonly used for humans), but the furthest he would go in terms of changing it was Jakey - he likes that and responds to it and kind of let me know in terms of his reactions that he liked that name, so I wasn't going to confuse him by changing it any further (he was the one we got as an adult when he needed to be rehomed).
Probably sounding like a daft auld sod at this point but I hope people know what I mean :)
If he is OK with you changing his name, then you'll know by his response to you using it, at least IMO.
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a bit of beach fun today. Still surprises people when I say the lab is 3 1/2 yet the curly boy is only 8 months. Most think it’s the other way around. She is tiny next to him and he’s still got a fair bit of growing to do
I follow a dude on Instagram who takes pictures of dogs as he's going around New York. He saw a curly lab the other day and almost wet himself he loved it so much 😍
That's Epi, he's been in foster with us for about 6 weeks now. Before him we had Nico for 7 months before he got adopted in October. He's doing really well in his new home with two whippets.

How's Mungo getting on?
He looks very much at home there with the other dogs, what a great start in his rehoming journey to live with you guys and get snazzy pyjamas and kebab, and other dogs to hang out with. I have so much respect and appreciation for you fostering. Good to hear Nico is getting on well; I honestly don’t know how people manage more than one dog at a time. Mungo is great, thanks, having a lovely time and mostly being a delightful companion. I do still look at other galagos and podencos all the time but I know that I enjoy the bond I have with him so much as it is, I wouldn’t want to bring another energy into the mix.
He looks very much at home there with the other dogs, what a great start in his rehoming journey to live with you guys and get snazzy pyjamas and kebab, and other dogs to hang out with. I have so much respect and appreciation for you fostering. Good to hear Nico is getting on well; I honestly don’t know how people manage more than one dog at a time. Mungo is great, thanks, having a lovely time and mostly being a delightful companion. I do still look at other galagos and podencos all the time but I know that I enjoy the bond I have with him so much as it is, I wouldn’t want to bring another energy into the mix.
We're only able to do it because at least one of us is working from home on any day of the week. Nellie really enjoys having other dogs here and it's helped socialise her too. Moshi mostly tolerates other dogs and only then if they're also Galgos. The fosters learn from Nellie to just stay out of Moshi's way while in the home (she's fine while they're out though). I think she'd be just as happy as an only dog as she seems to prefer human company.
Glad you and Mungo are getting on well, he looks like a very lovable chap.
Did you have to bribe her? I had a pretend biscuit to make this one keep still for 5 seconds

Well that's training, isn't it?They don't know if complying will get them a treat, a tickle or anything at all

She didn't get anything then, but had on the previous recall. And she's got "sit"
I just had a call from my brother in law who has a builders merchants on the Uxbridge Road. They have a big Alsatian guard dog called Rocco who lives in a posh heated kennel in the yard. Apparently Rocco has been a bit quiet recently and has been leaving some of his food which is completely out of character. All the staff have been getting a bit worried, giving him treats, trying to figure out what's up, and BiL was going to take him to the vet this week.

Last night one of the guys was deleting the CCTV and noticed something. There's a little black and white cat who's been getting into the yard and taking over the kennel. The cat just cruises into the kennel and Rocco bolts out and sleeps under a timber rack! They've only kept last weeks' CCTV and it happened 4 times. No idea how long it's been going on for.

Rocco's being retired to the family home as a pet and BiL's looking for a new guard dog :D
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